Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 359 The White Eagle Fleet assembled at the dock

Teacher, do we have to wait, Dailan, for three years?

Even Anchorage understands what three years means. She still has many friends in other camps waiting for the commander to take them back.

This time was really too long, and Lin Lan suddenly felt worried.

If it takes three months, he can still accept it, but the key point is that Leviathan, as a legendary level monster, must be above the awakening level, and it will definitely take two years to start no matter how late it is.

It's not like he didn't think about leaving the artificial island with the White Eagle camp, leaving the coordinates of his port area on the island, and waiting for Dai Lan to find him after he completed his transformation.

But the question is, as a monster, can Dailan really understand the geographical coordinates they used?

If Dai Lan can't find them then, go directly to the nearest Xinyang City, which may bring some panic to Olan.

Well~ you don't have to wait so long, nya, there is still a solution, nya.

Seeing that everyone was worried, Akashi seemed to have thought of some good solution, with a mysterious smile on his face.

What can you do, please tell me?

Lin Lan looked curiously at the little profiteer who closed the magic encyclopedia and took it back to its storage space, and asked in confusion.

Any magic circle can increase progress through huge magic power, and the main source of magic power is the magic source crystal.

After Akashi finished speaking, although Lin Lan knew the solution, he was even more confused.

The question is where are we going to get the Demon Source Crystals now? The Teaching Nation has no air routes with Oran, so even you probably don't have many Demon Source Crystals in your hands, right?

It is true that I only have three magic source crystals, but Commander, have you forgotten what you used to activate your magic weapons and magic armor before?

Lin Lan was stunned when he heard Akashi's words.

He used these magic equipment in the port area of ​​​​Lihu County before, and it seemed to be...

Mind Cube!

Yes, the Rubik's Cube energy in the Mind Cube can also replace magic power!

I'll go. If you didn't tell me, I would have almost forgotten about this incident. It's really yours!

Lin Lan immediately understood Akashi's solution, and happily rubbed Akashi's little head with his hands.

He had to admit that with Akashi, a sharp-minded profiteer, by his side, many problems he encountered could be easily solved.

Hoo meow~Commander, stop touching him, if you touch Akashi again he will become bald, meow!

In response to Lin Lan's crazy head, Akashi made a pleasant sound and said he didn't want it, but he was obviously very happy.

Commander, do you mean that using the Mind Cube can speed up the progress of the Dark Blue Magic?

Although the company didn't know that Lin Lan had used magic equipment in Lihu County, it had a rough guess.

That's right, I'll ask Big Mackerel and the others to ask Little Gaga to get dozens of mental cubes and send them to the bottom of the lake to see if they are enough.

Lin Lan made a decision and said to the enterprise with a smile.

Although hundreds of mental Rubik's Cubes are needed to make the host of the Rubik's Cube Energy Robot, that is because of the use of Rubik's Cube technology.

The host computer is 80% made using siren technology.

Under normal circumstances, the Rubik's Cube energy contained in the Mind Rubik's Cube is beyond imagination for this other world.

It can be inferred from the fact that he only spent dozens of mental cubes to obtain so many brave skill points.

Therefore, he felt that it was enough for Big Mackerel and the others to bring these mental cubes to Dailan, and they might not even be able to use them all.

The matter was settled in this way. After Lin Lan sent a message to Big Mackerel, the vehicle had already driven out of the forest and was about to arrive at the small town at the dock along the road.

On the way, he also saw the theme amusement park. The two most prominent amusement equipment, the giant Ferris wheel and the roller coaster, made him gasp in surprise.

Speaking of which, there should be an amusement park in my port area, right?

After passing by the amusement park, Lin Lan thought of the costumes he had bought for the ship girls. Many of them were set in amusement parks.

Of course, it's several times bigger than this amusement park, right? That's my main way to make money, right?

The profiteer Akashi became excited when he heard this, and talked with a smile:

Every time Commander takes someone out on a date, not only can I make money from the new clothes the Commander buys, but I can also earn a lot of tickets, meow... Oh, Commander, it hurts, meow!

Hearing that Akashi, a profiteer, dared to mention the past that he had stolen money from him, Lin Lan suddenly got angry and grabbed Akashi's cat ears.

However, Akashi's words also reminded him that it was time to buy new clothes for Anchorage. In the previous game, poor Anbao really had no new clothes to wear, and he had to compete with the group leader Mainz.

After a while, they drove into the town at the dock on the edge of the artificial island.

This town is not large in scale, and most of them are small houses with two or three floors. It can be seen that it was only built to facilitate the ship girls to prepare for the attack.

Because of this, the town has a distinct residential atmosphere, giving Lin Lan the feeling that this is the White Eagle Dormitory.

It only took two minutes from sailing into the town to the dock. When the dock appeared in front of him, he finally saw the members of the White Eagle Ship Girls who were going out with him this time.

At first glance, they were all his old acquaintances, and there were quite a few of them.

How can I put it, it really perfectly implements the principle that the White Eagle ship girls only fight for wealth. This lineup can definitely be regarded as a small fleet to destroy the country.

The aircraft carrier ladies include Intrepid, Bunker Hill and Shangri-La, the three sisters of the Essex class, but he did not see Essex and Ticonderoga.

In addition to Washington and South Dakota, the old enemies who ignore each other, the battleship girls also have the White Eagle Phase II scientific research battleship Georgia.

That's right, this sassy blue-gold cola master with heterochromatic eyes and black short hair had already placed several boxes of coke at the dock, happily giving away free of charge to his other companions who were waiting for him.

Next up are the heavy cruisers, handsome girl Baltimore, gentle peach ponytail girl Bremerton, sisters Portland and Indianapolis, and his towering wife Wichita.

Seeing that Portland was still hugging Indianapolis tightly, Lin Lan also smiled helplessly. This super girl never let him down.

It looks like he's going to be nagged about Portland's Indy mission for a while.

There were only two White Eagle ship girls in the light cruiser. In addition to Haima, who was wearing a white long-sleeved shirt and was named by him to join, there was another one who was even more heavyweight.

The owner of the Mle1951 dual-mounted 57mmL/60 Bofors anti-aircraft cannon in Minato City, the spokesperson of the White Eagle characteristic air defense no-fly zone, the battle star is second only to the legendary White Eagle II of the enterprise, and the first The White Eagle warship boarded the Chongsakura mainland.

The red-haired twin-tailed energetic girl from San Diego is dressed in messy clothes, holding a microphone and giggling. She has countless honors in one body.

Seeing this silly girl waving to him, Lin Lan smiled and waved back.

He couldn't help but think that if Santiago encountered those extreme people who could fly in the sky, Santiago's anti-aircraft firepower might be able to kill a group of them by himself...

Finally, there is the cute White Eagle destroyer ship girl.

In addition to Mori, the corporate loyal escort whom I have seen before, there are also three other cute White Eagle destroyer girls.

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