Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 373 Red Leaf Covenant (2700 words)

However, even though her heart was full of shock, Jian Qianou did not lose her composure. Instead, she took out a white envelope from her illusory windbreaker and walked slowly towards Ji Chenlin and others who looked shocked.

I, Jian Qian'ou, is the top talker of the Tian'ou Group and is here from the Western Continent. The Tian'ou Group has signed cooperation terms with the Ministry of Navy. This letter is a handwritten letter that Li Hongjun asked me to send on my behalf.

As Jian Qian'ou spoke and approached everyone in the Admiralty Department, he also respectfully showed the seal of the Western Continent Admiralty Department outside the envelope to Ji Chenlin and others.

After all, the head of state also said that the new head of the Navy in the Eastern Continent was his teacher, and Jian Qianou naturally did not dare to neglect him.

No wonder Tianou Group can always have a place in Oran's history. It turns out that the top talker is actually a spirit body?

Ji Chenlin stared at Jian Qianou's face shrouded in blue mist.

As the most powerful person in the Oran Navy Department, he naturally knew what was going on with Jian Qianou.

This is caused by a lost spell from the Nine Islands of Liaozhou. The effect of this spell is to transform the human body into a nearly immortal soul.

Ji Chenlin took over Li Hongjun's autographed letter with a complicated expression, secretly thinking that Tianou Group had indeed unearthed a lot of valuable things when it expanded to the nine islands of Liaozhou.

But compared to this, he was more concerned about the honorific title Jian Qianou gave Lin Lan when he knelt on the ground just now.

Head of state...what the hell is going on.

What happened in just two minutes had already made Ji Chenlin feel that his brain was not full and was about to be overloaded.

After opening the letter, Ji Chenlin read the contents carefully.

So that's it... the Tomahawk military industry has been completely destroyed. Li Hongjun's Navy Department has completely controlled the Western Continent with the Tianou Group, and has signed multiple treaties for common development and mutual benefit...

If it weren't for the fact that the handwriting in the letter was exactly Li Hongjun's style, and that there were various code words and anti-theft measures within the Navy Department, Ji Chenlin would have even thought that Jian Qianou had forged it to deceive them.

In just one week, the Western Continent has undergone such earth-shaking changes.

Such a large war consortium, which mainly focuses on military industry and owns a huge torrent of mechas, actually just said it was gone?

Ji Chenlin also handed the letter to others behind him to read. After reading the letter, everyone showed the same shocked expression as him.

You must know that the Tomahawk Army is one of the five major consortiums of the Zhuhai Chamber of Commerce, and can even be said to be the most powerful consortium in the military field.

Ye Zhanke, the big boss of Tomahawk Military Industry, and the others have also dealt with him. This guy is extremely ambitious and even wants to replace Tianxing Consortium.

But now the entire Tomahawk military industry has been annexed. How on earth is this...

Teacher, the Tomahawk military industry wanted to provoke a war, so I took the first step. I was also responsible for the beheading of Ye Zhanke.

Lin Lan knew that the atmosphere was almost brewing at this time, so he stepped forward, glanced at the senior officials of the Eastern Continent's Navy, and continued:

Not only the Tomahawk military industry, but also the cooperation between Tianou Consortium and the Western Continent Navy Department was also organized by me.

I believe the teacher also knows that Tian'ou Group has never made wrong choices in the history of Oran. Tian'ou Group chose to believe in me, so I gave Tian'ou Group corresponding rewards, allowing them to annex Tomahawk Military Industry.

The Western Continent is now under the joint jurisdiction of General Li's Navy Department and Jian Qianou. Under my order, all third-generation robots in the Western Continent have not been sold, so the Western Continent has successfully avoided this crisis.

While Lin Lan was talking, Jian Qianou also came behind him and lowered his head obediently, like a servant.

This was also the case. Jian Qianou no longer had the idea of ​​testing Lin Lan. He had already understood one thing deeply.

The Sirens can easily destroy the United States of Oran, and this young commander can do the same!

Fortunately, everything the young commander has done so far has been to protect Oran.

Ji Chenlin looked at his student blankly. He had already recovered. All the changes in the Western Continent were caused by Lin Lan.

Xiao Lin...Lin Lan, what on earth are you...

Unknowingly, Ji Chenlin's name for Lin Lan had become his real name.

Teacher, the situation in the Eastern Continent is very critical now, so I will keep the story short.

This third-generation robot crisis is mainly caused by the Tianxing Consortium. As you just said, even if we launch a war against the Tianxing Consortium now, we will not be able to protect so many Oran citizens.

