Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 463 The Beast-Eared Ship Girl of the White Eagle Camp

Speaking of which, why didn't you go to the movie upstairs?

Lin Lan held a red dart in his hand, standing next to Bumblebee and Nevada, and threw it at the dart board on the wall in front of him.

As a native of Blue Star Donghuang, he was not familiar with darts, an entertainment sport. He had only lost darts a few times in the stationery store in front of the school when he was in junior high school.

Therefore, several missed darts had fallen from under the dart board on the wall in front of him.

Of course, his Liaozhou Brave skill column included passive skills such as throwing objects, but he did not waste skill points to learn them.

In what age are we still using traditional throwing objects?

Wouldn’t it be nice for him to just learn the White Eagle Style Iai?

The movie is not only played once, not to mention watching the movie on DVD in the dormitory or bar can give you the romantic feeling of White Eagle West.

While explaining to Lin Lan with a smile, Bumblebee used three slender fingers to hold the dart barrel behind the tip of a dart, pointed it at the dart board in front, and threw it deftly.


With a low muffled sound, the dart was accurately hit in the center of the dart board by the sexy blonde cowgirl with twin ponytails.

With such force, Lin Lan even wondered if the dart had been penetrated by a bumblebee and nailed to the wall.

Obviously Bumblebee's movements didn't seem to use much strength, and even seemed to be an understatement, but in fact they were accurate and ruthless.

He couldn't help but secretly sigh, she really deserves to be a ship girl.

Bumblebee was right.

While he was admiring Bumblebee's dart throw, Nevada also threw the dart in his hand, hitting the center of the dart with the same accuracy.

This yellow-skinned battleship girl who is also a western cowboy turned her head to look at Lin Lan and said with a smile:

What's more, Commander, it's not like you don't know Akashi's virtues as a profiteer. Just watch, in less than three days, the limited collector's edition disc of this movie will be on the shelves in Minato City stores.

Lin Lan shrugged, Nevada was right, how could this little profiteer let go of such a business opportunity?

It seems that Akashi's reputation has already spread to all major camps in the entire port area, and he is notorious.

But seeing the two cowboys focusing on him, Lin Lan understood that it was his turn to throw darts again.

Although he concentrated on throwing the dart, unfortunately, although he hit the dart board this time, it only hit the outer circle.

Commander, your dart skills are really... hard to describe in words.

Bumblebee laughed and patted Lin Lan on the shoulder, teasing him like a close friend, without the slightest hint of ridicule in his tone.

And Nevada even smiled and said cheerfully:

Young man, your backhand is really weak in throwing darts, your forehand is not precise, your reaction is slow, and your movements are loose. You still need to practice more.

Lin Lan looked at Nevada in surprise and blurted out:

I wanted to ask before, your line should be from the anime Ping Pong, right? Do you actually watch anime too?

Hahaha, Commander, you didn't expect this, did you?

After hearing Lin Lan's suspicious question, Nevada laughed heartily and hit the center of the target with the dart in his hand again.

Although Shigesakura was once our enemy, after everyone joined Minato, the excellent works of their respective camps naturally spread, so this is not a strange thing.

Lin Lan smiled helplessly, that was not the question he wanted to ask.

But if he really wants to worry about why Blue Star's animation can come to his port area, then I'm afraid he has something on his mind.

It wasn't a big deal anyway, so Lin Lan simply didn't bother to delve into it further.

It's better to say this, at least he can watch anime again after he returns to Minato or goes to the Sakura camp.

Honey, and sisters, we brought the coffee back!

At this time, Oklahoma, the sister of New Jersey and Nevada, pushed in from the door of the dart room. The two White Eagle battleship girls were holding bags of coffee in their hands.

At the same time, two cute little destroyers with animal ears followed.

The arrogant little maid Haman, and her prank-loving sister, Sims, who is also a silver-haired animal-eared girl with a provocative smile on her face.

As soon as he looked over, Haman groaned and tilted his head, which can be said to be the iconic example of tsundere.

As for Sims, Lin Lan remembered it very clearly. He was a heavyweight naughty kid.

Unlike Big Mackerel, Saratoga, Thatcher, and Long Island, their pranks are often intended to express kindness, bring surprises, and act coquettishly.

But Sims, who has a lot of bad water, just loves to tease people and enjoys it.

Seeing the playful smile on Sims' face, Lin Lan knew without thinking that this little loli must have some bad ideas in mind.

He just didn't know who would be the target of teasing. Anyway, he was already on guard.

Hey~ I just heard from my sister from New Jersey and Oklahoma that the commander is actually playing darts, and I still don't believe it.

As soon as Sims entered the dart room, he happily trotted up to Lin Lan, giggled and held his hand.

I just want to experience it. Just look at the missed darts under the dart board and you'll know what my level is.

Lin Lan joked to himself, then used his other hand to stroke the white eagle's silver-haired, green-eyed little lolita ears.

Ah haha... don't, don't scratch my ears!

The pair of white furry and soft cat ears on Sims' head felt just like Akashi's when pinched. Lin Lan's technique made the little loli make uncontrollably cute sounds and blushed with embarrassment.

Well, logically speaking, the beast-eared girl should be the specialty of the Sakura camp.

Even the Benson-level bunny lolita and the silly rabbit New Jersey in front of me all wear bunny ear hairpins or headdresses instead of actually having bunny ears.

But for some reason, the cat ears of Harman and Sims are genuine and not cos.

Lin Lan did check this reason online when he was at Blue Star.

It is said that in the early days of the game, the official did not make it clear to the artist when they asked for a draft, which led the artist to think that adding animal ears would be cute, so Sims and Haman were given an extra pair of cat ears to match the other white characters. Eagle Ship girls are all different.

But there is one thing to say, these two white eagle cat-eared little loli sisters are indeed very cute.

That’s the character of these sisters...

Just as Lin Lan bent down to pick up Sims, he noticed from the corner of his eye Haman's fierce little eyes, pouting and looking at him angrily.

Well, for the little tsundere, ignoring is probably the most fatal blow.

So Lin Lan reluctantly picked up Sims with one hand, then walked to Haman and picked up the little tsundere too.

At the same time, he also smiled at Haman, who was blushing in his arms and his cat ears drooped, and joked:

Why, are you still jealous of your sister?

Hmph! Haman wouldn't be jealous! Who would be jealous of an idiot commander like you!

It's an expected classic arrogant answer, but who doesn't like this Hamanman?

Naturally, there is also a spacious rest area in the dart room.

After New Jersey and Oklahoma put their coffee on the coffee table in front of the sofa, Lin Lan walked over with the two little lolita in her arms along with Bumblebee and Nevada.

He put Sims and Harman on the sofa, and when he was about to reach out to grab a cup of coffee from the table, he noticed the slightly raised corners of Sims' mouth from the corner of his eye.

This made Lin Lan instinctively aware that something was wrong.

Recalling the prank that Yi Bei made by adding spicy food to his coffee when they were in the port area of ​​Lihu County, Lin Lan retracted his originally extended hand.

He sat on the sofa and looked at New Jersey, who was sitting on the sofa opposite and had already picked up a cup of coffee and drank it into his mouth, and asked with a smile:

New Jersey, did you get this coffee from the coffee machine?

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