Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 431 This is an efficient mining ship (2800 words)

This weapon is enough to destroy everything, including the core data tower... Hiss!

Lin Lan did not explain the effect and origin of the Burning Sky Divine Weapon in detail to the company, because it would be a waste of time to explain clearly.

But if, as the builders say, the core data tower's defense modules can at best withstand the power of destroying planets, then it's obvious.

At the moment when the Burning Sky Divine Soldier was materialized by the reality lens and was born, the war that took place in the virtual world was won by his imagination.

The only thing he is worried about now is that the power of the Starburst of the Burning Sky Divine Soldier will definitely swallow him and the company together. In this case, whether his and the company's consciousness can return to the real world.

The deep, high-pressure dark matter ball didn't have much time to accumulate energy, and soon, the frightening power spread.

Around the black hole starburst filled with enough power to completely destroy the universe, a circle of golden light continued to twist and spread, as if even the surrounding light was being pulled and swallowed by it, making a desperate struggle.

The terrifying energy that far exceeds the local cleanup process hangs over this virtual world, seeming to silently declare a civilization's determination to become the enemy of the entire universe and turn into a natural disaster.

At this moment, the edge space of the entire virtual world began to distort and blur, as if it could not withstand the energy of the Burning Heaven Soldier and began to automatically collapse and disintegrate.

The figures of the builder and the siren fleet had already disappeared into this virtual world when the golden aperture of the starblaster appeared.

However, the departure of the builder did not terminate the process of the local cleanup program.

Around the core data tower of the Rubik's Cube energy robot host, the terrifying annihilation energy of the partial cleanup command is about to burst out, completely wiping out everything in this virtual world.

Whether it is the Burning Heavenly Divine Soldiers in the sky who are about to rain down the punishment of world destruction, or the partial cleanup process of the Sirens, they all represent that this virtual world is about to usher in its final end.

On the vast, dark blue empty sea that was constantly disintegrating, only Enterprise and Lin Lan were left.

In this virtual world that was about to end, Lin Lan slowly put down his right hand, turned around, and showed a somewhat apologetic smile to the company.

He looked at this sassy silver-haired ship girl from the White Eagle camp who volunteered to accompany him to the virtual world and stayed with him all the way, and said that he was lying.

Originally, he just thought about coming to the virtual world and cooperating with Helena to hack into the host of the Rubik's Cube energy robot and release the will of the Oran people.

I just didn't expect that something like this would happen in the end, even attracting the builder and the arbitration agency, causing the two of them to fall into this situation.

In order not to worry Enterprise, he endured the severe pain on his head, gently raised his hand, stroked Enterprise's smooth and delicate face, and took care of Enterprise's somewhat messy silver hair.

Commander, as expected, no matter what time, you will always find a way to thwart the Siren's conspiracy and create a miracle.

But to his surprise, Enterprise smiled happily at him, enjoyed his touch, put down the mechanical longbow in his hand, and drew closer to him.

This made Lin Lan a little shocked.

He knew very well that the Burning Sky Divine Weapon above them was about to bring the end of this world, and their consciousness would most likely never be able to return to the real world, and they would just die here.

Enterprises are not stupid and should also understand all this.

But even so, the strong White Eagle Ship Girl was still looking at him happily with a smile on her face as usual.

Commander, even if the world comes to an end, it is enough to have you by my side. I have no regrets at all about accompanying you to this virtual world.

When Lin Lan heard the gentle voice of the silver-haired White Eagle hero in front of him, he felt even more emotional.

At this time, he could no longer use the power of the Reality Lens, and materializing the Burning Sky Divine Weapon was his limit.

The local cleansing process must be interrupted, and he cannot stop the power of the Burning Heavenly Soldiers.

So, it's all over.

Lin Lan simply pulled Enterprise and sat side by side on the sea. The two of them just relied on each other's bodies, waiting for the end to come.

The company that had put away its ship equipment raised its head, looked at the black hole in the sky surrounded by several cubes, and asked Lin Lan with a smile:

Commander, where did you get this level of weapon thinking? This is really... no one would dare to think about it.

Lin Lan, whose head was numb from the burning pain, smiled, looked at Enterprise's bright purple eyes, and said jokingly:

You may not believe it, but your commander's other identity is the fourth natural disaster in the universe. Although this Burning Heavenly Soldier has the power to detonate stars, its main function is actually a mining ship used for mining. .”


