As the builder's cold instructions fell, the company immediately launched an attack upon hearing Lin Lan's order.

Three long arrows, like thunderbolts, struck at the builder, but were blocked by the shield in front of the builder.

However, these three arrows fired by the enterprise also completed their mission, causing several cracks in the shield in front of the builder.

It's useless. Even if you destroy my body, the partial cleanup procedure will still be carried out.

Your consciousness will be perfectly cleared in this virtual world along with the execution of the partial cleanup process, along with the AL-2 host.

The builder looked at Lin Lan and the silver-haired white eagle God of War, who was holding his bow again, with a dull expression, and said calmly:

You should know better than I do that the only way to interrupt the local cleanup program's energy accumulation is to destroy the core data tower.

In this way, whether it is your consciousness or the will of the host of the AL-2 experimental material, there is a 71% chance of survival.

But, this is impossible to do.


Before the builder finished speaking, Lin Lan heard a violent explosion behind him.

He suddenly turned around and discovered that it was Actor VIII who took advantage of the enterprise to attack the builders, blocked the carrier-based aircraft's bombs, and opened fire on them with its main gun.

However, this cannonball was blocked by the energy shield around him and the enterprise, and the entire energy shield also caused a layer of turbulent ripples.


Enterprise frowned and had to turn around again, controlling her carrier-based aircraft to suppress and consume Agent VIII, and once again beat the Agent girl into a defensive position with her head in her arms.

Commander! Leave Agent VIII to me!

She raised the long bow in her hand and pointed it at Actor VIII, and spoke in a low voice to Lin Lan.

What she has to do now is to destroy this agent as soon as possible to ensure that the commander will not be disturbed by it.

She had no doubt that the Commander and Helena would come up with a solution to their current predicament.

Just like the commander trusts them, she always believes that the commander will lead her to break out of danger, and she will do her best to protect the commander.

Lin Lan also stared at the huge dark tower behind the builder, constantly thinking about other ways to destroy it.

In the game plot, the senior siren builder in front of him also performed a partial cleanup process.

At that time, the core data tower of the builder was destroyed, and it was the combined fleet of ship girls from each camp, the addition of the Iron-Blooded High Seas Fleet, and the final move of Scharnhorst meta that finally destroyed it at the last moment and interrupted it. The local cleanup process is started.

Even if Helena meta hadn't hacked into the builder's core data tower defense module in advance, it would have been very likely to overturn.

From this you can imagine how difficult it will be to undo the partial cleaning procedure once it is executed.

At the moment, there is only one ship girl beside him from the enterprise, and it is almost impossible to recreate the combat power of that time.

Then he can only accomplish all this with the help of the power of the reality lens.

Is it a talisman that generates Liaozhou?

This idea quickly came to Lin Lan's mind, but he quickly abandoned it.

Those offensive spells are difficult to use against the Type II Siren Fleet, not to mention that the core data tower of the Rubik's Cube Energy Robot Host was built by the builder himself.

Use a nuclear bomb?

Another thought flashed through his mind.

But when he saw the builder's extremely calm face, he quickly threw away this idea.

In the game plot at that time, the builder showed the nuclear explosion record data screen of Operation Crossroads in order to interfere with his White Eagle Ship Girl's fighting spirit.

The Sirens may have already recorded detailed data on the super weapon of nuclear bombs. Since the Sirens have not used nuclear weapons, it means that the power of nuclear bombs must not pose a threat to the Rubik's Cube technology products.

So what should we do?

The dense explosions and artillery fire around them continued, and the Type III Siren Executor fleet was about to completely annihilate those Extremers and Blue Star modern weapons.

And at the front of the huge core data tower, Lin Lan also sensed that the invisible majestic silent power was gathering.

Although he didn't know how long the local cleaning process would be charged, one thing was clear to him.

That means there is not much time left for him and the company!

Seemingly seeing Lin Lan's eyes fixed on the core data tower, the builder spoke again in a voice without any emotion:

Abandon your naive idea of ​​destroying the Core Data Tower.

The core data tower defense module is difficult to break even with bombardments that penetrate the entire planet. Except for Rubik's Cube technology, it is absolutely unable to be destroyed by any known force.

Apart from……

When the builder said this, he seemed to realize that he had said something he shouldn't have said, and stopped talking.

Because what she just wanted to say was the mysterious enemy.

But she quickly shook her head lightly.

So what if the person in front of her guessed what she wanted to say?

As the most critical variable in the entire Judge's plan, this man should know very well that even the Rubik's Cube creation cannot materialize the technology that can materialize imagination.

Not to mention the mysterious enemy.

The only thing was that she didn't tell the truth to Lin Lan in front of her.

That's she didn't really perform a spot cleanup procedure.

As the final resort of ANTI-X, the local cleanup command must be approved by the ANTI-X host before it can be executed.

Unless her core data tower as an advanced ANTI-X is attacked by a high threat level, she can initiate local cleanup instructions at her own discretion according to the underlying protocol.

But while it wasn't really a spot cleanup, everything else she said was true.

Even the simulated local cleaning program's energy storage power is exactly the same as the real local cleaning program.

She wanted to witness with her own eyes whether the biggest variable that the observers had high hopes for could really create a miracle from this most desperate situation.

If a miracle could be created in this dead situation, then she would completely believe in the observer's prediction.

But when Lin Lan heard what the builder said, he seemed to think of something, and suddenly his eyes lit up and he opened up a new way of thinking.

Weapons that cannot use Rubik's Cube technology and weapons that penetrate the planet cannot completely destroy it... there any weapon that doesn't use Rubik's Cube technology, but is powerful enough to surpass Star Destroyer weapons and powerful enough to destroy stars?

Even if that doesn't exist in reality...

Once this idea was opened, Lin Lan quickly locked onto a target in his mind.

A perfect weapon that absolutely meets all requirements, a world-destroying weapon that does not use Rubik's Cube technology.

At the top of the sky-reaching core data tower, the consciousness of the last Oran man in the blue light group also turned into a stream of light and flew away.

The sky in the entire virtual world also turned dark blue again.

The energy storm of the local cleanup program that can destroy everything has filled the entire virtual world like thick air.


The company finally completely destroyed Agent VIII. The agent of the arbitration agency fell completely on the sea during a powerful air strike by the company that successfully activated LuckyE.

But there was no excitement or joy on the face of the silver-haired ship girl who had defeated Actor VIII.

She also felt that the destructive energy was constantly gathering. She turned around and looked at the giant tower, with a grim look on her handsome face.

Next, it depends on the commander.

At this time, Lin Lan no longer had any anxiety on his face.

He raised his right hand high and began to project the weapon in his mind bit by bit through the lens of reality.

When the weapon in his mind materialized, Lin Lan could even feel the stinging and burning sensations coming from his head.

He knew that this inexplicable pain was probably caused by the burning pain on his scalp caused by the reality lens instrument on his head operating at full power in the real world.

It's just that despite all the effort he put into operating the reality lens at full power, there was still nothing above them.

Except for the Siren carrier-based aircraft chasing those jet fighters, none of them appeared.

Lin Lan endured the constant burning pain on his scalp, regardless of whether the world-destroying weapon that did not exist in reality could be materialized successfully.

He looked at the builder and slowly asked:

Builder, I'm very curious, how did you sirens come to this world, and how did my ship girls also arrive without knowing it?

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