This scene happened so suddenly that no one in the conference room reacted.

Their immediate boss, Qian Yuanbai, who has always been extremely calm, dared to directly attack the old director of Tianou Group who was also one of the Zhuhai Chamber of Commerce? !

And he also committed murder against the man who led everyone to fight their way out of the Star Building, which was about to fall, and protected them from getting here safely? !

Is he crazy?

But what happened in the next second made everyone in the conference room widen their eyes and gasp.

The bullet hole on Jian Qianou's forehead that should have been gushing blood, but what came out from inside was not the imagined blood, but...

The rich blue mist!

Ever since your daughter died, you have been heartbroken and devoted yourself wholeheartedly to your work and serving the Tianxing Consortium.

Because you have nothing to worry about, you work very hard, and you regard Hongye City as your entire effort.

Because of this, you, Qian Yuanbai, are also one of the few general agents of the Tianxing Consortium who are popular with the public.

As if nothing had happened, Jian Qianou still stared at Qian Yuanbai, who was trembling with his hands behind his back, and continued to talk about the past events he had glimpsed from his heart.

No, don't say it, don't say it anymore!

You monster! You are a monster! You are not human!!!

Bang! Bang! Bang!!!

The scar that had been buried in his heart for a long time was revealed. Qian Yuanbai finally lost his calm expression just now. Instead, he roared and held the pistol with both hands, aiming at Jian Qianou's body and firing continuously.

Bullets hit Jian Qianou's body one after another, but apart from punching through the thin suit, they were unable to cause any harm to Jian Qianou.

Wisps of strange blue mist emerged from the bullet holes, making Jian Qianou look like a demon looking down on everyone.

The powerful emotional simulation system of the third-generation robot and its appearance, which is harmless to humans, make you think that you can restore your daughter who has been dead for many years.

And you, Qian Yuanbai, you are also the first person in Hongye City to own a third-generation robot.

The appearance of that third-generation robot is exactly what you ordered based on your daughter's appearance.

It is precisely because of this that you trust the third-generation robots so much. You have prioritized all the new heavy firepower equipment in the city and dispatched order troops composed of third-generation robots, and handed over important positions in various heavy factories. The third generation of robots.”

This is exactly why our resistance front collapsed so quickly.

When Jian Qianou finished speaking, Qian Yuanbai seemed to have lost all his strength and slowly collapsed to the ground.

The gun in his hand had also been empty of magazines and fell beside him.

All the surrounding executives of the Tianxing Consortium looked at their immediate boss in confusion. Even they had no idea what Jian Qianou said.

And from the chaotic look on Qian Yuanbai's face at this moment, they all could see that all this was true.

It turns out it's all because of you damn guy. It turns out you were the one who caused my brothers to be injured like that and captured by those metal lumps!

The soldier who was still in the conference room was already furious. He strode directly to Qian Yuanbai who was lying on the ground, grabbed Qian Yuanbai's collar and raised his fist high.

Wait a minute. I still have something to ask him. Soldier, leave him to me.

Just when the angry fist was about to land on Qian Yuanbai's face, Jian Qianou slowly spoke to stop him.

After hearing Jian Qianou's words, the soldier gritted his teeth and retracted his fist, stared at Qian Yuanbai fiercely, took a mouthful of spit on the ground and said angrily:

You old thing, listen to me, I would rather die than surrender to those metal lumps!

After saying that, the soldier threw Qian Yuanbai to the ground again, saluted Jian Qianou with the military salute of the Zhuhai Chamber of Commerce, and strode out of the conference room.

Jian Qianou walked up to Qian Yuanbai with his hands behind his back, as if his soul had been taken away, and was as sluggish as a puppet. He looked down condescendingly and asked:

Tell me, how do you feel now?

Your subordinates, your soldiers, the city you are responsible for, the citizens who support you, and all the innocent people in Hongye City will fall into the abyss of eternal destruction because of your willfulness.

Do you's worth it?

All Qian Yuanbai's subordinates in the conference room looked at the two people without saying a word. They no longer knew what to do.

Downstairs, there is an endless army of out-of-control robots, while upstairs, there is a cold rooftop.

Just as Jian Qianou said, they had no escape.

