Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 361 A story that begins with tragedy and ends with tragedy

After enthusiastic discussions by Washington and others, a detailed military exercise plan was finally compiled by Shangri-La and handed to Lin Lan.

Goo meow, I always feel like everyone gets so excited when it comes to military exercises, meow... Isn't it just like normal target practice, meow...

While Lin Lan was reading and integrating everyone's opinions, Akashi was not idle either, communicating with Ingrahan about the technology of the Rubik's Cube energy robot.

The two of them often interact with each other even in the port area, which shows that Shi Shi is one of the few close friends of Ingraham.

Akashi noticed the passion between Washington and Wuwei and complained in a low voice helplessly.

You don't understand this. The military exercise proposed by the commander is also an opportunity to show outsiders that we are powerful. I believe that your Chongying camp will also be willing to conduct a joint military exercise with us in the future.

After Ingraham sent Akashi a copy of all the technologies she knew through her mobile phone, she pushed up her black square-framed glasses and said in a calm tone.

Meow, I think Akagi will definitely be very interested, meow...

After reading the opinions compiled by Shangri-La, Lin Lan nodded with satisfaction.

He only proposed a direction for this exercise plan. As expected, the specific staff was left to the ship girls to provide more professional guidance.

Now that this matter has been discussed, it is time to set off.

Morrie released three White Eagle blue-and-white mass-produced destroyers and parked them at the dock. Except for Enterprise, who led Morrie and the three Essex-class sisters to deploy the ships and put them on the sea to take charge of daytime vigilance, the others They all got on board one after another.

However, when Lin Lan was about to board the ship, he was secretly approached by Portland, a heavy patrol girl with silver hair and ponytail, and pulled him to the side of Indianapolis.

Helena, who was walking at the end of the team, along with the sleepy Lafite and Nicholas, also noticed what happened to him, and the three of them followed him in confusion.

Seeing Portland's hesitant appearance, Lin Lan really couldn't figure out what was going on, so he chose to smile at Portland and asked:

Why are you so mysterious? If you have anything going on in Portland, just tell me. This is not like your style.

I didn't say anything when you promoted Indy-chan to be the cutest person in the world. Why are you so embarrassed to speak now?

After hearing Lin Lan's words and seeing the familiar smile on his face, Portland seemed to muster up the courage and said:

Well, Commander, Indy-chan is actually not included in the team for this operation... But you also know that I, I can't live without my super cute sister, so, can you...

After hearing what Portland said, Lin Lan realized that it turned out that Little Gaga and the others did not include Indianapolis in the attack team.

Oh, look at my memory. I made a mistake during the formation. Helena, help me send a message to Saratoga and inform her that I asked Indianapolis to join the formation.

Okay, okay!

Helena didn't expect that the commander would ask her to help, so she quickly nodded in agreement as if she was flattered.

Okay~~~Commander is really the best to us! Indy-chan, come and give me a hug, Commander!

After hearing his arrangement, Portland suddenly seemed to have been given a shot of chicken blood, and his whole body came to life on the spot. He happily hugged Lin Lan into his arms and rubbed her crazily.

Although this heavy patrol girl with silver hair and blue eyes looked cute and childish, she was not bad at all in terms of size, which made Lin Lan's face severely washed.

The cold yellow-blue eyes of the dark-skinned girl Indianapolis looked at Lin Lan with a hint of tenderness. She stepped forward without saying a word and hugged Lin Lan and her sister.

Lin Lan felt funny in her heart as she was hugged by the pair of heavy patrol sisters.

He originally had the highest authority to select members of this kind of attack formation when he was in the port area.

It's just that he was lazy this morning and asked Little Jiajia and the others, who currently know more about the White Eagle camp, to help form the formation.

As we all know, Portland is a notorious girl-controller in the Port Area, but Saratoga actually wants to separate the sisters.

It is true that he is leading an evil person.

Commander! What are you still discussing? Get on the ship and set off!

At this time, Baltimore's hearty voice calling from the railing came from the deck of the destroyer. After hearing it, Lin Lan also said to the sisters who were still holding him:

Okay, okay, let's get on the boat quickly. If you have anything to say, you can say it on the boat.

So the pair of heavy patrol sisters reluctantly let go of him and got on the boat first.

For a while, only Lin Lan, Helena, and two little sleepyheads were left on the dock.

Commander, um... I have conveyed your order to Saratoga, and she has confirmed it.

The slim girl with blue hair and red eyes looked at him shyly and reported in a low voice the completion of the mission.

Seeing Helena who was so shy, Lin Lan couldn't help but feel a little sorry for Haima. He didn't even talk to her in the past two days.

Thinking of this, Lin Lan couldn't help but step forward, taking Helena unawares and pulling her tightly into his arms.

Point, Commander?!

Helena didn't expect that Lin Lan would suddenly hug her, and do so in front of many friends on the deck. Suddenly her face turned like a ripe apple, and she spoke in a panic.

However, she did not refuse Lin Lan's hug. She just closed her eyes slightly and enjoyed the warm hug.

Wow~Commander A is up!

Standing by the railing on the deck, next to Baltimore, Bremerton couldn't help but smile happily when he saw this scene.

Wichita, who was entertaining Anchorage, also saw this scene. He smiled handsomely and said to Bremerton:

You can also go up to Commander A later. I believe Commander A will not refuse.

That's true, but don't you want to be with me?

Me? I'm a general. I won't do such childish things like you.

Wichita heard Bremerton's rhetorical question and raised her chin with a confident smile.

Really or not? When we attended the oath ceremony between you and the commander, which general was so moved that he almost cried?

When Baltimore heard Wichita's words, she touched her chin and asked with a smile as if she was reminiscing. Her words immediately broke Wichita's defense, but she still managed to explain:

That, that's because...

Of course, Lin Lan also noticed the words of several melon-eating ladies on the destroyer deck at this time, but he still couldn't bear to let go of Helena.

If his past accompanying the ship girls was a game, then Helena in his arms was undoubtedly the hidden heroine of this game.

From the time he was incorporated into the fleet from the time the server opened, until graduation, Helena was still an irreplaceable presence in his main fleet.

Even after she fell into metamorphosis, this careful, kind and gentle girl was reluctant to hurt him and took great care of him.

Like Mrs. Yorktown, Helena also fell into deep self-blame and negativity because of her experience in the war when she joined him in the port area.

The kind-hearted girl witnessed her companions being sunk at Pearl Harbor but was helpless. After that, she installed the latest SG radar and became White Eagle's reliance on turning the tide of the war many times.

But she eventually sank in the Battle of Kula Bay due to her heroic fighting.

Witnessing the passing of her former companions, the girl equipped with SG radar protected countless companions from sacrifice, but in the end she was the only one who failed to protect herself.

Nicholas, the little lolita girl in white stockings who was yawning at the side, was also one of the witnesses who had rescued Helena on the battlefield, but unfortunately failed under the heavy fire of Sakura and witnessed the sinking of Helena.

This was what Helena had experienced.

A story that is not complicated, but extremely real, starting with tragedy and ending with tragedy.

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