Da da da, da da da!

The sound of intensive gunfire was endless, and from time to time it was mixed with the explosion of the chess piece ship's main gun firing.

Zhao Heyan returned from the college's temporary headquarters along the street to the temporary position set up on the street outside the college.

On the way here, she had already discovered that many of her classmates had suffered injuries and were being carried into the school by the medical team.

The once clean streets and colleges have now turned into battlefields full of smoke, and the heavy snow in the sky cannot cover up the smell of gunpowder and blood.

At present, Hongye Naval Academy has been unable to contact other cities. Hongye City's downtown signal tower is probably damaged. As the student president, Zhao Heyan already understands that they are now isolated and helpless.

President, one-third of our combat effectiveness has been lost, and more than half of our classmates and instructors have been injured.

Although the mechas and ship girls are not paralyzed yet, the shells are running low...Although no one has died yet, if there are no reinforcements to support, I'm afraid, I'm afraid...

As soon as Zhao Heyan arrived at the position, several disgraced cadres from the student union quickly reported the current situation to her.

Ask the citizens who have fled and ask them to join the fight if they are willing to resist with us.

As for the issue of cannonballs...let the mechas and shipgirls stop firing first and wait for my order.

Hearing that so many students had lost their ability to fight, Zhao Heyan couldn't help but take a breath of cold air, but still pretended to be calm.

Although these out-of-control robots have extremely accurate weapons, they have not been able to kill them so far.

It’s just that she knows very well that the wounded who have lost their combat effectiveness will bring more serious medical logistics pressure to them.

If this continues, maybe all the medical drugs in the academy will be used up before the ammunition is used up.

Okay, okay, let's go and notify the others.

Several student union cadres were obviously overwhelmed by the fierce fighting at this moment, and they dispersed to convey orders to various positions.

None of them realized the hidden meaning in Zhao Heyan's words.

That means they can't wait for reinforcements.

Father, is this the situation you want to see? What are you thinking...

Zhao Heyan watched as more classmates were shot in the front, rolling on the ground covering their wounds and moaning. This tragic battlefield made her bite her lips and murmur to herself in a low voice.

She had gone to the Tianxing Consortium headquarters in Huanyang City to discuss matters with her father, Zhao Tianyi, but was ruthlessly kicked out.

Zhao Tianyi's obviously familiar face, when he confronted her in the conference room, had a pair of eyes full of silent murderous intent, which made her feel cold and biting.

At that time, she really thought she would be killed on the spot.

Now thinking about it carefully, Zhao Heyan couldn't help but have an idea in her mind that she didn't dare to face.

Is that man really her father?

Although she felt a strange distance from Zhao Tianyi in the past few years, Zhao Tianyi would often call her and her brother over for family dinners and visit her mother's grave regularly every year.

But the cold eyes full of murderous intent a few days ago made her think deeply. What happened to Zhao Tianyi?


While Zhao Heyan was thinking, a huge muffled sound of a heavy object falling suddenly came from the position in front of her.

And in front of this temporary position, a large amount of snow and ground debris was suddenly thrown up by the air wave. Many students were hit and forced to bury their heads, causing a commotion.

First, the second-generation robot is coming!

Soon, Zhao Heyan heard the frightened shouts from the position, and she immediately rushed to the forefront of the position, and saw the horrifying scene on the street through the bunker.

Dozens of huge second-generation robots, all holding solid heavy objects such as rocks and broken walls, slowly walked toward their position.

Next to these second-generation robots, the out-of-control third-generation robots were also holding guns. They used these huge second-generation robots as cover and slowly pressed forward in cooperation with each other.

These bulky second-generation robots, which are usually harmless to humans and animals and only focus on their work, at this time, are like respectable mechas, acting as human shields and siege weapons for the third-generation robots.

The muffled sound just now was caused by a rock thrown by one of the second-generation robots falling in front of the position.

It's not like they haven't defeated the incoming second-generation robots before, but this number cannot be dealt with by just relying on individual rocket launchers and machine guns.

