You guy... show us your identity information. Who knows if you are a fake identity?

The two coast guard gritted their teeth and said as they saw more and more people watching around them.

Although they have realized that they have hit a brick wall, they still insist on identity verification out of face.

There is still a trace of fantasy in their hearts. What if this young man fakes his identity?

Before Lin Lan could speak, a little girl with long black hair, white hair and red hair in front of her bangs, wearing a black and red dress and high-top leather boots quietly appeared in the yacht hatch behind him.

And this little blue-eyed girl wearing a peaked cap had a bloodthirsty smile on her face that was completely befitting her age.


In her hand, she was holding a black and red shark-mouth long-handled shotgun!

No, don't shoot!

Seeing the terrifying muzzle pointed at him, it was as if his heart was gripped by the cold murderous intent.

Even though the two coast guards carried submachine guns on their backs, they were like lambs waiting to be slaughtered when faced with the German guns, and they even collapsed and knelt on the ground.

You know, even soldiers who have experienced hundreds of battles cannot face the siren's murderous intent.

And Germany's cold murderous intent is far more terrifying than those mechanically cold sirens.

This was a kind of pure bloodthirsty and brutal killing intent. In front of them, it seemed as if the person standing in front of them was not a little girl.

It is a cruel and murderous abyss shark.

They had no doubt that as long as the naval man in front of them nodded slightly, the two of them would be blasted to pieces with a shotgun in an instant.

Deutsch's murderous intention was controlled by her and completely enveloped the two coast guards, but the surrounding onlookers did not feel it at all.

It's the ship girl! Oh my god, he's actually the commander!

The people watching on the pier immediately understood Lin Lan's identity after seeing Dezhi's appearance.

The only one who can be accompanied by a ship girl is the port commander.

The port commander is the most important force in the Navy Department, although he does not have a military rank.

At the same time, he is also the great savior of the United States of Oran.

Hehehehe, servant, are you going to kill all these inferior animals?

Deutsch sneered and pointed his gun at the two trembling coast guards who were already kneeling on the ground, and turned to look at Lin Lan.

As long as Lin Lan gave the order, she would pull the trigger without hesitation.

At this time, Lin Lan noticed from the corner of his eyes that a group of people wearing blue coast guard uniforms were rushing here not far away.

What do you think I should do with these two people?

Lin Lan suddenly raised his voice and asked loudly to the crowd watching on the pier.

Seeing that the crowd didn't seem to have reacted yet, Lin Lan continued to ask loudly:

These two guys must have bullied you all the time. Now how do you want to deal with them? Speak up and I will make the decision for you!

Now the people watching on the pier finally came to their senses.

After a brief silence, a young man carrying a suitcase braved himself and shouted out first.

Commander! They must be punished by death!

And after this young man took the lead, it was like a chain reaction, and people one after another began to agree.

These two guys forced me to pay them protection money last time, otherwise they would impound my boat! My children all rely on me to run business to support them!

The speaker was a young woman.

The first time I came to Dongyun City, because I didn't pay them, they took me to the Marine Department and detained me for more than half a month! As a result, I failed to negotiate a business deal and almost went bankrupt!

The person who spoke was a businessman wearing glasses and looking very elegant.

I set up a stall here, and in addition to paying normal taxes, they even want to take away half of my profits!

They often beat up our brothers from Liaozhou. They also keep saying that we are untouchables and should go to the sea to feed the sirens!

Kill these two fuckers!

People at the dock are often bullied by the coast guard, but they dare not speak out.

The anger that had been building up for a long time was completely ignited by Lin Lan's few words.

The crowd became angrier and angrier, and many even had a bad temper, yelling at these two guys who had done evil in the past.

Many people took out their mobile phones and filmed and uploaded the scene.

The two coast guards kneeling on the ground were now pale, sweating profusely, and their scalps were numb.

Every evil deed in the past was revealed at this moment, which became a reminder for them.

Although many things were not done by the two of them, the evil things done by their colleagues were not less.

But it was obvious that now that Lin Lan was supporting them, the people around them had blamed the two of them for all the grievances they had suffered.

Da da da da da!

Just when the people around them had unified their voices and wanted Lin Lan to execute these two people, suddenly several gunshots were heard from the pier, drowning out the roar of people.

