Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 442 Signs of Farewell (3100 words)

While Ariel was speaking, the destructive blue energy contained in the energy converter that was about to be overloaded above everyone was gradually leaking out, causing horrific changes in the sky above the entire Hengyue City.

The light blue lightning filled with the aura of destruction continued to fall around the giant tower, like thunder in the clear sky, creating large cracks on the ground.

The eerie blue light curtain slowly expanded on the clear sky, like a haze that polluted the air, blocking the sunlight and shrouding the entire city.

With such a terrifying sight, there is no need to sound the city alarm. The citizens of Hengyue City have instinctively sensed that death is coming.

In the dilapidated Admiralty Port area on the seaside of Hengyue City, a weak Feng Lei was originally directing his chess pieces, the shipgirls, and the Admiralty soldiers to clean up the ruins.

But this sudden terrifying scene made him look at the dark tower in the city with a shocked expression.

Many soldiers dropped what they were doing and came to him in horror and asked:

Master Feng! What is going on? Are the sirens or those crazy robots coming again?!

I, I don't know. Anyway, let's take care of those paralyzed robots first and don't let them get up again and cause damage.

As the highest-ranking naval commander present, Feng Lei knew that he could not mess up his position at this time, so he took a deep breath, forced himself to calm down and issued orders to these soldiers.

After doing all this, Feng Lei clenched his fists, looked at the dark tower in the city that was shrouded in blue light, and muttered in a low voice:

The fate of this ill-fated city can only be decided by you...

Feng Lei knew that Lin Lan, the future president of Oran who had resolved the omnic crisis from the virtual world, was in the city at this time, and those powerful ship girls were also by his side.

At the moment, he has no choice but to choose to believe that they can resolve this crisis.

After Ariel finished speaking, her already nearly translucent body became even more illusory, as if she would disappear at any time.

At the same time, the majestic energy that the energy converter can withstand seems to have reached its limit. The black metal frames creaked as they deformed, and it seemed that they could not last much longer.

Teacher, I only need enough Rubik's Cube energy to restart my system network. I know that as the enemy of my creator, you must also have the so-called Rubik's Cube, right?

Ariel looked at Lin Lan, who was standing behind the company, and her voice had become ethereal.

Before Lin Lan could speak, Ingraham had already eagerly said to him:

Commander, the method she said is feasible, we are running out of time!

Even Ingraham, who knows the most about Rubik's Cube energy robots, said that this method is feasible, and he can trust Ariel now.

So he nodded and agreed to Ariel's proposal.

As for the Rubik's Cube mentioned by the Will Girl, the host of the Rubik's Cube Energy Robot, Lin Lan and the White Eagle Ship Girls naturally have it.

Although it is different from the meta magic or energy cube used by Siren, don't forget that the mind cube also contains huge cube energy.

Without him having to say anything, each of the White Eagle girls present had already taken out two or three bright light blue cubes in their hands.

After these mental cubes were taken out, the white particles that had settled inside seemed to feel Lin Lan's presence, and began to tremble and circle.

Lin Lan was already accustomed to the fact that the Mental Cube would be activated when he was around him.

Compared to the insignificant Siren Energy Storage, the Mind Cube has many uses in his port area.

Even if he is not used to build new ship girls, these cubes containing huge Rubik's Cube energy are also indispensable props for ship girls.

He had already understood when he was still in the Western Continent that the Mental Cube could be used to repair the damaged ship equipment of his ship girls, just like damage control.

This is the most basic use of the Mind Cube in his port area.

In addition, many Rubik's Cube technology facilities also require the Mind Cube to provide energy.

Moreover, as long as the mental Rubik's Cube does not extract all the energy inside the Rubik's Cube at once, it will slowly recover until it is saturated again.

Therefore, Lin Lan already knew that his ship girls would basically carry several mental cubes with them.

Ariel, do you think these mind cubes are enough?

Lin Lan looked at Ariel and asked, and the illusory girl showed a relieved smile on her lips, and said softly to Lin Lan and the White Eagle Ship girls:

That's enough, teacher, these Rubik's cubes are enough.

Please just put these Rubik's Cubes in all my host core wiring ports, and then... leave it to me.

Although Ariel spoke in a very confident tone, Lin Lan couldn't help but frown.

He felt something was wrong from Ariel's words and look in front of him.

It's not that he doesn't believe Ariel can solve the crisis at hand, but the method Ariel mentioned seems to be unclear in many places.

The method proposed by Ariel to solve the crisis is certainly no problem in principle. Even Ingraham has expressed his approval, so he naturally has no doubts.

