An hour had passed, and Lin Lan and the others had wandered from the second floor to the fifth floor.

Servant, come and see, what do you think of this outfit?

The iron-blooded girl with long black hair, wearing a long black T-shirt and dark blue denim shorts, paired with white sneakers, admired her figure in front of the mirror, looked at Lin Lan and asked.

Although Dezhi seems to be full of destructive desires, her clothing is one of the best in the iron-blooded camp.

Seeing the iron-blooded princess in front of her who always wore skirts in the past, now wearing this refreshing and energetic outfit, Lin Lan's eyes were opened by the dramatic change in style.

But his eyes were eventually attracted to Germany's plump chest.

This girl looks like she is still an adolescent girl in terms of body shape and age, but I have to say that she is really big where she should be.

Huh? Servant, where are you...looking at?

The Iron-Blooded Princess had a very keen sense of smell and could immediately see through Lin Lan's evil thoughts. A blush flashed across her face and she began to grind her teeth.

Ahem, cough, cough, I was just attracted by Mr. Deutsch's completely different style of dress than usual.

When Lin Lan saw that his thoughts were exposed by his eyes, he hurriedly explained.

The dress and dress-up style of the ship girls in the game all depend on the official mood of the game.

Like Dezhi in front of him now, Lin Lan was dazzled by the sudden change in his dressing style. He really couldn't blame him for noticing.

Definitely not because I was attracted by such a big heart, well definitely not.

Hmph, you can talk. I've wanted to try this White Eagle-style outfit for a long time, but I never had time to look for them.

After hearing Lin Lan's explanation, Dezhi turned around happily in front of the mirror, showing a satisfied smile.

Then she shouted into the changing room:

Spe, stop hiding, come out and let me and the servants see what the clothes we have chosen for you are like.

A girl's weak voice came from the fitting room:

Ma, it will be ready soon. Sister, this outfit you picked...

The door was gently pushed open, and Sipe, with short silver hair and red highlights, walked out, holding the corners of his clothes with timid hands.

A petite girl wearing a white rabbit ear hooded sweatshirt.

Her lower body is paired with a black pleated skirt.

Si Pei, who had always shown a cold temperament, turned into an extremely cute and cute girl style under this outfit.

Oh, she has a completely different temperament than usual. She is indeed my sister.

Dezhi came to Sipei's side very satisfied, pulled Sipei to Lin Lan, and asked her to look in the mirror.

Lin Lan stood behind Si Pei and saw the cute face of the girl who was blushing through the mirror.

Ah, the damn contrast.

Lin Lan couldn't help but stretched out her hand and patted the lovely Si Pei. The girl's body trembled slightly, she quickly turned around and raised her head to look at Lin Lan:

Commander, does it look good?

There was a trace of expectation in the girl's shy blue eyes.

Needless to say, Spey, you look much cuter than usual in this outfit.

Lin Lan gently put the hood on Si Pei's head. Under the hood with rabbit ears, the mouthless girl Si Pei looked so adorable.

Hearing Lin Lan's praise, Si Pei showed a happy smile on his face.

This was the first time Lin Lan saw Si Pei smiling so happily.

After choosing several pieces of clothing for each of Deutsch and Spey, they began to select clothes for Mainz and others.

Fortunately, Germany could probably remember their body shapes, so he chose one for each of them.

Lin Lan planned to go back and wait until they got to the port area, and then take them to a county town or other city near the port area to buy clothes.

Since he had too many clothes to carry, Lin Lan directly found a handling robot in the mall to help him pick up the packed clothes.

In the field of robots, the United States of Oran is much higher than the level of Blue Star.

However, these robots that have been put into use have obviously not reached the point of artificial intelligence and can only provide basic physical services according to the programs set on site.

This robot looks good. I think it would be very cool to use as a mount.

Wearing the black T-shirt and denim shorts he bought last time, Deutsch looked at the burly robot behind him and admired him.

Don't tell me, this kind of robot is not expensive. I can actually buy one for you to ride back to the port area later.

Seeing the robot's thick arms covered with clothing packaging bags, Lin Lan suddenly remembered something.

His current port area, as far as he knew in the academy, had been washed over and over again by sirens, and was now mostly deserted.

By then, he will definitely need a lot of labor to build the port area. Wouldn't it be nice if he could get a few robots to go back to work?

It just so happens that when it comes to engineering construction, he is a professional counterpart...

Following the random thoughts in Lin Lan's head, they took the escalator to the men's clothing store.

The clothing area is not a popular time at night. During this time, most people are in the entertainment area and food area, so there are not many people here.