But if Tianou Group, Tomahawk Military Industry, and Goiliya Consortium announce their separation from the Candle Sea Chamber of Commerce at the same time, and form a brand new alliance with the Oran Navy Department, with mutual help, they can protect all Oran citizens from this crisis. winter!

Hearing his words, Ji Chenlin blurted out in shock:

Go Ilia Consortium? Could it be said that you don't even have Go Ilia Consortium...

That's right, teacher, I am also the actual controller of the Gou Ilia Consortium now.

Lin Lan took out the mobile phone from his pocket and showed the identity account that Xiao Jiajia handed over to him, representing the highest authority of the Gou Ilia Consortium.

The whole place was in an uproar. All the senior officials of the Eastern Continent Navy couldn't believe their eyes and even forgot to breathe.

This young trainee commander has now actually controlled the Tianou Group, the Gou Ilia Consortium and the Western Continent Navy Department that have annexed the Tomahawk military industry? !

So Teacher Ji, do you agree with my proposal? Although I control three consortiums, I still have not forgotten that I am a member of the Navy Department.

Protecting the citizens of Oran is my duty as a commander.

Lin Lan stretched out his hand and looked at his teacher seriously.

Ji Chenlin looked at Lin Lan's palm stretched out in front of him and was stunned.

At this time, his colleagues behind him were already waiting for his response. At this critical moment, as the person in charge of the Eastern Continent's Navy Department, he really should make the decision.


At this time, on the dock of Hongye Fortress after the shelling, although it was already noon, the wind and snow were getting heavier and heavier, showing no signs of weakening.

Everyone fell into silence, and the navy soldiers who were cleaning up the battlefield all around them also cast doubtful glances at them and stopped what they were doing.

Lin Lan...are you really my student?

After a long time, Ji Chenlin spoke bitterly, staring at Lin Lan's face and asked.

That's right, of course I am still me and I have never changed.

Is it possible, Teacher Ji, that you are still thinking about the gift I owe you for your promotion? Jian Qianou, did you come to the Eastern Continent empty-handed to meet my teacher and me?

Lin Lan burst into laughter and roared at Jian Qianou behind him.

He originally planned to ask Akashi to prepare the specialties of the Western Continent, but since Jian Qianou, a local snake in the Western Continent, came in person, of course he didn't have to pay for it out of his own pocket.

I, I am naturally prepared...

Jian Qianou was also startled by Lin Lan's roar, and quickly wanted to take something out of the blue illusory pocket.

Haha... No need, I believe you are Xiao Lin.

When Ji Chenlin saw Lin Lan's behavior, he smiled and breathed a sigh of relief.

This is really what his student can do.

So Ji Chenlin waved his hand, telling Jian Qianou not to bring out the gift.

To this day, it's still hard for me to imagine that so many changes have happened to you in just a few months. After all, in my impression, you are still the student who needs to be protected by me...

Ji Chenlin stared at Lin Lan, with a tired smile on his face that had become much older due to busy work during this period:

This is the Red Leaf Fortress when the Oran Admiralty was established a thousand years ago, so let's carry out the 'Red Leaf Covenant' here. Xiaolin, you know what this means.

Hearing Ji Chenlin's words, the two generals behind him wanted to stop him, but in the end they sighed deeply and held it in their hearts.

The Red Leaf Covenant mentioned by Ji Chenlin refers to a tradition with a long history in the United States of Oran.

The Oran Admiralty will recognize the object of the alliance as the sole political power of the United States of Oran and will surrender all enemies of Oran to it.

The Candle Sea Chamber of Commerce has not signed this covenant with the Oran Navy Department until now, which is one of the main reasons why many Oran citizens are dissatisfied with the Candle Sea Chamber of Commerce.

But nearly ten years have passed, and many Oran people have forgotten this point. Only the older generation of Oran people are still worried about this point.

Today, Lin Lan is equivalent to holding nearly one-third of the power in the entire Western Continent and Eastern Continent.

He already has the qualifications to be a target of the Red Leaf Covenant of the Oran Admiralty.

Since Ji Chenlin proposed to sign the Red Leaf Covenant here, it meant that the Oran Navy Department recognized Lin Lan as the leader of this new alliance.

Once this alliance leads the citizens of Oran through the winter crisis, defeats the Tianxing Consortium and the Noah Desin Consortium in the coming year, and unifies the Eastern Continent...

Then Lin Lan will be the new president of the United States of Orange in the future!

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