Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 465 Who is your true initial ship?

Chapter 465 Who is your true initial ship?

The game room was on the second floor of the mall. Lin Lan, New Jersey, Bumblebee and others took the escalator to the second floor when they saw the eye-catching pixel style GAME ROOM billboard.

Seeing this strong arcade style, Lin Lan felt a little nostalgic for a moment.

He remembered the last time he came to an arcade like this when he was in high school.

At that time, because he was still underage, he could not go to an Internet cafe to surf the Internet, so he could only use his saved pocket money to exchange game currency for games in game arcades on weekends.

And this also allowed him to develop superb arcade game skills.

At that time, there was a very popular shooting arcade game series called Metal Slug.

If you can clear a level in an arcade with one game coin, you can start the game again without consuming game coins.

Lin Lan still vaguely remembered that one summer vacation, he used a game coin to play like this in the game hall for an entire afternoon.

In the end, the boss took the initiative to find him, gave him ten yuan and asked him to leave quickly.

Just when he was distracted by nostalgia for his glorious achievements in high school, a thin and fluttering black figure with long hair, like a ghost, quietly joined the team and approached behind him with a smirk.

Ouch——! Miss Ghost is here!

Along with the girl's happy shouts, Lin Lan was so frightened that she almost jumped up.

He turned around and looked into the blue eyes of a lively girl with black headphones on her head, a blue coat on the shoulder, and a smile on her face.

Nagashima? When did you get behind me?

Lin Lan recognized this girl with long black hair and white eagle light sail at a glance, and just then she calmed down.

New Jersey and the others had obviously discovered Long Island's detour a long time ago and did not even speak to remind him.

Seeing the frightened expression on Lin Lan's face, Haman hummed:

Hmph, you are indeed an idiot commander. How many times have you been frightened by Nagashima?

Hearing Haman's complaints, Lin Lan felt extremely aggrieved.

Originally, after he had the skills of a brave man from another world, he was able to sense changes in the elements around his body.

But when facing his own submarine girls, his ability was as if it was malfunctioning and had no effect.

Just like now, not only was he unable to sense the lurking presence of Big Mackerel and the others, he was also unable to detect the sneak attack of the ghost girl Nagashima, which was really a failure.

Commander~Since you disappeared without a word, do you know how hard it has been for Nagashima-chan? The social armor on Nagashima-chan can hardly be taken off~

The long, straight black girl did not answer Lin Lan's question directly. Instead, she threw herself into his arms coquettishly, hanging on him like a sloth, and her body went limp.

Lin Lan hugged Changdao's soft body guiltily. He could fully understand how painful his life would be after Changdao, the true founding father of Hong Kong, disappeared.

There has always been a saying among the commanders:

You may not choose Lafite, Z23, or Javelin, but Changdao is your inevitable choice. This is the real starting ship for every commander.

The reason for this statement is because after the blue player entered the pit and built an account, the first ship girl he obtained by checking in chronological order in the cabin was not the Yusanjia initial ship, but this one who sneaked into the port at some time. The ghost lady of the district.

Even though the official later changed the order in which new players get Nagashima and initial ships, this White Eagle Light Navigation girl is still the undoubted first back-row ship girl for countless players.

As for why Lin Lan knew that Changdao would be miserable after he disappeared, of course he had to mention Changdao's social armor.

In the beginning, he always thought that Nagashima was an outgoing ship girl with a cheerful and lively personality and good manners.

But as the light sailing girl's personal storyline was realized, coupled with the voice lines of the classic three consecutive costume changes, Lin Lan understood that he had been deceived.

The essence of this girl is actually a dry girl who loves to fish and play games!

That seemingly extroverted personality is actually the same as the Iris camp's destroyer Vicious. It is an out-and-out disguised personality.

But if he is still in the port area like in the game, then the ghost lady can naturally stay in the dormitory forever.

But after he disappeared from the port area, each camp embarked on a journey to find him throughout the different worlds. Naturally, it was impossible for Nagashima to continue to stay at home as before.

Now that he has finally been found again, this ghost girl must be as if she has found a savior and is reluctant to let him go.

Thinking of this, before Lin Lan could say anything to comfort Changdao, New Jersey deliberately coughed twice, stepped forward and joked with a smile:

Nagadao, I heard from York City that since Sara and I went to Xinyang City, you have been staying in the dormitory and slacking off. Have you ever done all the tasks that asked you to go to Xinghai to help?

Nothing! How dare Ghost Changdao forget the mission? I...I have already sent the design drawings to York City using communication software.

After hearing what New Jersey said, who deliberately exposed his shortcomings in front of the commander, Nagadao had no intention of letting go of Lin Lan and immediately retorted.

Naturally, New Jersey deliberately made fun of Long Island. She also knew that Long Island did send the results to York City on the last day of the deadline.

But after Lin Lan heard the conversation between the two ship girls, she curiously asked the ghost lady in her arms who had revealed her nature:

Design? What kind of design?

Hehe~ Of course it's the handsome ship-mounted machine for the commander...


Nagashima was talking lazily in the middle of his speech, but was interrupted by New Jersey coughing twice.

At the same time, Bumblebee also smiled and forcibly pulled the ghost lady out of Lin Lan's arms.

Wow~ Don't separate Nagashima from the commander when his subordinates are defeated! Nagashima will possess the commander!

Nagadao also realized that he had said the wrong thing, but he still struggled in Bumblebee's arms and wanted to hold Lin Lan together.

Who do you think is your defeated general? I was the one who took care of you and the commander mercilessly. Don't bring up things that happened so long ago!

The bumblebee laughed playfully and blocked Nagashima's creaking nest, so that the petite light sailing girl could not break free from the clutches of the bumblebee no matter how hard she struggled.

Seeing this scene, Lin Lan also laughed out loud.

Nagashima should be referring to the main prologue plot that he couldn't skip when he first entered the game.

At that time, Bumblebee did indeed appear as an enemy for players to practice against. Lin Lan himself had almost forgotten that experience.

Sisters New Jersey and Nevada were secretly relieved when they saw the smile on Lin Lan's face.

It was such a close call that this fool Nagadao almost exposed the gift prepared by Xinghai Laboratory for the commander.

The ship-mounted mecha can't let the commander know at this time, otherwise there will be no sense of surprise.

But the next second, although Lin Lan had a smile on his face, he still looked at Changdao reluctantly and asked:

But Nagashima-chan, the design you just mentioned is the design of the ship-mounted machine that you want to give me? You haven't finished speaking yet.

It can't be a ship-mounted mecha, right?

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