Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 440 The Giant Tower Light Ball in Reality (3100 words)

We won't last long here. Commander, what should we do now?

After regaining his balance, South Dakota asked Lin Lan in a deep voice.

The powerful White Eagle battleship lady looked at the huge equipment in front of her, and even began to think about whether to use the power of the ship's equipment to dismantle it and put it in her ship's storage space to take away.

This thought not only flashed through South Dakota's mind, but also came to Lin Lan's mind.

Time is so tight, it will take who knows how long to connect this device in place.

Since this huge black mechanical equipment is the only thing left here, he might as well just let his ship girls dismantle it and take it back to the artificial island for repair.


At this moment, a burst of circuit sparks sounded like a bad power contact, and the surrounding light blue lights kept flashing.

The black mechanical equipment, whose surface had been destroyed and deformed by flames and explosions, was actually trying to start on its own.

Lin Langang felt that the situation seemed to be turning around, but this huge equipment seemed to be running out of energy due to the power cord not being plugged in properly. The sound of sparks inside quickly faded away, and the weak and flickering lights went out again.

Ingraham immediately stepped forward, walked around the device, and quickly came to a conclusion and said to Lin Lan:

Commander, the energy supply pipelines originally connected to this equipment were melted by the flames. That should be the last energy reserve in the machine.


After receiving the response from this professional White Eagle destroyer girl, Lin Lan thought carefully for a moment, looked at the other White Eagle destroyer girls and asked:

Which of you has a Siren Energy Storage Container on you?

Commander, Commander! I have some! But there's only one!

Lin Lan's eyes widened when he received the response, because the ship girl who answered him turned out to be Santiago.

Following the excited voice of this silly girl, a transparent purple metal prop like a cylindrical hourglass appeared in her hand, which was raised high and waved by the light cruiser girl.

This was the trophy Lin Lan obtained from destroying the Siren stronghold in a large-scale battle in the game, but this was also the first time he saw the real version.

The Siren Energy Storage Container contains pure Rubik's Cube energy specially supplied to Siren equipment, which has no practical value for his ship girls.

Its only function is to activate the facilities in the Siren stronghold in large-scale battles. The explosive point is the loot and hidden troops hidden by the Siren in the mirror sea area.

Lin Lan himself didn't expect that he just asked casually, and actually the White Eagle Ship Girl actually had one with her.

This reckless and silly girl Jin Gaila is worthy of being the lucky ship of the White Eagle camp second only to the enterprise...

While Lin Lan was secretly complaining, he smiled and said to Santiago who was jumping up to him:

Jin Gaola, you are really my good No. 1. Quickly put this siren energy storage container at the wiring port of this device and see if it can supply energy to the device.

In any case, now that the siren energy storage container is available, this mechanical equipment should be able to be successfully started.

Under the leadership of Ingraham, everyone successfully found a wiring port behind the device that was not seriously deformed.

As Santiago inserted the Siren energy storage container into the wiring port, the purple energy in the container's glass continued to decrease, apparently being successfully absorbed by the device.

The effect was very noticeable, and soon, the large black equipment finally started to start again, and the movement was obviously much louder than before.

While waiting for the device to start up, Mori also quietly tugged on Santiago's clothes and asked suspiciously:

Santiago, why do you happen to have a siren energy storage container? I remember that when we were in the port area, these trophies had to be handed over for storage.

Hey, I forgot what it was called after I picked it up. I just suddenly remembered it~

Santiago, who was praised by the commander, smiled happily and said excitedly to Mori.

Lin Lan's mouth twitched slightly when she heard Santiago say this.

After returning from Hongye City, he didn't believe that Santiago was really that stupid.

But now it was impossible for him to question Jin Gaola in detail, because the equipment in front of them had finally been successfully started.

Along with the roar of the chassis, several rays of blue illusory light flashed in front of everyone's eyes.

The illusory image of a girl with short white hair wearing a long white dress and her eyes tightly closed slowly appeared above the device.

Although the three-dimensional image of the girl looked a little dim at this time, as if it would disappear at any time, Lin Lan and the company still recognized it at a glance. It was Ariel, the will of the Rubik's Cube energy host in Utopia.

Commander, is she...the Rubik's Cube energy robot host we want to rescue?

Georgia looked at Lin Lan with some uncertainty, and the company answered instead of Lin Lan:

Yes, it seems we have finally caught up. She is the will of the Rubik's Cube energy robot host that the commander and I met in Utopia.

Hearing the company's words, all the White Eagle ship girls looked at the illusory girl curiously.

They don't know why, but they always feel a sense of déjà vu from the will of the Rubik's Cube energy robot host.

