Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 357 Battle of Red Leaves (2900 words)

Although he said he was preparing for an attack, Lin Lan actually just had a quick lunch and took a hot bath.

After doing all this, he also thought about making some charms in the study, but after thinking about it, he gave up.

Let's wait until Akashi wakes up. This little profiteer is just a walking port shop, and there must be professional yellow paper in the cabin storage space.

The talisman burning so fast the day before yesterday still left a serious psychological shadow on him, but during this period he didn't have much time to study and improve his proficiency in making talismans.

So before waiting to set off, he sat down on the sofa in the living room and began to think about the various situations in the Eastern Continent Navy Department and Hongye City.

Hongye City is also the city where he traveled from Blue Star and lived for a year.

This city was named not only because of the specialty there, a tree with red leaves all year round, but also because of a huge naval battle that broke out off the coast of Hongye City in Oran's history.

Thousands of years ago, in order to unify the Eastern Continent, Oran fought the last major sea battle with the allied forces of various countries in the Eastern Continent - the Battle of Red Leaf.

In this decisive battle, both sides used all their military might, and even after the war, the entire seabed was filled with the wreckage of warships.

The final winner of this battle was naturally Oran. Lin Lan, who had learned this history in the academy, couldn't help but think of Blue Star's Emperor Qin sweeping Liuhe.

Just like the Qin State unified the six countries, Oran defeated all the countries in the entire Eastern Continent and established the United Oran United States with a history of nearly a thousand years.

After the victory in the Battle of Red Leaf, the first president of the United States of Oran immediately announced the establishment of the Oran Admiralty, the pillar of Oran that would never be disbanded.

At the previous trade fair in the Western Continent, Li Hongjun asked all the commanders to shout the slogan: We are the sharp blade and heavy shield of Oran, and we vow to keep the flag of Oran high above the ocean forever. This was also before the Battle of Hongye, The Oran Navy's pre-war mobilization oath.

It is for these historical reasons that both Hongye Naval Academy and Hongye Naval Fortress are located around Hongye City, silently guarding the United States of Oran.

Lin Lan sighed deeply when he thought of this.

Such a huge country with a long history was so easily reduced to an experimental product in front of the Sirens.

Since the Tianxing Consortium has confirmed its collusion with Siren, he has guessed that it was Siren who was behind the scenes when the Tianxing Consortium established the Zhuhai Commercial Association to seize power.

After all, no matter how poor the credibility of the Oran authorities at that time was, it would not be possible for several consortiums to jointly seize power.

The reason why Siren chose to support the Tianxing Consortium to seize power is probably because the rulers of Oran would rather die than surrender and refused to cooperate, which forced Siren to make this move.

In this way, everything will be explained...

Lin Lan had always felt that the various decisions made by the Zhuhai Commercial Association regarding the Navy Department were very awkward since he time traveled. At this time, he finally deduced the reason.

Obviously, the historical development of Oran for thousands of years has been very normal, but it suddenly became so strange after the arrival of the sirens. It was precisely because the sirens were controlling the country behind the scenes.

The sirens have spent so much effort and time in cultivating a small version of the original world. What are they planning?

Just when Lin Lan was thinking about it and couldn't figure out the ultimate purpose of Siren, the company interrupted his thinking at the right time and reminded:

Commander, it's time for us to set off.

Lin Lan looked at the sassy silver-haired White Eagle aircraft carrier girl, with a smile on her face and stood up:

Okay, I'll wake Akashi up. You take Anchorage and Eldridge to the car first. We'll be there soon.

That's right, no matter what the Siren's purpose is, as the commander, he must protect his ship girls.

And if he does not return to Blue Star in the future and lives with his ship girls in this other world, then he must also protect this world from the sirens.

At the same time, the other White Eagle ship girls on the artificial island were also extremely busy.

For example, in a villa in a small town at the foot of Qianshan Mountain, a beautiful blue-haired mature lady was choosing clothes in front of the wardrobe in the bedroom.

Well, this dress matches Helena very well...but the weather has been cold recently, will it look awkward to the commander?

She took out a white dress from the closet, looked at it for a moment, shook her head, and put it back in the closet.

While she was thinking about choosing clothes, a girl's soft voice came from outside the door:

Sister St. Louis, um, I'm leaving to meet up with my other friends...

