Before Lin Lan looked back, he suddenly found that his body seemed to have turned into a translucent form!

Moreover, the deck under his feet and even the entire White Eagle mass-produced destroyer, everything around him became translucent like a shadow, and he could even see the sea directly under his feet!

Thump thump thump...

Large swaths of sharp ice crystals penetrated straight through his illusory body and the hull of the mass-produced destroyer, and fell into the sea one after another.

But he didn't feel like he was touching anything, as if everything around him no longer belonged to this world.

Moreover, Lin Lan also discovered that Enterprise, Akashi, Anchorage, and the White Eagle ship girls in the living rooms of other cabins had all entered this unexplainable illusive state.

After witnessing this strange scene, a term instantly appeared in his mind.

Eldridge's skills - Project Rainbow!

Lin Lan immediately turned around and looked.

Sure enough, Eldridge, the mouthless little lolita who had been silent all this time, had already unfolded her ship suit.

A large area of ​​nearly transparent electromagnetic current emerged from around Eldridge's petite body, completely covering the entire mass-produced destroyer.

In the game, Eldridge's skill effect has a 15% chance of being triggered, causing all vanguard fleets to completely avoid all attacks.

Lin Lan also understood that it was not in the game now. Eldridge's powerful skill had become an active skill that could be turned on stably!

When the last ice crystal fell into the seawater, Eldridge stopped releasing the electromagnetic current and cast a cute and confused look at him.

The yellow-haired, mouthless little loli didn't seem to understand why he looked at her in such shock.

Lin Lan, whose body returned to normal, also noticed that the people in the company and others around him were also very calm, as if they had already guessed that Eldridge would protect them.

Lin Lan immediately realized why all the ship girls were so calm, as if they had expected all this.

After all, he had just named Anchorage and Eldridge to come out for escort work.

I'm afraid that in the understanding of his shipmates, he had already guessed that such an unexpected situation would occur and therefore specifically called Eldridge on board.

After clearing his thoughts, Lin Lan breathed a sigh of relief, with a smile on his face. He bent down and lifted the cute yellow-haired little loli up high, and praised:

Well done, Eldridge, thank you for using your skills in time.

The accident also taught him a lesson.

Although he can already accurately control the effects of mass destruction skills released with spells, if the skills released are destroyed during the duration, it will still pose an uncontrollable threat to friendly forces.

Lin Lan silently reminded himself in his heart that he should pay more attention in the future and try to avoid this situation.

After lifting Eldridge up and spinning him in his arms, he also looked at Enterprise who put back his ship's suit and longbow and smiled at him.

After the two arrows were shot out, the White Eagle God of War didn't even take a breath. It's so unreasonable to be so strong...

Lin Lan had to admit that the company was truly an activist.

Seeing that he seemed a little swollen, he performed a hand-shredding storm on the spot to help him realize the reality.

If it weren't for the company, he might really be floating...

However, the setback caused by this disparity in strength was something Lin Lan had already gotten used to in the Iron-Blooded camp. She was not at all negative in her heart, but instead felt a little happy.

Because no matter what, he can rely on these charms to provide some help to his shipgirls in battle in the future, instead of just worrying about the rear.

Commander, do you want to try the other three spells again, meow? He's so handsome, meow!

Although the two ice blade tornadoes were exploded by the enterprise with one arrow, it was obvious that the little profiteer was very satisfied with the power of the spell, and his two green-haired little ears stood up in excitement.

If you try again, you will delay your trip. You can try again later when you return to the artificial island. These three charms will be given to you. They will be regarded as the treasures of the store that I will compensate you for.

Before Lin Lan had breakfast, in addition to the Ice Blade Tornado and the Clear Sky Talisman, he also drew three spells: Ice Explosion, Giant Wave Induction and Zero Degree Field.

Without exception, these three spell skills are mass destruction skills at the same level as Ice Blade Tornado.

With the Ice Blade Tornado skill as a comparison, Lin Lan already had a rough understanding of the power of these new skills.

When facing ordinary people, these skills are undoubtedly at the level of causing natural disasters, and it can be said that they are worthy of the status of a brave man.

But unfortunately, his biggest enemy now is not the Demon King and the Demon King's army, but the Sirens.

It is completely fanciful to expect these lethal skills to challenge the Siren fleet. It is estimated that the first time they are used, they will have a surprise effect.

Facing mass-produced sirens or executors of type II and above, his destructive skills may only be able to scratch the surface of the sirens.

Therefore, Lin Lan understood that instead of relying on the damage of these large-scale skills to hit the sirens, it was better to use the environmental changes or control effects caused by these skills to assist his ship girls.

When the little profiteer heard that the commander had given these three spells to her, a very happy smile suddenly appeared on her face.

Akashi, who has been to the Teaching Kingdom, knows very well that the spells drawn by these commanders are no less powerful than the high-level magic of the Teaching Kingdom, and are even about to reach the level of forbidden spell magic.

Even in the Teaching Kingdom, high-level magic scrolls are strictly controlled dangerous items, and they often fetch sky-high prices when sold on the black market.

This profiteer has secretly planned to use these three charms to make a lot of money if he goes to the Teaching Kingdom again.

Now that he had tested the power of the spell, Lin Lan no longer had to continue blowing wind on the deck.

He took Enterprise and others back to the cabin, and after letting Mori control the mass-produced destroyer to restart, he also summarized and explained the power of the spell to the other White Eagle ship girls.

When she heard him say that he was going to use these skills as trump cards, Helena nodded with great approval and said:

The commander is right. It is best not to use these charms as a last resort and not to expose them to the siren easily.

The company also recognized his decision, looked at Lin Lan seriously and said:

The best way to deal with the sirens is always to use power beyond their plan, so the commander must not take action easily, lest the sirens collect data.

Lin Lan already knew this, and with so many ship girls around him, there were really not many opportunities for him to take action personally.

In the following time, Lin Lan prepared to make some small props from Gu Liaozhou in the living room.

The first thing he thought of was to mass-produce fire-preventing jade beads that could dispel flames. At least, each of the White Eagle girls on the ship must make one first.

From his point of view as a commander, this small jade bead was much more effective than a fire extinguisher installed on the ship, except that it could not increase the durability of the ship's girls.

You must know that in the game, the continuous burning damage caused by siren high-explosive bombs and self-destructing ships cannot be underestimated.

What's more important is that this fire-preventing jade bead does not occupy the equipment slot of his ship's girls at all. It only needs to be placed in the ship's storage space and can be taken out for use at any time when needed.

This is pure prostitution enhancement.

So she went ahead and went straight to Akashi for a bunch of pebbles and piled them on the coffee table.

He had already successfully made a fire-preventing jade bead when he was in Lihu County. This jade bead was very simple to make, and he only needed to imprint the compressed water element on these ordinary pebbles.

Lin Lan was just preparing to make fire-preventing jade beads one by one, but suddenly he seemed to remember something, closed his eyes and searched carefully in the brave skill column.

Soon, he showed a proud smile.

He really found this new passive skill that has not yet been unlocked——

Gu Liaozhou is proficient in making props.

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