Even if the man in front of them is a monster, so what, they have no other choice but to listen here.

It shouldn't be like this... it shouldn't be like this...

Obviously, obviously that smile, that smile is so real, so pure...

Qian Yuanbai looked at Jian Qianou blankly, and after a long silence, he finally spoke slowly.

I also understand that she is not Ya'er, she is her, not Ya'er's substitute.

But, she's obviously a good child, and she obviously wouldn't do these things...

Am I wrong? I chose to believe her, and I chose to provide more help to these robots...

Obviously, I watched them start up for the first time in Hongye City and smiled happily at us. I also watched the citizens' faces also have sincere smiles when they saw them for the first time...

But why, why did it become like this? Why did Director Zhao not approve my proposal to issue unemployment benefits? Why did they betray me and betray Oran...

Obviously I'm right, they are right too, no one is right, no one is wrong! All this... in the end, why...

At the end of the sentence, this city general agent, who was over fifty and had always been strong, had big tears rolling down his wrinkled face. He covered his face with his hands and broke down crying.

In this silent and depressing atmosphere, Jian Qianou sighed deeply.

If the head of state hadn't summoned him from the Western Continent to see this scene, I'm afraid something similar would happen to his Tianou Consortium sooner or later.

As for the root cause of all this tragedy in the United States of Oran, which has coexisted with robots for so long, Jian Qianou has already understood from Lin Lan who is the culprit.


Just as Jian Qianou whispered the term, a sharp squeaking sound suddenly came from outside the tempered glass window of the conference room.

The senior executives of the Liangmiang Tianxing Consortium who were standing by the window hurriedly ran to the window to take a look. However, this sight made the two people scream in surprise, turned around and ran away:

The third-generation robot climbed up from the outer wall! Run!

The moment their panicked words fell, several Rubik's Cube energy robots holding sharp objects appeared in the sight of everyone in the conference room.

These Rubik's Cube energy robots, which are no different in appearance from human women, actually used the sharp objects in their hands to cut through the tempered glass and exterior walls, and climbed up to the dozen or so floors!

The moment they appeared on the tempered glass, the entire solid tempered glass had been penetrated by the sharp objects in their hands, causing large spider patterns.

Is it true that... I am really unable to fulfill the orders of the Head of State? Oran, is it really impossible to survive this crisis?

All the senior executives of Tianxing Consortium in the conference room fled the room in panic, not forgetting to drag Qian Yuanbai away from the ground.

Only Jian Qianou was left standing in the conference room with his hands behind his back, looking at the broken glass in front of him, a trace of exhaustion flashed in his eyes.

Although he has become a soul and will not be killed by these Rubik's Cube energy robots, if this layer is lost, it means that Hongye City has lost the ability to send news broadcasts to the Eastern Continent.

He will not die, but if the head of state waits until the next day to deliver his speech, I am afraid it will be too late.

By then, most of the urban armed forces will probably fight on their own due to the chaos of the omnic crisis and develop into separate factions. It will be extremely difficult to reunite as a force.

Not to mention how many cities' signal towers will collapse during this night, preventing the desperate resisters from receiving news broadcasts?

He has lived a long life and has witnessed that Oran has faced many crises, both internal and external.

But now, even he felt deep despair.

If all the crises that are breaking out in Oran are planned by the Sirens, can they really deal with such a terrifying enemy?

Jian Qianou has never seen such a terrifying opponent.

Effortlessly, without even doing it himself, the siren pushed the thousand-year-old Oran into the abyss.

He was tired, really tired.

Just when Jian Qian'ou saw that the tempered glass wall in front of him was about to be violently smashed by more and more Rubik's Cube energy robots climbing up, he was about to close his eyes and sigh.

He suddenly heard the roaring sound of air waves tearing through the sky from the harsh sounds of chiseling.

And this sound that was supposed to represent the arrival of death, he had heard it several times in the Western Continent, and of course he understood what it meant.

Haha, it seems that even if Oran is going to die one day, at least it won't be this time.

Jian Qianou looked at the Rubik's Cube energy robots in front of him who also heard the sound on the glass exterior wall. He stopped what he was doing and turned to look at the sky.

A smile finally appeared on his face.

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