But the question is, after Ariel distributes this majestic energy transmission to the Rubik's Cube energy robot sub-individuals throughout the Eastern Continent, what will happen to these sub-individuals and Ariel herself?

It’s not like he doesn’t know the strength of the Rubik’s Cube Energy Robot, so it can only bully ordinary humans, and even the chess piece Ship Girl can’t defeat it.

Compared to the terrifying and majestic energy gathered above his head, how much energy can a Rubik's Cube energy robot sub-individual withstand at most?

While he was thinking, with his consent, the company summoned the White Eagle ship girls to place the Mind Cube at the deformed wiring port around the core equipment of Ariel's host in front of them.

There are many wiring ports around this huge host device. It can be seen that there were many cables connected to the device for power supply.

But now those cables have all been engulfed by explosions and seas of fire, and this is the only way to provide energy.

Although Ariel's three-dimensional image was ethereal and could disappear at any time, the AI ​​girl with short white hair still looked at him with a reluctant smile.

Seeing Ariel in this posture, Lin Lan couldn't help but ask:

Ariel, after you transfer this energy to the sub-individuals, what will happen to those sub-individuals?

Hearing his question, Ariel smiled and said softly:

Of course they can't withstand the energy and start to self-disintegrate. Don't worry, teacher, their disappearance will not explode and hurt anyone.

But... this is also a pretty good ending. The host data tower is about to collapse, and Ariel will no longer be able to control them in the future.

The AI ​​girl blinked playfully and spoke in a relaxed tone as if she was describing an ordinary thing.

But seeing Ariel like this, Lin Lan felt more and more something was wrong, and he always felt that he seemed to have forgotten something very important.

Seeing the frown on his face, Ariel sighed softly, slowly floated down from the air, and stood in front of him. Her eyes were obviously shining with mechanical luster, but they were full of tenderness.

At this time, the girls on the White Eagle ship had already placed the shorter Ariel main unit connection port in the Mental Cube, but for the higher connection port, they had to rely on the carrier aircraft to carry it up.

Therefore, only Lafite and Nicholas were left by Lin Lan's side.

Looking at the illusory three-dimensional image of Ariel approaching him, if he hadn't known that the girl in front of him was the will of the Rubik's Cube energy robot host, Lin Lan would have felt that she was no different from a normal human girl or ship girl.

I don’t know why the navigator TB, who is both an AI, always has an indifferent face, but Ariel, who is the host of the Rubik’s Cube energy robot, is so emotional...

Wait, the emotion of the Rubik's Cube energy robot host will, the emotion simulation system...

Lin Lan suddenly seemed to have caught something important, and his pupils shrank sharply.

What the company said when introducing the Rubik's Cube Energy Robot Emotional Simulation System to him on the artificial island:

The emotion simulation systems of these robots do not have the ability to think independently, but they can generate emotions, learn technologies to upgrade themselves, and can upload and share these emotions and learned technologies to the host through the Rubik's Cube central network.

Through the Rubik's Cube central network, the host can experience the emotional feedback of each robot sub-individual in real time.

The Rubik's Cube energy robot is a hive omnimachine!

Before he could think too much, Ariel gently raised her hand, trying to touch his palm.

But it turned out that Ariel's hand passed through the back of his hand and came up empty.

At this time, Ariel had only a virtual image left, and could no longer hold the hand of the teacher in front of her who looked ten years younger like she did in the attic of Utopia.

A trace of regret and loss flashed in the AI ​​girl's eyes. She turned her head and watched Enterprise, Wuwei and others unfurling their ship equipment. They used the carrier-based aircraft to place the Mind Cube into the wiring port on her host machine, and whispered melancholy. Said to Lin Lan:

Teacher, you must know by now that although Ariel's underlying agreement is to live in harmony with humans, our creator has been using us to harm humans in this country from the beginning to the end.

Although it is true that some humans are kind to us... but most humans hate us very much.

That's why Ariel did such extreme things. It's because Ariel hopes to be recognized by humans in Utopia.

The illusory AI girl looked at the White Eagle Ship girls who had almost finished placing the Mental Cube in all her wiring ports, with a bit of envy in her eyes.

But after the teacher came to Utopia, the meeting you and the Enterprise General attended made Ariel understand that we were wrong.

The teacher has proved to us that in the future, sooner or later, humans in this country will truly accept intelligent robots like us and create their own intelligent robots with their own strength.

When Lin Lan heard Ariel say this, shock was written on his face.

He finally understood where the something wrong he just felt came from.

The host of the Rubik's Cube energy robot in front of him, Will, in the few minutes he woke up to talk to him, whether it was the tone of speaking or the humanized expression with reluctance, it was like...

Saying my final farewell to him!

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