Commander, do you want to buy some clothes too?

Seeing the dazzling array of men's clothing stores, Little Angel Spey, who was also wearing the white rabbit ear hooded sweatshirt he just bought, tugged on the corner of Lin Lan's clothes and asked.

Lin Lan looked at the white navy uniform he was wearing. It seemed that all his clothes were also in this style of white military uniform.

It's not impossible to buy some new clothes.

Hahaha, it is necessary to dress your servants beautifully.

So at the strong request of the German sisters, Lin Lan was forced to choose a few clothes.

When they finally left the clothing area, Lin Lan had already put on a brown leather jacket with a white T-shirt and jeans, which looked very trendy in the west.

The three of them then took the cargo-moving robot to the department store area.

The shelves here are similar to the super large shopping malls of Blue Star before, with countless goods neatly placed on them.

The maintenance work of these supermarkets is all automated by robots, which is why the malls can still operate late at night.

After finding the common daily tools and bedding area, Lin Lan asked Deutsch to choose the styles that the other Iron-Blooded people should like, and let the robot pack them all away.

In addition, Lin Lan also bought a lot of snacks in the food section of the department store, such as potato chips and candies.

At the same time, I also bought several books about the history of Oran in the book area.

After all, he had to bring some gifts to Nimi and Z46.

A series of groceries such as toiletries are also needed.

When they came out of the shopping area, Lin Lan was a little surprised by the mountains of things.

Although he has a lot of savings, he will definitely not be able to sustain it for long if he spends it at this rate.

It seems like he should go to Minato City as soon as possible to take up his post.

After reaching the thirteenth floor, the last floor of the shopping area, Lin Lan chose to take the vertical elevator back to the first floor and left the shopping building.

Further up is the entertainment area and food street. Since he has to leave Dongyun City early, there is nothing to go to. He will come back when he has the opportunity.

After calling an unmanned cargo truck, with the help of the mall robot, Lin Lan and the German sisters moved all the goods onto it.

Saying goodbye to this bulky robot and the bustling shopping building, Lin Lan set his destination as the dock and prepared to leave Dongyun City under the cover of night.


Lin Lan was shopping in the building just now.

Dongyun Central Hospital, in the dark emergency room corridor.


The door of the emergency room was pushed open violently, and the middle-aged Tomahawk military engineer who had just been shot in the right hand by Germany staggered out. The wound on his right hand had healed.

Even the wound has been replaced with an ugly mechanical arm made by machinery.

Hey, isn't this Hongsen? Why haven't we seen each other for a few days and your hands have been replaced with prosthetics?

Outside the door of the emergency room, a tall and thin man wearing a white trench coat, a tomahawk military button on his chest, and round-rimmed eyes looked at the Maritime Department agent with a sneer on his face.

I want to kill those three guys, the ship girl... so what about the ship girl? Dr. Tian Ming, please send that guy to the dock! I want to kill them!

Hongsen in Tsing Yi had bloodshot eyes, as if the arm-replacement surgery he had just done had brought him great pain and he urgently needed to vent.

Are you sure? That thing is still in the testing period. It will be very troublesome if you cause huge casualties. And if you don't deal with the opponent quickly, and you dare to attack the naval commander if you are photographed by civilians, it is equivalent to completely tearing up the Navy Department. ”

Tian Ming pushed up his glasses, as if he had already guessed that the crazy Marine Department agent in front of him would let him release the machine.

And this is the reason why he appeared here in the first place.

When the time comes, the consequences will be entirely borne by you, Hongsen, you need to think carefully.

They're just two destroyer girls. They're just light cruisers at most. If you're worried about being exposed, just release the remaining two destroyers together and make a quick decision!

Thinking that the two little girls just now had such a terrifying momentum, even Hongsen, who had red eyes, calmed down for a few seconds and begged the person in front of him to release all the guys.

In his opinion, this was completely overqualified to deal with two light cruiser girls.

Staring at Hongsen's angry eyes, the man known as Dr. Tian Ming sighed falsely, with a confident and cold smile on his lips:

Okay, okay. That's as you wish.

Actually, I have long been looking forward to how a combat mecha powered by the mind cube energy will perform in actual combat with a ship girl.

Thanks to: [Chicken House Inside] boss’s monthly ticket support, the boss is generous!

Thanks to: [A11ABC233, the Fourth Outer God Prince Snow, and Arrogant Evil Rider] for their starting point coin rewards! Thank you very much, sir!

Let me say the rest in my acceptance speech. This is the last free chapter. In addition to this chapter, there are three more chapters today. I wish you all a happy reading!

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