Hearing Helena's voice outside the door, St. Louis sighed helplessly, closed the closet, pushed the door open and walked out of the bedroom. He saw a blue-haired and red-eyed girl outside the door who looked very similar to her, but was obviously more youthful.

It was the St. Louis-class 2 light cruiser that Lin Lan had been thinking about, the girl with the strongest radar scanning ability in the port area - Helena.

At this time, Helena was wearing a dark blue and white off-the-shoulder combat skirt, with long black combat gloves on both arms, paired with black garters, which was exactly the uniform she wore in daily combat.

Helena, so this is the reason why the heartbroken commander hasn't come to see you these days. Aren't you worried that the commander will be caught by others and ignore you?

Seeing that his sister was actually preparing to see the commander, St. Louis rubbed his temples sadly.

Sister, the commander is not a heartless person. He, he just might be busy these days...and what about clothes, we are on a mission, not on a date...

Hearing Sister St. Louis's complaints, the shy Helena blushed and retorted in a low voice.

It's already like this and you're still explaining to him. It's really hopeless~ Hehe, I just said that casually, but are you really not going to change your clothes and go see him?

Combat uniforms and the like can be automatically switched on after unfolding the ship suit. Others will definitely not wear combat uniforms to gather.

St. Louis' words suddenly shook Helena's heart.

Indeed, as my sister said, she had just received the news that she was going to escort the commander. She was so excited that she forgot about it.

Seeing Helena's hesitation, St. Louis smiled, reached out and took Helena's hand, and pulled her into the bedroom.

Anyway, there is still a lot of time to gather. My sister is here to help you pick out some clothes to wear on the road. You must make my lovely sister look beautiful to meet the commander.

As a result, Helena was forced to try on clothes for more than half an hour before finally saying goodbye to St. Louis and setting off.

However, compared to the harmonious atmosphere on the St. Louis-class side, the separation of the sisters on the other side was not so pleasant.

Wow wow wow! Indy-chan, my Indy-chan! Obviously the commander is the one who understands my feelings for you best, why don't you also be included in the escort fleet? That big bad guy has failed me. His trust!”

Sister... don't hold me anymore. If you don't set off to meet at the dock, you'll be late.

Portland, the super girl control girl with silver hair and white stockings, was hugging her sister Indianapolis tightly in the dormitory and refused to let go, letting out a sad and angry cry.

But in contrast to her reluctance, the silver-haired and black-skinned girl Wu Kou's younger sister, who was tightly hugged by her, was looking at her helplessly with a pair of blue-yellow heterochromatic eyes.

No matter what, that big bad commander wants me to separate from Indy-chan. I can't accept it!

Just when Indianapolis was wondering how to persuade her sister to leave, footsteps suddenly came from outside their dormitory door.


With a loud noise, the door was kicked open, and the two of them looked at the door in surprise.

A sassy girl wearing a white sailor combat uniform and a red ponytail was standing outside the door, slowly lowering her long legs, with a hearty smile on her face.

Wei, Wichita, why are you here? Are you also being...

Portland saw the red-haired girl outside the door. Although she was still holding Indianapolis tightly in her arms, she asked with a trembling tone.

That's right, the White Eagle ship girl standing at the door is the self-proclaimed heavy cruiser Wichita.

He was also the person who was once respectfully called Master Ta by Lin Lan.

I was just passing by here on my way to the gathering, but your voice was so loud that I could hear it from downstairs.

Wichita walked into Portland's bedroom carelessly. Looking at Portland hugging Indianapolis tightly, she already understood everything.

Aren't you just reluctant to be separated from your sister? Just go to the commander and explain this to the commander! Indianapolis, come with us to the dock!

After hearing Wichita's words, Portland suddenly understood, and his face was filled with joy:

That's right! The commander loves us so much, maybe he just made an oversight during the formation? Why don't I make it clear to the commander!

There's really nothing you can do about it, sister, who just said that the commander is a bad guy...

Seeing that Portland finally let go of him, Indianapolis sighed helplessly, not knowing who had been complaining about the commander just now.

She was about to pack her belongings, but Portland had already pulled her back, showing an idiotic smile:

Indy-chan~ How can I let my super invincible and cute sister do such a thing as packing my luggage? Let me do it!

Seeing such a crooked Portland, Wichita's expression froze even though she had known him for many years.

She held her forehead helplessly, turned and walked towards the door:

I'll wait for you downstairs. Please hurry up. If you delay any longer, you'll miss the meeting time.

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