Among the crowd surrounding the docking port, a dozen marine police officers in blue uniforms suddenly squeezed in, holding shields and violently driving away the surrounding crowd.

Get out of the way, get out of the way! What are you all doing together!

Those who gathered to cause trouble at the pier and then took photos and videos were all treated as criminals and arrested! Everyone, get out of here!

Intimidated by the loud threats from the loudspeaker and the firing of submachine guns into the air, the surrounding crowd was forcibly dispersed without speaking in anger.

Although many people still had angry expressions on their faces, they looked at Lin Lan with worried eyes until they were completely coaxed away.

Lin Lan just watched all this silently, watching the lawless coast guard gradually disperse the crowd with violence.

This was a scene that had never appeared in the country where he once lived in Blue Star.

Now, at the dock of this other world, this scene made him realize that this was no longer Blue Star.

What are you two good-for-nothings doing, kneeling here? You think they've done enough to embarrass you?

After the surrounding crowd was dispersed, a middle-aged man in Tsing Yi, wearing a different style from other coast guard, and smelling of alcohol, slowly walked up to Lin Lan.

Looking at the two people who were still trembling and kneeling on the ground locked by the German killing intent, he frowned and cursed loudly.

On his chest, there is a golden ax-shaped button, indicating his identity.

The giant Zhuhai Commercial Association, Tomahawk Military Industry, is located in the Orland East continent with the headquarters of Tianou Group.

As the agent of Tomahawk Military Industry at Dongyun City Pier and Maritime Affairs Department, he had just finished drinking with his immediate boss in the consortium at a nightclub.

While passing by here with his men, he received a call from the dock telling him that someone was causing trouble at the dock.

Hearing the news on the phone, to be honest, he even felt a little funny.

It has been a long time since he saw anyone who dared to cause trouble at the dock he managed.

After all, the last guy who caused trouble at the pier had been caught by him and tortured to death by the Marine Department, put in a sack and thrown to the bottom of the sea.

It is precisely because of this that the coast guards he arranged to come in dare to make money unscrupulously on weekdays.

Oh? Are you their leader?

Lin Lan looked at the man, then stopped at the golden ax on the man's chest collar, and asked coldly.

Yes, I am the agent of the Marine Department here. When will your Navy Department be able to take charge of the Coast Guard?

After finishing speaking, the Maritime Department agent of Tomahawk Military Industry saw Deutsch holding a gun, with disdain and contempt in his eyes, and continued:

Commander of the Port Area? Haha, aren't they just a bunch of noobs who rely on women to make a living...

His right hand was crippled.


Before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by the roar of a shotgun.

Dezhi carried out Lin Lan's order perfectly almost the moment he gave it.

In front of the middle-aged man, a transparent barrier seemed to appear for a moment, but this barrier was like a piece of tissue paper, shattering and disappearing in an instant.

The huge air wave caused by the shotgun knocked him directly to the ground. The severe pain in his right arm made him widen his eyes and look at his right arm.

But where can I still see my right hand that has been shattered?


The middle-aged agent of Tomahawk Military Industry, who had been full of confidence just now and mercilessly mocked Lin Lan, suddenly let out a heart-rending scream.

But the next moment, a murderous intent that plunged his whole body into ice locked him, forcefully suppressing his screams.

He could feel that if he made any more noise, his head would be shattered in the next second.

It all happened so fast that even the surrounding coast guard could not react.

Don't move, otherwise your heads will be the same as this guy's hands with the next shot, you inferior animals.

Deutsch was like a man-eating shark, holding up the shark-mouth shotgun that was still emitting blue smoke, enjoying the frightened looks of the surrounding coast guards.

She laughed loudly and said the most arrogant things in a little girl's voice.

But no one doubted that she was joking.

At this time, another girl with short silver hair, also wearing a black dress, walked out of the cabin.

Dezhi's sister, Sipe, also stood beside Lin Lan, looking at the coast guards on the dock with cold eyes.

Although her hands were not equipped with giant red mechanical claws for combat.

But the cold murderous intent of indifference emanating from his body was enough to make the surrounding coast guards tremble.

It’s not like these coast guards haven’t seen ship girls before.

But it wasn't until this moment that they discovered that the seemingly harmless ship girl could also bring them fear like a siren.

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