Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 518: Being on guard against others is essential (2800 words)

However, although the enlarged armor did not have any weapons at hand, Lin Lan suddenly had an idea.

Now that he has come to another world, there are problems that cannot be solved with technology...

He might be able to solve it using methods from another world!

In the brave skill bar, there are skills that can directly control the elements to condense into weapons.

He had used elemental lightsabers when fighting Prince Eugen before, but the sharpness of those weapons was still not comparable to the ship uniforms of his ship girls.

But is it also possible if we directly control a large number of elements to assemble melee weapons commensurate with the size of the giant mecha?

Lin Lan thought of this, closed his eyes slightly, and began to feel the most elements in this mirror world.

As a space created by the mirror world, he felt that it should be different from the virtual world, and elements might be able to be realistically simulated.

And he soon felt that the surroundings were filled with majestic water elements and light elements.

Lin Lan smiled softly. It seemed that he could give up and try to build two weapons for himself after becoming gigantic.

It's just that if you just condense the elements into a weapon the size of an ordinary person, it won't consume much mental power.

But his body is now the size of a giant, so the size of the weapon cannot be the same as usual, and the mental energy required is naturally different from usual.

Commander, if the functions are familiar to you, let's go back first, right?

Seeing that Lin Lan's huge body was still motionless, Saratoga suggested in the communication system.

She was still waiting to take Lin Lan to her and her sister's practice room to watch a live performance. The purpose of bringing the commander to Xinghai today was basically over.

But just as Jia Jia finished speaking, he saw two illusory sword-shaped afterimages, one white and one blue, slowly appearing in the huge mechanical arms hanging down from the commander's huge armor.

This, this is?

The light sailing girl Princeton immediately took out the parameter tablet that controls the mirror world, looked at the rapidly beating energy numbers on it, and said to the other White Eagle ship girls in shock:

The energy consumed by the Rubik's Cube in the mirror world is constantly rising, and will soon exceed the limit of the energy at the disposal of the mirror simulation system. What on earth is the commander doing?

And at the same time as she finished these words, the two elemental lightsabers held by the arms of this huge gundam-like weapon almost materialized.

Oops! Goddess of Kitchen God, quickly transfer the Rubik's Cube energy from other systems in the star sea to the mirror simulation system!

Memphis immediately realized what this meant. Although she also had no idea what the commander had done, if this continued, the mirror world would soon be unable to sustain itself!

But just when the Kitchen Goddess took out the control tablet and prepared to do the same, Princeton said with a pale face:

It's too late, the mirror world will collapse in 5 seconds, 4, 3...

Just when Lin Lan felt that he was about to complete the lightsaber convergence, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his head.

He immediately realized where the severe pain was coming from. It meant that the surrounding elements were insufficient and he could no longer gather the elements.

No, this is on the sea in the mirror world, and the sun is as big as the sky. How can the light and water elements not be enough to condense a giant lightsaber?

Lin Lan suddenly opened his eyes, only to find that the clear sky and sea around him were no longer around him, but instead he was back inside the previous Xinghai base.

And now his huge body and head were pressed against the dome in this empty room, even destroying two light bulbs.

No wonder the surrounding elements were insufficient. It turned out that he had returned from the mirror world to the star sea base inside the mountain.

The two nearly formed giant lightsabers on both arms of his machine were interrupted and dissipated due to lack of elements.

For a time, the entire space was filled with white and humid seawater vapor.

Commander! Are you okay now? Can you hear us!

At this time, Memphis' anxious voice came from his communication system.

I'm fine. What just happened? Why are we back from the mirror world?

Lin Lan asked doubtfully. At the same time, he also found the virtual button to exit the weapon and enlarge it in the lower right corner of his field of vision. After pressing it, he quickly shrunk.

Then he understood what had just happened through the explanations of several White Eagle ship girls.

He disarmed the kinetic armor, and as he walked towards the girls of the White Eagle who still looked shocked, he briefly stated his thoughts on the communication channel.

So that's it. Commander, you scared us to death just now! Sister Sara thought it was an unexpected malfunction in the mirror simulation system!

