Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 417 Hacking into the Rubik’s Cube Energy Robot Host

The interesting scene of Lin Lan talking to the company also made the surrounding White Eagle girls laugh out loud.

Even South Dakota, who had a serious face and didn't speak much along the way, raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

It's rare for a company to make a joke.

As expected, with the commander by our side, everyone will feel very at ease no matter what difficulties they encounter.

After entering the lumberyard covered by ice and snow, Lin Lan saw at a glance two Rubik's Cube energy robots that were completely scrapped in the open space, with sparks coming from the circuits.

It was obvious that the two Rubik's Cube energy robots were destroyed by Wichita in one blow, and they did not even have time to use the firearms that fell on the ground.

And Wichita stood in front of the only well-preserved factory building, waving to them.

Hey, Commander, here, here!

Lin Lan and the other White Eagle ship girls quickly came to the door of the factory, and when he saw the scene inside the factory, he couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

In the huge factory building, the original logging equipment had been dismantled and piled up in the corners, replaced by a huge black metal equipment placed in the center.

The shape of this equipment is like a honeycomb, with countless sealed cabins regularly placed on the surface, and pipes connected from the cabins to the ground.

There is no doubt that all the Orans who were here before were imprisoned in this strange device, lost consciousness, and became the battery of the Rubik's Cube energy robot.

Just looking at this device, Lin Lan didn't understand that the Rubik's Cube Energy Robot itself was charged by the Rubik's Cube fragments and did not need to obtain energy from the outside world.

And if we only need electricity, can human organic bioelectricity really be comparable to the power generation equipment in Oran today?

With this question, Lin Lan decided not to rush to rescue these Oran people as soon as possible, but to first find out what energy this device was extracting from the bodies of these Oran people.

This job was naturally handed over to Akashi and Ingraham.

While the two little girls were researching this device, he also arranged for Washington to take the Baltimore sisters outside to guard the area to prevent the Rubik's Cube energy robot army from coming in for support.

He was not made to wait long. Soon the little profiteer with a wrench came to him and said to him in confusion:

Commander, the principle of this device is very strange. The energy it extracts from these nutrition cabins is not ordinary electrical energy, but more like the energy of thoughts.

Lin Lan couldn't help but be stunned when he heard Akashi's words.

idea? What's this?

Seeing the confusion on his face, Akashi shook his ears and explained to him with a more understandable example:

Well...the so-called thoughts are similar to the pronouns of mind and thoughts. Well, in short, the people in these nutrition cabins are now bodies, and their thoughts have been extracted by this device and brought to unknown places. Where have you gone?

After hearing what Akashi said, Lin Lan always understood. Isn't this equivalent to uploading and taking away all the human thoughts locked in these nutrition cabins?

As expected, the host of the Rubik's Cube Energy Robot captured the Oran people not just to obtain ordinary electricity.

While he had a look of surprise on his face, he couldn't help but feel a little lucky. Fortunately, he let Akashi and Ingraham study this device first.

If he had just ordered to forcibly rescue the Oran people in the nutrition cabin, I am afraid that these Oran people would have become vegetative forever before their minds came back!

While feeling lucky, Lin Lan also felt very strange.

The host of this Rubik's Cube energy robot can actually extract the thoughts of these Oran people. What is it trying to do?

In addition, the representative of the arbitration agency also appeared here, which shows that behind all the actions of the Rubik's Cube Energy Robot Host, it is not just the experimental agency that is backing it.

Is it possible that the host of this Rubik's Cube energy robot really wants to learn the AI ​​matrix of the Matrix and upload the thoughts of all Oran people to the virtual world?

Wait, virtual world...

Lin Lan suddenly felt that he seemed to have grasped something important.

What kind of virtual world life will the host of the Rubik's Cube Energy Robot create for these Oran people?

Could it be...the original world?

Lin Lan said the name softly, and even he was startled.

It seems that everything makes sense.

The creator of the Rubik's Cube energy robot is still a siren after all.

According to his speculation, Siren's actions against Oran are to transform Oran into the second original world that develops Rubik's Cube technology.

Then after the Siren discovered that he had begun to interfere with the experimental process, it was most likely that he used this Rubik's Cube energy robot host to trigger an omnic rebellion, and directly captured the Oran people and joined them in a virtual primitive world!

Moreover, the virtual world is more malleable than the real world and is easier to be controlled by sirens.

After he told the company and others about this idea, all the girls on the White Eagle ship couldn't help but frown.

There is nothing wrong with the commander's reasoning, otherwise it would be difficult to explain why even the arbitration agency would appear here to cooperate with the experimental agency.

But in this way, the original plan to destroy the host tower caused a big problem.

If they really destroy the giant tower, can these Oran people whose consciousness is saved in the virtual world created by the host really be able to wake up smoothly?

Lin Lan was also aware of this serious issue. If they forcibly destroyed the host tower, the consequences would most likely be that the captured Oran people would never wake up again.

Things are going to be difficult to handle now. It's not a matter of attacking them directly, nor is it letting the Rubik's Cube energy robots arrest Orlan people wantonly.

While everyone was deep in thought in the factory, Helena glanced around the crowd, seemed to have made an important decision, and said timidly:

Well... I actually have a way that I can try.

Lin Lan and the other White Eagle ship girls all cast curious glances after hearing Helena's words.

Helena Meta taught me the technique of program intrusion before. If the nutrition cabin here can be connected to that virtual world, I, I can try to hack it and modify the data of the host center.

Meow? That's a good idea, meow. Those nutrition cabins provide a perfect connection entrance. You can really try to hack in, meow!

After hearing what Helena said, the little profiteer Akashi immediately said that this plan was feasible.

And Ingraham also nodded and said:

Helena's hacking skills are the best in the entire port area. Commander, you can let Helena try it.

Lin Lan didn't have any good ideas. Since both Akashi and Ingraham said so, of course he readily agreed to Helena's attempt to hack into this virtual world.

So he and a group of White Eagle ship girls walked to this cold and strange metal device.

As if by magic, Akashi took out several computer-like instruments from the storage space and placed them on the edge of this large device.

Helena turned on these instruments and began to quickly type codes on the keyboard that Lin Lan could not understand. At the same time, lines of green data continued to jump on the monitor.

Time passed by, and no one made a sound, for fear of interrupting Helena's hacking process.

A few minutes later, Helena suddenly stopped what she was doing and looked sideways at Lin Lan with a hesitant expression.

Seeing Helena's appearance, Lin Lan knew that there must be a problem with the hacking work.

He showed a smile and said to Helena gently:

It's okay, Helena. If you have any questions, just tell us. This is just an attempt. If it doesn't work, we will think of other solutions.

Hearing what Lin Lan said, Helena seemed to have mustered up the courage. She took a deep breath and said:

Commander, I have actually successfully hacked into the main center of the Rubik's Cube energy robot through this device.

The central system of the Rubik's Cube Energy Robot Host is very similar to the Siren Core Storage Tower template provided to me by Helena Meta before, so I successfully obtained some permissions, but...

Having said this, Helena paused, as if she had made up her mind, looked at Lin Lan, and said firmly:

But this is already the highest authority I can control at this node.

If you want to obtain enough permission to release all human thoughts in the virtual world, someone must connect to the virtual world through the nutrition cabin and cooperate with me to crack it from inside the host center.

And there are only two vacant nutrition cabin spaces left here.

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