Qiang Qiang Qiang! Commander, the food is here!

Blücher was wearing a black and red iron-blood style apron. Like a gust of wind, Blücher came out of the kitchen carrying two plates of steaming braised shrimps.

Be careful, don't scatter all the vegetables on the floor!

Seeing Blücher's lively look, Lin Lan was really afraid that she would fall to the ground during a live performance.

But facts proved that the energetic little Lu Bu would not make such a stupid mistake.

Soon, Blücher brought dishes one after another from the kitchen and placed them on the coffee table.

Lin Lan looked around and saw that there were quite a few dishes.

Braised prawns with lime, grilled hairy crabs full of spices, fragrant mint seafood soup, and tender charcoal-grilled halibut with potatoes and vegetables.

And the five or six big fish burgers that were brought out at the end.

Lin Lan was extremely surprised by the dishes on the coffee table.

He really didn't expect that the three Hipper sisters could cook so many dishes in such a short period of time.

It's been a while since I've cooked in person, and my skills are quite rusty, so just make do with it and don't accept bad reviews.

Hipper and Prince Eugen came out of the kitchen, took off their aprons, lifted the sofa to the coffee table, and took their seats one after another.

Lin Lan picked up a fish burger and took a bite. The tender texture of the fish matched perfectly with the vegetables in the burger, which made his eyes light up.

And he originally thought there would be fish bones, but after chewing carefully, he found that the fish bones had been carefully picked out.

Hmm, how about it? The fish burger is pretty good, isn't it? Hipper made it himself and picked out all the fish bones for you.

Eugen looked at Lin Lan's surprised expression and said with a smile.

Huh? Isn't it appropriate to pick out fish bones when cooking?

Hipper held a bowl of seafood soup and took a sip with a red face.

Commander, let me peel off the shrimp shells for you. Open your mouth, ah...

At this time, little sweetheart Blücher put on plastic gloves very considerately, peeled off the shell of a shrimp and fed it to Lin Lan.

Lin Lan had to admit that the feeling of being fed... was really good.

It would be nice to have some beer at this point.

Eugen looked at the table of dishes and said with some regret.

I have some wine, but are you sure you want to drink it now?

Hipper looked at Eugen with disdain.

Ah, it's okay. I won't get drunk. It's been a long time since I've had the food cooked by my eldest sister. It would be a shame not to have some beer.

As soon as Eugen finished speaking, Lin Lan suddenly felt alert, remembering Bismarck's warning in the morning.

However, wouldn’t it be a bad idea to reject Eugen at this time?

Thinking of the notes she had just read, Lin Lan looked at Hipper who stood up to get a beer, opened her mouth, but still did not stop her.

Don't worry, Commander, just have two drinks, it won't be a problem~

Eugen saw Lin Lan's expression and comforted him with a smile, while also taking a piece of fish and feeding it to him.

After being blocked by Eugen with grilled fish, Lin Lan thought secretly.

With him and Hipper here, this was not a public place like a restaurant.

There shouldn't be any problem if you put the organza on and drink two or three beers.

His idea was shattered without a trace when he saw Hipper bringing a huge glass that was as big as a kettle and could hold three or four beer bottles.

Wait, wait, Eugen, the two glasses of beer you just mentioned don't mean this cup, right?

Lin Lan's eyes widened. The glass of beer he imagined was a small glass like the one in a Chinese restaurant, not a big cup like this.

According to Lin Lan's visual inspection, the capacity of this large cup was two liters.

Huh? Don't you drink beer from this kind of cup?

Hipper placed the four large glass mugs filled with beer on the coffee table and looked at Lin Lan doubtfully.

There is a huge gap between a cup of Iron Blood and a cup of Donghuang!

Ogen, I suddenly think you should stop drinking.

Lin Lan immediately turned to Eugen and said.

Commander, you just agreed~

Lin Lan was startled and immediately said righteously:

When did I agree? I didn't say anything just now...

Before he could finish his words, he was blocked by another shrimp handed over by Blücher.

Isn't it just a glass of beer? You can't even drink a glass of beer, right? You're not even as good as Blücher?

Hipper sat down and looked at Lin Lan with contempt.

That's right. The wine has been served. Commander, don't let the fun down. Come on, let's all drink together~

Eugen had already happily picked up the wine glass and raised it high.

Lin Lan sighed and had no choice but to pick up the wine glass.

He knew that he could no longer stop Eugen from drinking, and could only hope that Hipper and Blücher would catch her later.

But unfortunately, his expectation was destined to fail.

After all the food on the coffee table was finished, everyone's second beer glass was about to be finished.

Although Lin Lan thought that his drinking capacity was pretty good, he made one miscalculation.

That is, his drinking capacity was developed after working for several years. Now that he has returned to his youthful body, his drinking capacity has naturally returned to the level of his youth.

After two beers, when he felt his head hit, it was already too late.

Hehehe, Commander~ Which one of our three sisters do you like more?

Eugen was obviously drunk, so he asked Lin Lan in a teasing tone, and raised the last remaining wine in his glass in toast.

Of course they all like it.

Lin Lan covered his head and clinked glasses.

He couldn't stand it anymore. He really didn't expect that he could get so drunk even after drinking beer.

No~ Commander, you must give an accurate answer today. Look at my second sister who snores so much in her sleep. She thinks about how to make love to you every day. Don't you like it?

Eugen asked, pointing to Blücher who was already fast asleep.

Little Lu Bu, full of energy and cute, naturally I like it...

Looking at Blücher's cute sleeping face, Lin Lan muttered.

Eugen covered his mouth and continued to ask with a smile:

Then look at my eldest sister, who is flat-chested and arrogant, and has a temper like a time bomb. Do you like her too?

Huh? Eugen, are you looking for death?

Hipper's drinking capacity is obviously the best among everyone here. Although he is not as drunk as Eugen and Blücher, his face is already rosy.

When she heard Eugen's words, although she glared at Eugen fiercely, she also pricked up her ears.

Under the influence of alcohol, Lin Lan turned his head and stared at Hipper, without thinking, he said the truth directly:

Of course Hipper likes it. He can arrange flowers, cook, repair machines, understand music, and has hand models. He also takes good care of his companions... Only fools don't like it...

But I have a flat chest and a bad temper. How can you just talk about her good points~

Prince Eugen continued to ask questions.

Hipper just blushed and looked at Lin Lan with wide eyes. Hearing Eugen's words, he almost lost his temper and raised a cup.

I can’t have this sister anymore.

Ha, isn't this exactly her lovable personality? This is the kind of Hipper I like...

Under the influence of alcohol, Lin Lan also became straight-tempered and said everything at once.

Did you hear that, sister, if you don't go up now, all your hard work will be in vain...

Eugen seemed to have received a satisfactory answer. He looked at Hipper meaningfully. After muttering this sentence, he finally reached his limit and fell sideways on the sofa to sleep.

Ogen, I didn't hear what you just said. Hey, why did you fall asleep...

Lin Lan, who was drunk, did not hear Eugen's words clearly, but Hipper next to him heard them all clearly.

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