After listening to his explanation, Saratoga complained loudly in the communication system, and Memphis and Princeton also breathed a sigh of relief.

If something happens to the commander due to a system failure in the Xinghai Base, they will die of guilt.

But soon Memphis looked at the commander who was about to walk in front of them with curious eyes, and whispered to himself:

The commander can actually control the elements. a good research project topic.

Her words also elicited nods of approval from Ingraham and Princeton.

Especially the little Lolita Ingraham who wears black-rimmed glasses. She has been to Hongye City and Hengyue City with the Commander, and has witnessed with her own eyes the transcendent power that the Commander has.

If we don't understand the principles of these powers in the commander, their name of White Eagle Star Sea will probably be laughed to death by other camps in the port area.

So, when Lin Lan walked up to his girls, he suddenly found that Memphis and Princeton were staring at him with burning eyes.

So much so that he looked down at his clothes to make sure he wasn't overdressed.

Fortunately, he still had his commander's uniform on him.

No, Memphis, why do I always feel that something is wrong with the way you look at me? It always feels like you are using me as experimental material to be sliced ​​and studied...

After staring at Memphis and the others for a long time, he finally smiled and joked, which also made Lexington and Little Gaga on the side laugh.

In a sense, they really want to capture the commander and study him carefully, but slicing him up is definitely impossible.

After Xiao Jiajia finished speaking with a smile, the gentle girl Kitchen Goddess, who was Lin Lan's exclusive doctor, also looked at Lin Lan with a smile and explained patiently:

The commander can control such a level of energy with the body of an ordinary person. He really needs to undergo a special physical examination.

Even the friends of Shige Sakura and Iris, the nature of the transcendent power they use is derived from the embodiment of the Rubik's Cube energy controlled by our 'ship', and will not cause damage to themselves.

Although the commander's adaptability to the Rubik's Cube is far superior to ordinary people according to the results of his last physical examination, there is no reason why he can control such majestic energy.

After the Kitchen Goddess finished speaking, little loli Ingraham pushed up her black-rimmed glasses, stared at Lin Lan and concluded:

The main issue that everyone is most concerned about is whether these transcendent powers controlled by Commander will put an irreversible burden on your body, or harm yourself.

Seeing several White Eagle ship girls staring at him, Lin Lan also understood that they were sincerely worried about him.

Moreover, what they said also awakened Lin Lan. Until now, even he himself had not fully understood the source of the hero's power.

Why was he chosen to be a hero?

Why didn't the previous hero choose to completely kill the Demon King and the Demon King's Army Commander, but instead let them live and just sealed them?

How did the brave skill bar enter his body?

The most critical point is that no matter whether he is a purifier, a builder, a tester, or the boss of the experimental agency, the observer, they obviously did not expect him to travel to this different world before.

So besides the Siren, what is the purpose of the force that has given him the magical skill bar of the brave and summoned the power to this other world?

Just to defeat the Demon King?

He didn't believe that the Demon King was a higher threat than the Sirens.

As an old social worker who has been working hard at the Blue Star construction site for more than ten years, Lin Lan never believes that there will be any good things that fall into the sky.

Even the ship girls who have undying love for him have only built up their trust bit by bit during his long companionship.

Especially before he traveled through time, Blue Star was popular with various animations and comics that summoned heroes to other worlds, defeated the devil, and then killed the donkey.

He always felt that the purpose of choosing him as a hero and summoning the Liaozhou forces to this other world might not be simple.

There is an old saying in Donghuang that says: You must not have the intention of harming others, and you must have the intention of guarding against others.

After a powerful hero defeats the Demon King, wouldn't it be very easy for the invincible hero to become the second Demon King if the hero has a desire for power?

Lin Lan asked himself, if he had summoned such a powerful hero himself, it would be impossible for him not to have some means in place to prevent the hero from losing control.

What's more, when he was in Hongye City before, he had already discovered that there was a certain ability shackles set in his body. He could not unlock the mass destruction skills in the brave skill column until he reached a certain state of mind.

In this case, who knows if there are similar shackles that he can't find with his current strength?

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