Hearing Lin Lan's relaxed words with a smile, the company couldn't help but raise its eyebrows, showing a look of astonishment.

Commander, do you call this weapon with the power of destroying stars...the Burning Sky Divine Weapon a mining ship?

Yes, look, its star blaster can destroy an entire star system in one shot. In addition to collecting dark matter, it can also clean up all enemies in the entire star system. How efficient it is.

Hearing Lin Lan's teasing explanation, the company not only did not feel ridiculous, but even covered his mouth and burst into laughter.

Commander said this, it seems that the title of the fourth natural disaster is really an appropriate description. So what are the first three natural disasters?

Hey, that's a long story. If you're interested, if we can return to the real world in the future, I'll see if Akashi can make a similar game for you to play.

Lin Lan shrugged and smiled.

The two of them were chatting to each other in a world that was about to end, looking up at the magnificent scenery and enjoying the last warmth.

In the sky, the charge of the Burning Sky Divine Soldier has reached its peak, and the extremely dazzling Star Exploding Light Spear has been generated, aiming at the data core tower on the sea where the two of them are.

The majestic energy that is enough to detonate the star has been charged, and the final punishment of annihilation is about to fall.

However, since Commander is called a natural disaster, he must be an enemy of the entire universe in that game...

No matter whether we can return to the real world this time, Commander, you will no longer have to fight against the entire universe alone.

The gentle voice of the enterprise came, and Lin Lan couldn't help but turn his head and look at the legendary hero of the White Eagle camp.

Under the shining golden light spear in the sky, Enterprise still had a confident smile on his face, and his tone seemed to be saying something normal.

He originally wanted to smile and answer that it was just a game, but then he thought about how he once thought that his ship girls seemed to only exist in the game.

If one day he will be the enemy of the entire world, perhaps as the company said, his ship girls will still always be by his side.

Lin Lan opened his mouth and wanted to say something more, but the light spear in the sky had been charged. The majestic golden light stream poured out from the black hole of the star blaster. The light spear containing endless energy fell from the sky and headed towards The core data tower in front of them fell.

A transparent light blue energy shield appeared above the blue light ball at the top of the core data tower, seemingly trying to stop this world-destroying light spear.

Lin Lan knew without thinking that this was the defense module of the core data tower after starting the partial cleanup process.

The Siren Cube technology product that was once able to withstand the all-out attacks of the combined fleet and meta ship girls, the local cleanup program defense module that the builder said could withstand planet-level weapon attacks, only blocked the golden light spear for less than two seconds. .

In the third second, it was penetrated directly by the bright golden light spear, turning into crystal fragments all over the sky, falling on the sea like pieces of snowflakes.

There is no earth-shaking loud noise, no strong visual impact.

It all happened extremely slowly and naturally.

Lin Lan even felt that even the rules of time were beginning to twist and slow down.

The energy light spear launched by the Burning Sky Divine Soldier penetrated the light group above the core data tower and pierced the dark and solid core data tower. The entire giant tower was vaporized by the majestic energy in an instant and disappeared into the majestic air. In the golden light flow.

It's all over.

After Lin Lan witnessed the end of the core data tower and partial cleaning procedures, he closed his eyes slightly and whispered.

As someone who had used the Burning Sky Divine Soldier to blow up countless galaxies in that science fiction game, he knew very well that the next beam of light would penetrate the sea and the earth beneath their feet, detonating a supernova explosion.

Then everything will turn into nothingness, forming a huge black hole, which will become the nourishment for the civilization transformed into a natural disaster to move towards a high-dimensional world.

But at this moment, he felt his palm being held, and then the company's smiling voice came into his ears:

Heh, Commander, it looks like our path will continue.


Lin Lan suddenly opened his eyes, only to find that his surroundings had plunged into darkness so dark that he couldn't even see his fingers.

The severe pain he imagined did not appear, and the company was no longer with him.

However, even though he was trapped in the darkness, he could feel that his palm was still being held tightly, which made him feel at ease, but also seemed to be pulling him forward.


Lin Lan muttered quietly, and tightly grasped the soft palm that held him in the darkness.

The next second, his consciousness completely disappeared.

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