Although Ariel's body completely disappeared and the core of the host exploded, there was not much time left for Lin Lan and his White Eagle girls to suffer.

Because the collapse process of this core data giant tower is still continuing, and the entire platform has even begun to shake violently, and it is obvious that it is about to collapse.

But Lin Lan still stood motionless, as if he hadn't recovered from Ariel's sacrifice.

Seeing the commander with this appearance, although the company felt very uncomfortable because of losing a comrade, he still walked to Lin Lan and patted his shoulder gently:

Commander, don't be sad, we should...

I know it's time for us to get out of here.

Although Ariel disappeared before his eyes, Lin Lan also knew very well that at this time he had to lead his White Eagle ship girls back down safely from here.

He gently wiped away the tears on his face and turned to look at Enterprise and the other ship girls who were looking at him distressedly.

This time, the same miracle as Broken Qiong did not happen, and Ariel was indeed gone.

But as the commander of so many ship girls, he couldn't just be depressed.

Ship girls are very sensitive to the commander's emotions, and they will also feel happy or sad as the commander's mood changes.

What's more, everyone is not out of danger now, and he can't hold back because of sadness.

Let's go down first, it's not safe here anymore.

Lin Lan took a deep breath and then spoke.

But with a ear-piercing explosion, the elevator they took to get here was shaken away by a sudden shock wave at the edge of the platform, and they fell straight down.

Oops! The elevator...

Georgia's pupils shrank sharply and she shouted loudly.

The elevator's fall also meant that their plan to take the elevator back below failed.

There is no elevator now, so they are trapped here.

Don't worry, Georgia. If we fall from this height, we will suffer moderate injuries at most. But the question is, what should the commander do?

Since all the outer walls of the giant tower around the platform had collapsed at this time, Baltimore quickly ran to the edge of the platform and looked at the ground below outside the giant tower.

As a heavy cruiser girl, she could even clearly see Helena and Akashi waving anxiously at them below.

It doesn't matter. I've expected this to happen. I have a backup plan.

However, Lin Lan's calm words made all the girls on the White Eagle ship look at him curiously.

The light gray twin-tailed aircraft carrier girl Wuwei seemed to have remembered something. She looked at Lin Lan and asked excitedly:

Commander, are you going to use that trick again?

Hearing what Wuwei said, South Dakota and Lafite suddenly remembered that the commander had another way to lead everyone out of here.

As if to confirm the thoughts of the three White Eagle Ship Girls, Lin Lan nodded, took out the charm he had drawn on the elevator, folded it and put it in his pocket.

It was the space elemental warrior skill that he had previously led Cleveland, Fearless and others to cross the micro-layer mixture blockade - fixed-point teleportation!

Originally, this skill should require his blood to draw a curse mark on an object to activate.

But now, having learned the proficiency in the spell system, he can already draw this teleportation skill directly on the spell to activate it, and it does not require his blood as raw material.

Now, in addition to being fearless, Lin Lan is also surrounded by three aircraft carrier girls: Enterprise, Bunker Hill, and Shangri-La, so he can do the same thing again.

Seeing that Enterprise and others still seemed a little confused, Wuwei quickly explained to everyone what was going to happen next.

The girls on the White Eagle ship had already roughly understood the battle process. After Wuwei briefly explained it, they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Of course, Anchorage had always believed that there would be no surprises with the commander by their side.

Since Wuwei had cooperated with him before, this time Lin Lan chose to let Wuwei unfold the ship's equipment and release the carrier-based aircraft so that he could fix the spell on the wings of the carrier-based aircraft.

But when he saw that the fearless carrier-based aircraft still looked like an SB2C Hellbomber, he immediately looked at the twin-tailed dumpling-class ship girl with guilty eyes as if nothing had happened.

What's wrong, he had promised to change his bomber from SB2C to XSB3C-1 after Wuwei returned to the port area, but he really forgot when he woke up.