Lafite stared at Ariel, and then said slowly for a long time:

Hmm, I always feel like she is talking to the navigator of the TB system.

The little loli's lazy words awakened the dreamers present.

Not only Lin Lan and the company suddenly reacted, but the other White Eagle ship girls also realized where the familiar feeling came from.

The way Ariel is dressed at this time really looks like the AI ​​navigator TB that provides them with auxiliary combat functions.

They are all illusory electronic three-dimensional images, all with short white hair and white dresses.

However, Lin Lan observed carefully and found that Ariel and TB still had many differences.

The navigator TB has an extra strand of cyan hair on his head, and the two short-haired white-haired girls also have some different details in their dresses and body decorations.

But no matter how you put it, Ariel and TB still have many similarities, especially this sci-fi and ethereal temperament, which is almost carved from the same mold.


But before Lin Lan had time to think about it, the ground shook violently and a deafening explosion struck again.

But the location of the explosion turned out to be the ceiling at the top of the giant tower directly above everyone!

Wow, wow, wow...

Amidst the explosion, several broken thick black metal plates fell straight down, as if the platform would be sunk directly in the next second!

At the critical moment, South Dakota unfolded her ship armor almost immediately, and the huge metal shield printed with blue spray paint was raised high by her.

A large blue energy shield appeared on top of everyone and the core of Ariel's host, even covering the entire platform.

The metal plates that were shattered by the explosion landed on the energy shield and were all bounced away. They slipped from the edge of the shield and fell to the bottom of the platform, with a faint muffled sound of collision.

But even if the explosion and shaking stopped, and the falling heavy metal plate was resolved by South Dakota's skill [Strongest Shield], a greater crisis appeared in front of everyone.

Lin Lan looked up. After the top ceiling of the giant tower was destroyed by the explosion, he could already see the clear sky outside and...

A ball of energy that is constantly circling and twisting, like a huge ball of blue energy that will explode at any time.

In an instant, airflow filled with destructive energy poured into the giant tower, and Lin Lan even felt that the air contained a large number of ions that caused pain in the nasal cavity.

As a brave man who can sense elements, he immediately discovered that this huge ball of energy contained extremely rich and abnormal light elements.

Once this compressed light element energy ball explodes, the diffused light element is enough to level the entire city center of Hengyue City in an instant!

Commander, that's not above the giant tower in the virtual world...

The moment the enterprise saw the giant ball appear, they recognized what this terrifying energy light ball was.

Ah, yes, it is indeed the 'blue sun' on the giant tower in the virtual world...

A trace of cold sweat fell down Lin Lan's cheeks, and he said with a wry smile.

This huge ball of energy that was on the verge of getting out of control was exactly the ball of energy on the giant tower that he destroyed by using a real-life lens to generate the Burning Heavenly Soldiers when he and the company were fighting the builder in the virtual world.

It is also the only sun with light elements in Utopia.

I should have thought of it earlier. Since the energy ball on top of the giant tower in the virtual world has real light elements, it definitely exists in the real world.

Even if I destroy the entire virtual world, if this thing in the real world is not dealt with, it will be like leaving an unstable time bomb that will explode at any time...

Lin Lan bitterly analyzed his White Eagle ship girls.

Fortunately, he and the company led everyone to come here immediately in order to search and rescue Ariel, and then they discovered the blue energy ball that was on the verge of getting out of control.

It was unimaginable that if he and the White Eagle Ship girls were still in the city center at this time, this energy ball that was on the verge of getting out of control exploded, and they would definitely be affected by the explosion and suffer casualties if they were unprepared.

And ordinary citizens of Hengyue City don't know how many people will die.

At the moment, this huge ball of light is obviously extremely unstable. Just by looking at it with the naked eye, you can see that its edges are trembling faintly. The black metal brackets supporting it also make a distorted and harsh sound, and even the surrounding clear sky is weird. Several streaks of blue lightning were generated and kept jumping.

I guess it won't last much longer.

Commander, do you need to contact Helena and Akashi... No, it's too late, and they can't get up now...

The usually calm and composed mechanic, Little Loli Engla, rarely saw this horrifying scene, and her voice was trembling.

Even if she wanted to take out her computer and defuse the bomb on the spot, the core area on the top floor of the giant tower that had been so completely destroyed had no sockets that could connect to the system.

Not to mention that the system of this core data tower has not been hacked by Helena below.

It's one thing to be able to hack into the virtual world, but it's another thing to be able to hack into the core data of the Rubik's Cube energy robot.

This cracking difficulty is not at the same level at all!

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