After watching the navigator TB disappear, Lin Lan also discussed with Xiaojiajia and others in the conference room the issue of interference from the arbitration agency.

If TB hadn't analyzed the cause of the failure, they probably wouldn't have discovered that the arbitration agency had secretly cut off the communication system to the port area in a short period of time.

Hey, it seems that after everyone returns to the port area, the communication system will have to be upgraded.

Saratoga rubbed the bridge of her nose with a headache. They still need to be cautious when dealing with the arbitration agency.

Since the arbitration body can interfere with the communication system leading to the port area, it must also have the ability to block communications between the various camps.

The host facility of the communication system is located in the port area, so if you want to upgrade, you still have to wait until you return to the port area.

Lin Lan knew that he couldn't eat hot tofu in a hurry, so he changed the subject and asked Xiaojiajia:

Speaking of arbitration institutions...have you found any meta ship girls in the Eastern Continent?

Well, we really haven't found those meta companions in the Eastern Continent.

After Saratoga thought carefully for a while, she answered somewhat uncertainly:

But sister Sara remembers that Nagato and Veneto said that they saw traces of those meta companions fighting during their search for you.

After getting the answer from Xiaojiajia, Lin Lan recalled the current location of the Chongying camp and the Sardinian Empire camp. They should be in the Liaozhou Nine Islands and the Teaching Kingdom.

It seems that the meta ship girls may not have come to the United States of Oran at the beginning.

When Helena meta appeared in the Western Continent, she also mentioned to him that the situation of those meta ship girls is not too bad now.

This shows that Helena meta must have acted together with other meta ship girls before, and she must have come to Oran alone through some means.

I don’t know if Helena Meta is okay now.

Just as Lin Lan was deep in thought, suddenly, a sudden synthetic sound sounded in his ears:

The core of the program has been initialized, the vital signs are consistent, the genetic verification has passed, all system tests are correct, and the command system login is completed.

The sound frightened Lin Lan so much that he stood up from his seat. He thought it was another strange function activated in the brave skill bar.

But after a quick review in his mind, he found that there was no movement at all in the brave skill bar. The synthesized sound that sounded in his ears was not a function of the brave skill bar.

Seeing him standing up suddenly with a confused look on his face, all the White Eagle ship girls present showed no surprise on their faces, but instead had expectant smiles on their faces.

Memphis smiled and said to Lin Lan:

Commander, it seems it's time to unwrap the surprise. Please reach out and touch the button I put on your chest.

Only then did Lin Lan notice the smiles on the faces of all the White Eagle ship girls present. He looked down and found that the previous mechanical button had actually begun to shine bright blue at this moment.

Memphis, what is this?

Lin Lan raised his right hand and touched the mechanical button on his chest, but the moment he touched the button, something changed.

This mechanical button, made of unknown material, disappeared immediately after being touched by the fingertips of his right hand.

Before he could react, he felt a wrench-shaped light blue transparent illusory button full of science fiction in the lower right corner of his field of vision.

Well~ Commander, it seems you haven't understood what this is. Let's go have lunch first. After dinner, we will go to the combat test site in the star sea.

Little Jiajia chuckled and smiled at Lin Lan, who was still looking confused.

What the hell are you doing here...

Lin Lan looked at the girls on the White Eagle ship who all stood up from their seats when they heard that lunch time was coming. He asked in confusion while trying to click the wrench button with his hand.

This almost transparent wrench button does not affect his field of vision at all, but he cannot touch this button with his hands.

And for some reason, he found that his vision had become extremely clear, and he could even see the white fluff on the conductor cat rolling around on the table next to him clearly one by one.

Originally, with the increase in passive skills in the Brave skill bar, his vision was clear enough, but now he even felt that he could clearly see the target even though he was several kilometers away.

With this extremely clear vision, if I had to find an example, Lin Lan felt like his battleship girls.

What is this mechanical button integrated into his body used for? Could it be that he was given equipment to enhance his vision?

No, Lin Lan felt that the complicated series of certifications just now did not look like they were for visual enhancement equipment. Rather, they seemed more like they were for Tyrannical mechas!

Come on, Commander, let's go to the cafeteria first and talk while we eat.

After Memphis smiled happily, Little Gaga also took Lin Lan's hand and led him, Lexington, and the Kitchen Goddess out of the conference hall.

The cafeteria of Xinghai Base is not far from the conference hall, and it only takes about two minutes to walk there.

During this period, Lin Lan had quickly adapted to this clear field of vision. He raised his head and could even clearly see the starry lights on the dome.

After walking into the cafeteria, Lin Lan found that the chef in the cafeteria here was still very naughty, which was not beyond his surprise.

After serving the delicious Baiyingfeng meal, Lin Lan had idol sisters sitting on his left and right, while Memphis sat in front of him and began to answer his questions with a smile:

Commander, you should find that your vision has become very clear now, right? This is actually just an incidental auxiliary function.

To activate other system functions, you need to speak the authentication password yourself - AF may lack fresh water.

Lin Lan was stunned. Why did this password always feel so familiar to him?

He immediately remembered that this sentence was the earliest version of the anti-harmony code in the early days of the game.

Although this method has been closed now, as long as players typed this sentence on the public screen of the game, they could unlock all the harmonized content of the game.

And this also comes from the history of Blue Star, when the White Eagle military used telegraph trickery to trick Chong Ying into using AF to refer to Midway Island.

Originally, the White Eagle Intelligence Department at that time still had a dispute over the location designated by AF, but later the intelligence personnel came up with a fishing method for law enforcement and pretended to send a report in clear text saying that the desalination facility at Midway Island was broken.

The Chongqing Intelligence Department, which intercepted this information, was indeed fooled and directly sent a telegram to the headquarters saying AF lacks fresh water.

Therefore, White Eagle quickly confirmed that AF refers to Midway Island and seized the opportunity to fight.

Well, Lin Lan was not surprised that this sentence was a surprise authentication code given to him by the ladies of the White Eagle ship.

But he said with some worry:

I have memorized the password, but there is a very crucial question...if I tell the password in front of the Chongsakura girls, will they beat me to death?

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