Da da da da da!

Before Zhao Heyan had time to take a closer look, a flurry of bullets hit the cover of her face.

The flying fragments of the bunker hit her face, making several cuts on her smooth face, causing her to quickly withdraw her gaze and squat behind the bunker.

If their artillery shells and ammunition are used to deal with this wave of second-generation robot offensive, what will they do next?

But the battle situation did not allow Zhao Heyan to think too much.

The dull sound and the trembling ground made by the giant object made her understand that if she didn't shoot out all the shells at this time, she probably wouldn't have to think about what happened next.

President, what should we do?

We have used up all our rockets and grenades!

The dozen or so Naval Academy students beside her were all covered with injuries and looked at her for help.

At this time, many of the students still stationed in the position next to her were first-year students who had just entered school. They were all very young, and many of them even had childish looks on their faces.

Most of the senior students and most of the teachers had been injured in the battle and had lost their combat effectiveness, and were sent to the temporary hospital in the college for rescue.

Quick, go tell the ship girls not to keep the ammunition, start...

Zhao Heyan looked around the classmates bitterly and was about to give an order. The next second, she suddenly heard a low roar in the sky.

Could this sound be...an air strike from a carrier-based aircraft?

Zhao Heyan looked up in confusion, and other students also looked up at the gloomy sky with snowflakes.

They didn't have to wait too long. Almost as soon as they raised their heads, a dense group of carrier-based aircraft appeared in their field of vision from the thick dark clouds in the direction of the seaside.

Everyone, get down!

Zhao Heyan saw the dense carrier-based aircraft suddenly appearing from the direction of the seaside and shouted loudly.

She remembered that Hongye Naval Fortress was attacked by the Siren fleet in the morning, and she was unable to contact them at this moment.

These carrier-based aircraft attacking from the sea are most likely the Siren aircraft carrier fleet coming from the sea!

Originally, they were already at a critical juncture when facing the out-of-control robot. If the sirens attacked from the sea behind them at this time, the consequences would be absolutely disastrous!

President, those carrier-based aircraft are not targeting us, look!

But Zhao Heyan's order was not recognized by the classmates around her. Zhao Heyan, who was already holding his head in preparation for the air attack, suddenly looked up.

And when she looked around, she saw a dense group of blue-winged dive bombers swooping down, accurately dropping aerial bombs with a roaring sound at the out-of-control robot troops in front of them.

The next second, dozens of aerial bombs landed on the ground, causing Zhao Heyan to instinctively cover his ears.

Boom boom boom!!!

The deafening explosion carried a sea of ​​orange-yellow blazing fire, which immediately swallowed up the second-generation robots and the surrounding third-generation robots, and even the surrounding street buildings were completely flattened.

The high-temperature air waves from the dense explosion swept over and even melted the snow in front of their position.

Reinforcements! Reinforcements are coming! Reinforcements from Red Leaf Fortress are coming!

Before the smoke rising from the explosion had dispersed, Zhao Heyan heard cheers coming from the academy.

And these cheers spread louder and louder, causing all the students who were still resisting in positions around Hongye Naval Academy to shout with joy.


Zhao Heyan stared blankly at the group of blue bombers in the sky that continued to fly towards the city center. Hearing the excited smiles of the classmates around him, he could not recover for a long time.

She simply couldn't believe that this large number of carrier-based aircraft formations could actually be their reinforcements.

You must know that even there are only a few light aircraft carrier girls in Hongye Naval Fortress.

How can such a large-scale carrier-based aircraft formation have to have four or five city-level port commanders working together to have such a visual impact?

As if he heard the doubts in her heart, several barrages of light and flames appeared in the sky again from the seaside. They cut through the gloomy snow clouds like meteors and fell towards the city.

This is... a battle, a battleship?!

Zhao Heyan's eyes widened as he watched the large-caliber artillery shells piercing the sky, completely frozen in place.

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