As the vehicle came to a stop on the side of the road, both Saratoga and New Jersey heard the noise and turned to cast suspicious glances.

And Lin Lan finally saw the appearance of the little one who was blocked by the two of them.

This sight surprised him.

The person blocked by the two of them was none other than Akashi, the proprietress of his port area, the little profiteer who had been chased here from the iron-blooded camp!

It's just that Akashi looked like a stray cat at this time. His originally white clothes were gray and tattered, and his long green hair seemed to have been curled up since it hadn't been combed for a long time.

Commander! I'm so glad you're okay, meow! Woohoo...

Before he could unbuckle his seat belt and get out of the car, the poor little profiteer had already bypassed the two of them, quickly ran to his car and jumped in.

Seeing Akashi flying into his arms and crying, Lin Lan reached out with great emotion to stroke the gray little profiteer's head.

This little profiteer still didn't know that he had arrived at the White Eagle camp. He was probably looking for him everywhere on the sea when he came from the Western Continent.

Judging from the obviously damaged clothes and his embarrassed appearance, Lin Lan couldn't imagine how many times this little profiteer had been baptized by sirens.

Thinking of this, he didn't mind the dust on Akashi's body at all, and hugged Akashi tightly.

I've made you worry for a while, be good, everything will be fine.

Lin Lan said softly, and Akashi cried even more sadly when he heard his words.

Saratoga and New Jersey also came over. Seeing this, Little Gaga sighed to Lin Lan and explained:

Commander~ We just met Akashi just now, and we haven't had time to inform you yet.

New Jersey continued Saratoga:

She was chased all the way by the Siren fleet. Fortunately, she met Baltimore and Independence, who were leading a deportation formation on a patrol mission. Only then did they escape the pursuit and be picked up...poor little kitten Shige Sakura.

The little profiteer shook his dusty green kitten ears, raised his head from Lin Lan's arms, stared at his face with his yellow eyes, tears fell down, and he sobbed with great grievance:

I sneaked into several siren strongholds to look for the commander, but in the end I was accidentally discovered by the siren, who chased me for two days and two nights...

Uuuuuuuuuah, Siren is so ruthless, meow...

But the last Siren stronghold is actually under the sea. It's really an exaggeration...

Akashi is also out of ammunition and food, nya. Fortunately, fortunately, the commander is safe, nya...

Hearing this, Lin Lan couldn't help but hold Akashi tightly in her arms again.

As a maintenance ship, Akashi actually dared to go to the Siren stronghold alone to find him, which really made him look at Akashi with admiration.

Even though Akashi is usually pretty, he is surprisingly reliable at times like this.

You must know that the stronghold where he was imprisoned by the observers was also under the sea. It might be the one where Akashi went last.

If he hadn't been woken up by Shinano in his dream, Akashi might have been able to find him and rescue him.

Green cat, don't cry, just touch it.

While he was thinking about all this, Anchorage in the back seat also unbuckled his seat belt, stood up and gently stroked Akashi's head to express comfort.

Okay, okay, Akashi, don't cry. As long as everyone is safe. Enterprise, please make a trip and take Akashi to my villa to take a bath and have a good rest.

After a while, he saw that Akashi's excitement had calmed down slightly, so he looked at Enterprise, who had also not gotten off the car, and said.

No problem, leave it to me, Commander.

Enterprise naturally nodded in agreement, and she looked at Akashi with admiration in her eyes.

For the commander to go through fire and water like this, even though this profiteer had caused so much harm to the White Eagle camp, being able to do all this has changed their view of him.

Although Akashi was a little reluctant to leave, her eyelids were almost fighting at this time, and she did not refuse Lin Lan's arrangement.

After all, she had been deploying her armor at sea to avoid the sirens, and her physical strength and energy were almost at their limit.

So Lin Lan put Akashi on his passenger seat, gently fastened the seat belt for the little profiteer, and got out of the car with Anchorage and Eldridge.

Akashi's safe arrival was undoubtedly an unexpected surprise for him. He could ask Akashi directly about the magic circle at the bottom of the lake.

During this period of time, they were about to fight the Sirens, so it was better to save as much energy as possible on the island. The Iris camp should not be in a hurry to contact them for the time being.

After watching the company drive the small profiteer to his villa, Lin Lan suddenly felt his shoulders sinking, and then the lively voice of New Jersey came from his ears:

Honey! Did you miss us today? You came here so early in the morning!

If you want to have office play with us, sister Sara and I... also, no, yes, no, okay, oh~

Before Lin Lan had time to complain about what the hell this office play was, Saratoga stepped forward with a blushing face and grabbed New Jersey's white coat, shyly shouting:

Xin, Jersey, what are you talking about? You mean, the commander came to us to discuss something big!

Hey~ Sister Sara needs to learn to be as honest as me. You have been haunted since you received Honey's call yesterday afternoon. Don't you want to give such a handsome Honey to...

Wow, this is so embarrassing, New Jersey, stop talking!

Saratoga didn't expect New Jersey to expose her shortcomings directly in front of the commander. Feeling ashamed and angry, she directly summoned her weapon, the Magical Girl Staff, and hit New Jersey hard on the back of the head.

However, New Jersey was naturally on guard against this move by his old partner Gaga, and easily stopped it with one hand, with a bright smile on his face.

Teacher, office, play, what is it? Game, or?

When Lin Lan smiled and watched the rasp and the Hanhan Rabbit playing around, Anchorage suddenly asked curiously beside him, making him breathless.

Oops, driving in New Jersey actually made the little angel Anchorage hear it.

We must not let New Jersey come over to explain, otherwise the little angel will be tainted!

So he secretly glanced at Eldridge, and the well-behaved little destroyer Lolita immediately understood and quickly joined the fight between Little Gaga and New Jersey.

Seeing the three people fighting in a ball, Lin Lan said to the little angel Anchorage with a serious face:

That's right, Anchorage. Office play means that everyone fishes and plays games together in the office.

If you think about it, offices are usually serious places for busy work. If you play games in an office with this kind of atmosphere, you will be particularly motivated.

Hearing his explanation, New Jersey was stunned for a moment and wanted to run over to correct him, but Eldridge and Saratoga held his arms tightly.

Teacher, Anchorage, got it! Teacher, Anchorage, everyone, office, play, together, um!

Anchorage believed Lin Lan's words unconditionally, so the girl with long beige hair showed an innocent smile on her cute face and said sweetly to Lin Lan excitedly.

Seeing Anchorage's pure smile and saying such words in such an innocent tone, Lin Lan couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth slightly.

Damn it, why do I feel my conscience hurts so much!

It seems that he is the bad person who teaches bad children...

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