Although Wuwei didn't seem to realize this at this time, after Lin Lan placed the spell in his hand, he still stood up and looked at the company and asked:

Enterprise, I remember there are extra XSB3C-1s in the artificial island warehouse, right?

Seeing the company nod, Lin Lan looked at Wuwei and said in an apologetic tone:

Wuwei, when you go back this time, go directly to the warehouse and change the SB2C - oh yes, remember to directly strengthen it to +13, it is considered approved by me.

Okay! Thank you Commander for your recognition, I will definitely...

Stop thanking me! This place will collapse if I thank you any more. Take off quickly!

Hearing that her bomber could finally be replaced by XSB3C-1, this poor dumpling-class aircraft carrier girl was so excited that she even became a little incoherent.

However, her words of thanks were interrupted by Enterprise Sheng, who helplessly held her forehead.

As the predecessor of the dumpling-class aircraft carriers, the company naturally knows the character of each dumpling.

If Wuwei really wanted to finish all his words of thanks to the commander, I'd be afraid that the day lily would be cold.

Wuwei, who was named by the company, scratched her head in embarrassment and realized that she was indeed a little emotional and would seriously delay her time.

Accompanied by the blue-red current pulsing on her ship's runway, Wuwei controlled the hell diver with the spell fixed by Lin Lan to take off and dive at high speed towards the bottom of the giant tower.

The aircraft carrier girls do not have carrier-based aircraft in attack status. In fact, they are about the size of remote control toys.

Therefore, Lin Lan was not worried that the height of the portal opening would be too high, causing everyone to fall through the air after entering the portal.

Then he faced the electric current beating beside the ship's suit, walked to Wuwei who was controlling the carrier-based aircraft, and stretched out his hand to the dumpling-class ship girl.

Here, hold me.

Wow! Commander, you can actually get close to me despite the electric current?

Seeing that the commander could actually get close to him, Wuwei gasped in shock, but he still held the hand offered by Lin Lan tightly.

The other girls on the White Eagle ship widened their eyes when they saw that Lin Lan could penetrate the circuitry around the Dreadnought suit. Even Anchorage also exclaimed in surprise.

Unlike Eldridge, who can control the electric current by the commander's side, after the Dreadnought is deployed on the ship, those electric currents are similar to the Dreadnought's own defense system.

Her defensive skill [Bravery and Fearlessness] is derived from this.

But at this time, those pulsating red and blue currents around Lin Lan seemed to be actively avoiding them, without harming Lin Lan at all.

It's just a little trick of a brave man. It's nothing to be surprised about.

Lin Lan explained bitterly to his White Eagle ship girls.

This is not a difficult task, he just relies on the power of the hero to control the elements to disperse the light elements approaching him.

When he opened the portal with Wuwei at sea, he could already feel that these currents were also composed of light elements when he jumped into Wuwei's arms.

But at that time, he could not directly control the elements like he does now. This was also due to the extra power he gained after unlocking the shackles of the brave skill bar in Hongye City.

However, despite being a brave man, he failed to save Ariel in the end.

This title of a brave man is really ironic to me.

Lin Lan shook his head and forced himself not to think about these things. He closed his eyes and started sharing vision with Wuwei.

Soon, the sight of the Hell Divers flying at high speed appeared in front of his eyes.

Wuwei controlled the Hell Diver to fly above Helena and Akashi, and began to land slowly on the ground.


At this moment, Lin Lan felt a dull roar coming from under his feet, followed by a violent shaking.

The entire core data tower is about to collapse completely, and the platform he and the White Eagle Ship Girls are on has begun to shake.

Unable to wait for the Hell Diver to land on the ground, when it almost reached the appropriate height, Lin Lan immediately raised his left arm and pointed it forward without hesitation, silently reciting the ancient Liaozhou mantra.

Trembling as if the earth was shaking, as he finished reading the last byte, a huge portal flashing with white light was once again generated in front of him and Wuwei.

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