Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 413: Chong Ying Camp and Elemental Power

After confirming the effect of the fire-preventing jade beads to the White Eagle Ship girls around him, Lin Lan returned to the living room and made a new batch of fire-preventing jade beads.

This time, the ladies of the White Eagle Ship all recognized the strength of this jade bead, and they all played with it curiously after getting the fire-preventing jade bead from him.

Of course, Lin Lan did not forget the two little sleepy bugs still sleeping in the cabin.

He handed the extra two fire-preventing jade beads to Mori and told Mori to give them to Lafite and Nicholas after they woke up.

At this time, Lin Lan noticed that most of the White Eagle Ship girls had accepted the jade beads, but there were still some White Eagle Ship girls who were confused about the jade beads.

For example, after Wuwei and Ingraham, who have always adhered to the supremacy of science, received the fire-preventing jade beads, they held the jade beads in their hands and looked left and right. However, after careful observation, they still couldn't figure out what the principle was.

But when the two of them walked to the stove to light the fire, they found that the flame on the stove could not be ignited at all, which made them even more puzzled.

So Lin Lan walked to them with a smile, and said with a smile to the two women of the White Eagle Ship, whose world view was upside down:

Don't try it. If you are really curious, why don't I make a few more and send them to the Xinghai Laboratory for you to study the principles.

Lin Lan himself is also a materialist. He knows that although this fire-preventing jade bead may feel extremely magical to people who cannot see the elements, it is actually not difficult to understand after understanding the principle.

Perhaps one day in the future, his White Eagle Ship girls can also use this to open the door to the elemental realm, and it is also possible to develop instruments and facilities that can control elements.

This thing is just like the nanoparticle storage button on your collar, Wuwei. If ordinary people saw your ship's current and nanoparticles, they would definitely be as confused as you are now when they see this fire-preventing jade bead.

When you study it thoroughly in the future and fully grasp the principles behind it, you will feel that this is actually a normal prop like the nanoparticle storage.

Lin Lan's words made Wuwei and Ingraham look suddenly enlightened.

The commander is right. Isn't the best way to deal with the unknown is to use scientific methods to thoroughly study it?

After thinking about this, Wuwei showed a relieved expression on her face and put the fire-preventing jade bead into her ship's storage space.

When Lin Lan mentioned Xinghai Laboratory, Ingraham, who had a calm personality, seemed to have remembered something and looked at Lin Lan thoughtfully.

She remembered that in the Xinghai Laboratory inside the artificial island mountain, the project was about to be completed.

It seems that the commander still doesn't know about that project.

After that, Lin Lan began to try to make other Gu Liaozhou props.

In the process of making props, he soon discovered that most of Gu Liaozhou's prop making principles actually came from the use of elements.

When it comes to elements, one should have thought that this would definitely not avoid the fact that the number of ship girls in the port area is no less than that of another large camp, the White Eagle camp——

Heavy cherry blossoms.

Lin Lan clearly remembered that although in the game, the performance of the carrier aircraft released by the Chongsakura aircraft carrier girls was the same as that of the aircraft carrier girls from other camps.

However, in the plot and setting of the game, the girls of the Zuo Sakura aircraft carrier release the carrier-based aircraft with the help of landing gear, using props such as charms, katana swords, and paper cuts to summon the release.

In addition to the aircraft carrier girls from the Heavy Sakura camp, other Heavy Sakura ship girls also have more or less unique ways of using elemental power.

From the Yamato-class battleship Great Fox Musashi, which can control the power of lightning, to the Asashio-class destroyer Koroika, which can talk to ghosts.

These transcendent powers of the girls of the Chongsakura Ship seem to be embodied by the combination of Rubik's Cube technology and elemental power.

Thinking of this, a smile appeared on Lin Lan's face. It seemed that the Chongying camp in this different world might be inspired by the way the Liaozhou Nine Islands control the elements, and their strength would be even higher.

While making props, Lin Lan would also chat with the girls from the White Eagle ship who came to chat with her from time to time.

After lunch, it soon came to afternoon.

Phew, it's finally done.

Looking at the gray bag in his hand that he spent nearly half of his mental energy to make, Lin Lan was filled with anticipation.

Although this gray bag looks like an ordinary cloth bag, the time it took him to make this prop was countless times longer than making the fire-preventing jade beads.

Although it consumed so much energy, Lin Lan felt that it was all worth it.

For no other reason than because of this little tip, he used extremely difficult-to-control space elements to condense a stable imprint into a miniature version of the dimensional package that has a storage function.

Before, he had always wanted a storage item similar to the storage space of the ship girls' ship equipment, but even he himself did not expect that he would get his wish so quickly after unlocking new skills.

However, this miniature version of the dimensional package is far from being able to compare with the storage space of his ship's girls, and its limitations are very large.

It would be more than enough to store charms and some gadgets, but as long as the items exceed the diameter of the opening of this small bag, it will be completely impossible to put them in and store them.

For truly practical storage props, he either had to wait until he went to Liaozhou to make them with special rare materials, or he had to wait for Xinghai Laboratory to make a breakthrough in the application of space technology in the future.

The White Eagle ship girls in the cabin found that they had gradually become accustomed to the commander's ability to constantly come up with magical new gadgets.

Lin Lan had just shown off to his ship girls and put the enhanced version of the Clear Sky Spell into the storage bag when he suddenly received a call from New Jersey.

Hello honey! We have set off now. How is the situation over there~

As soon as the call was connected, New Jersey's extremely excited voice came out.

It can be seen that New Jersey is in a good mood now that it has got rid of the heavy government affairs.

Inspired by New Jersey's happy tone, Lin Lan couldn't help but smile and said:

Everything is going well here. We should be able to arrive around Hengyue City in a while...Have you and Xiao Jia Jia finished handing over all the work?

That's right! Honey, where did you find such a kind person? He not only knows the work of this country very well, but he was also very excited when he handed over the work to us. It was like being on stimulants~ In short, I, and Sara have now announced their resignation completely!”

Hearing New Jersey's relieved tone and exaggerated description of Jian Qianou, Lin Lan couldn't help but laugh out loud.

In order to lead the Tianou Group to gain greater power in Oran, Jian Qianou worked hard for countless years.

The result is good now. He has thrown all the supreme power of Olan to this old guy. The other party is just lying down and eating chicken. How can you not be excited?

Just when Lin Lan was happy that New Jersey and Saratoga finally no longer had to continue the heavy work, the voice from New Jersey on the phone suddenly became serious:

Honey, we have discovered a very important piece of information. You must convey it to the company and Helena.

Hearing the change in New Jersey's tone, Lin Lan was stunned and waited quietly for New Jersey's next words.

Refugees who fled from the surrounding counties of Hengyue City provided us with a photo. Commander, I will send it to you.

Lin Lan put the phone in front of her and found that New Jersey had sent a blurry photo using the White Eagle social tool.

This photo shows the sea surface with heavy snow falling in the dark night.

And on the blurry sea surface in the distance, stood a girl with long dark blue hair, black horns on both sides of her forehead, black and red glove-like armor on her arms, and a beautiful girl with golden eyes wearing a black cheongsam.

Seeing this girl's clothes, Lin Lan suddenly felt very familiar, but for a while he couldn't remember where he had seen her before.

That's right honey, as you can see, this is the agent VIII Determination, a subordinate of Strencus, the Arbitration Organization.

It was only then that New Jersey's voice sounded again, telling Lin Lan the identity of the girl standing alone on the sea around Hengyue City.

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