However, although Lin Lan noticed the changes in the expressions on the faces of Ji Chenlin and the surrounding Oran Navy officials, he did not understand what they were thinking.

As a time traveler, he still couldn't think about these things completely with the thinking of Oran people.

He thought it was Ji Chenlin and others who showed such complex expressions of shock, joy and admiration to him after hearing about the shield generator produced by Hou Energy.

Teacher Ji, don't waste your time being polite to me here now.

We have to try to destroy all the out-of-control robots in Hongye City before dark, and rescue all the people who were arrested and anesthetized in Hongye City.

After Lin Lan finished speaking, and after confirming the next steps to regain Hongye City with Ji Chenlin and others, he prepared to take the lead in taking the White Eagle Ship girls to the center of the city.

Of course, Ingraham was still arranged by him to stay on the mass-produced destroyer and continue to crack the Rubik's Cube network signal on the captured Rubik's Cube energy robot.

Although he felt that the probability that Ingraham could successfully decipher the signal and find the location of the Rubik's Cube energy robot host was not high, it was still worth a try.

Just as he was arranging everything and getting ready to set off, a group of messy students wearing torn school uniforms walked into Hongye Naval Academy.

While they were talking just now, the chess ship girls had already entered the battlefield of the academy to complete the defense change. These naval students who were resisting on the front line were finally able to come back to rest.

At a glance, Lin Lan saw that most of these naval students who had returned from the front had very young faces. They must have been first-year students who had just entered the school.

But his eyes caught the students in school uniforms walking at the front.

These people are all his old meal tickets... Bah, old acquaintances, cadres of Hongye Naval Academy Student Union.

The student council president Zhao Heyan was also among them.

The student union at Hongye Naval Academy is completely different from the student union at the university when he was at Blue Star.

In addition to helping college instructors and teachers prepare lessons and organize regular exercises on a daily basis, the student union also shoulders the responsibility of protecting students together with the security forces.

During the year when he was struggling to survive at Hongye Naval Academy, as a person under the special care of the Star Foundation, he frequently went to the student union office building to seek refuge.

Of course, since he has gone to the student union office building to seek shelter, then as the student union protects students, it shouldn't be too much to treat him to a hundred million meals.

It was safe there, food and drinks were included, and the brothers and sisters there all spoke nicely. He loved staying in the student union office building.

He even thought about covering up and living in it for a while.

Because of this, during this year, he almost became close friends with these student union officials, and he even had an acquaintance with the beautiful student president.

So now that Lin Lan thinks about it carefully, he realizes that his one-year campus life in time traveled was really full of martial virtues. He was chased by killers every three days and went to study as a student to make a living and promote relationships...

But now he is not ready to reminisce with these old friends. Time is tight, and it will be endless if he delays like this.

Once everything is settled, it won't be too late for him to chat with these old friends again.

So Lin Lan stopped delaying, said goodbye to Ji Chenlin, and took the White Eagle Ship girls who had been waiting for him for a long time to bypass the group of classmates and enter the college from another direction.

President, the back of the commander who brought so many ship girls just now seems a bit familiar. Why does he look like Lin Lan to me?

Walking at the front of the group of students, a short braided girl with an assault rifle in her hand looked at the leaving figures of Lin Lan and others, and asked, somewhat strangely like Zhao Heyan.

Before Zhao Heyan could speak, another tall male student union cadre glared at the short girl and laughed and cursed:

Lin Lan? I'm afraid that bastard is still staying in the Western Continent. But speaking of it, the Western Continent is about to go to war with Tomahawk Military Industry. He won't be able to come back even if he wants to.

That kid has always been lucky. Even the killers from the Tianxing Consortium haven't killed him. He is now interning in the Western Continent and has his own ship girl. It is probably difficult for Tomahawk Military Industry to kill him.

Yes, I just hope that when he comes back to attend the graduation ceremony, he can bring me some specialties and pay off the few meals he owes me.

What? He owes you food too? How many people does this bastard owe food to? Can't even eat in the student union cafeteria to satisfy him?!

The cadres of the student union immediately launched a fierce denunciation of Lin Lan.

They also all knew that the commander could not be Lin Lan.

It was just that they had just withdrawn from the tense battlefield, and they just used this topic to joke and vent the accumulated pressure in their hearts.

The first-year students walking behind them couldn't help but become curious when they heard that the seniors in the student union were so unified in scolding the same person.

Um, senior, who is Lin Lan and why do you all have such big opinions against him?

Finally, one of the gray-faced freshmen couldn't hold himself back and asked.

That guy is your senior... I won't tell you about his bad deeds. I'm afraid I'll teach you bad things, so just remember that he's a piece of shit.

The word hob meat is too flattering for him. He is a dead pig and is not afraid of boiling water!

The new student's question caused the students in the student union to scold Lin Lan even more passionately, but they all had smiles on their faces. It was obvious that they had a very good relationship with Lin Lan.

Seeing that the atmosphere among his classmates finally became lively, Zhao Heyan, who had hidden his family background from his classmates and had been silent, finally relaxed and breathed a sigh of relief.

But when it came to Lin Lan, she certainly remembered this senior who was regarded as a key subject of care by her brother.

This is not to say that Lin Lan's appearance attracted her. She secretly helped every classmate who was listed as a key target by her brother.

After learning that Lin Lan was successfully assassinated by her brother's killer, she was so discouraged that night that she stayed awake all night.

But for some reason, Lin Lan, who was reported to have been successfully assassinated, did not die. She still came to the academy in full swing the next day, which made her remember this cheeky and cheerful senior.

Well, it's definitely not because Lin Lan often comes to the student union's office building to visit the canteen under the pretext of taking refuge, and just comes to eat and drink when nothing happens.

If Lin Lan here had known that Zhao Heyan would think so, he would have proudly puffed up his chest and smiled at her. Thick-skinned is the fine tradition of Blue Star natives, and she is still too young.

However, Zhao Heyan also knew very well that Lin Lan could not appear here at this time, not to mention how could the trainee commander have so many ship girls?

But just looking at the figures of the departing ship girls, it seemed that there were several aircraft carrier girls and battleship girls, but there was only that one commander.

Since when did the Admiralty have such a powerful port area? Could it be a trump card hidden by the Admiralty?

Zhao Heyan couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

She is the daughter of the Tianxing Consortium, and of course she has a way to obtain information in the Tianxing Consortium. Otherwise, how would she save people before her brother Zhao Hesheng takes action.

It's just that the Oran Navy Department has such a powerful port area, but it hasn't really been shown yet, which makes her puzzled.

Just as they were walking towards the pier in the snow, ready to thank the senior officials of the Navy for coming to support, three injured students with anti-inflammatory drugs in their hands happened to come from the direction of the temporary hospital.

One of the students was the one who had just greeted Lin Lan at the pier. When he saw Zhao Heyan and others walking towards him, he immediately excitedly waved the medicine in his hand and said loudly:

President, it's great that you are back safely! You go to the dock quickly. Senior Lin came back from the Western Continent to support us. He also used the teaching country's magic tools to transport a lot of medical supplies from the Western Continent. The medical students at the temporary hospital Everyone is going crazy!

That's not a good thing... Wait, who did you say sent these supplies and who came back?!

When the cadres of the student union heard the good news that the reinforcements had sent medical supplies and relieved the urgent need, they were all moved by happy emotions at first, with smiles on their faces.

But the next second they all realized something was wrong, and the smiles on their faces suddenly turned into surprise, and they stopped and froze.

The person who even spoke first to confirm was Zhao Heyan, who had been silent and had disbelief written all over his face.

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