Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 528 Countdown to the destruction of the Eastern Continent

That's right, both the company and Lin Lan have heard that this voice is the voice of Helena meta.

And when she heard the two calling out her name at the same time, although Helena meta did not show her body, she still let out a gentle laugh:

It seems like it's Christmas today. I thought the commander must have gone to bed. Commander, how are you and everyone at White Eagle doing?

Lin Lan got off the sleigh. After hearing Black Sea Mother's question, he smiled and said to the large dark blue crystal particles floating in the middle of the road in front of him:

How can I put it... everyone still had a lot of fun, and there was a lively Christmas party today.

After finishing speaking, Lin Lan saw that Helena Meta had not appeared for a long time, and couldn't help but asked in confusion:

Helena meta, I also prepared a Christmas gift for you. Is it inconvenient for you to show up in your current state?

After hearing Lin Lan's words, the company finally understood who the commander had prepared the remaining Christmas gift for.

As for Helena's meta crystal particles, the dark blue light couldn't help but dim a bit after Lin Lan raised this question.

That's right, Commander, I'm just talking to you through my meta energy now. I'm not in front of you personally.

Although Hei Haima's voice was a little lower, Hei Haima's next words made Lin Lan and the company take a breath at the same time.

Commander, you and everyone in the White Eagle camp should set off and return to the port area before the day after tomorrow. This continent, including the island you are on now...

There are only two days left before it will be destroyed.

Although Hei Haima's voice was very clear, Lin Lan even thought that she had heard wrongly due to such impactful words.

This continent...are you referring to the Eastern Continent?

Lin Lan couldn't believe that Helena Meta would tell such a terrifying situation.

He had absolute unconditional trust in what Black Sea Mother said.

But this is a bit too sensational.

Even the enterprise was stunned, and said seriously in shock at the light group composed of dark blue particles in front of it:

Helena meta, you mean that the sirens are going to start a partial cleanup process on this continent?

After Lin Lan heard what the company said, he immediately realized that if he wanted to destroy the entire continent, only the Siren's cleanup program could do it.

He originally reasoned that Siren would continue the experiment in Oran, but he didn't expect that Siren would just flip the table and stop playing.

This is totally inconsistent with Siren’s character, right?

But when I think of the inaction of the Tianxing Consortium during this period, plus the network failure of the Eastern Continent discovered before going out.

Lin Lan was horrified to discover that there seemed to be signs of all this.

But why did the Siren suddenly prepare to destroy the Eastern Continent and ignore the Western Continent?

Could it be to target him and the White Eagle Ship girls?

Just as questions were popping up one after another in Lin Lan's mind, thinking about how to stop the Siren, what Helena Meta said next made his pupils shrink sharply:

No, according to the information I have, Antix does not intend to start a partial cleanup process in this world at this stage.

Commander, it's because of the singularity.

When Lin Lan heard the term singularity, he suddenly thought about it.

In addition to the partial cleanup process, once this black technology belonging to the ember gets out of control, it also has the destructive power to completely destroy the continent.

But this alone could not solve all the doubts in his heart.

The Singularity is the technology of Ember. Is it because Ember is preparing to forcefully enter this world and open the Singularity in the Eastern Continent?

Wait a minute! Ember is an organization composed of meta ship girls, is that possible?!

When Lin Lan said this, he suddenly became excited.

The meta ship girls in his port area have all been expelled from this world by the arbitration agency.

And there are many of those meta ship girls who were once the main members of the Ember Organization, such as Helena meta who is talking to him now!

In this case, in order to return to this world, those meta ship girls have joined Ember again and plan to cooperate with the black enterprise to open the Singularity?

Commander, it's just as you thought.

Although he didn't finish his words, Helena Meta had already guessed what he was thinking.

Many of the meta companions in the port area have already cooperated with Ember and are preparing to forcibly open the singularity that was previously blocked by the siren in the capital of the country where the commander is currently located.

After the company learned the location of this singular point, there was even a rare tone of disbelief in the voice, and it said with great solemnity:

Helena meta, you said that they are going to forcefully open the singularity that is contained by the siren. If so, wouldn't there be a very high probability that this singularity will go out of control?

As an enterprise that has faced the singularity at the center of a large-scale battle in the NY sea area, it deeply understands that the singularity contains majestic meta energy that can tear the world apart, and what kind of damage will be caused if it gets out of control during the activation process.

And how could the Siren allow the Singularity to activate smoothly and allow the meta-ship girls with terrifying power to smoothly descend into this world?

You're right, Enterprise.

The Siren has mobilized a large number of fleets in dozens of experimental worlds, preparing to forcibly intercept Ember and meta ship girls from this world.

At the same time, in the waters surrounding the Singularity Point, the Siren fleet has also been prepared and has blocked the entire continent into silence.

The probability that this singular point can be successfully opened without collapsing, after my deduction, is only...less than three percent.

After hearing such a slim probability, Lin Lan finally understood why Helena Meta persuaded him to take the White Eagle Ship girls to leave Oran and return to the port area.

The runaway collapse of this singularity is almost inevitable!

But in this situation, Lin Lan grasped the most important question for him:

Helena meta, tell me, if this singularity collapses, will you and those meta ship girls be implicated?

After a few seconds of silence, Helena Meta did not choose to answer his question directly:

...In order to see the commander as soon as possible, I cannot shake their longing for you. They will only listen to your advice if you convey your attitude to them.

Besides, the leader of Ember had planned to open this singularity a long time ago. Commander, you should also have a rough idea of ​​her character.

In the cold night snow, Lin Lan couldn't help but clenched his fists.

The company also remained silent, tightly holding the mechanical longbow in its hands.

Enterprise meta, black enterprise.

Although the Ember Organization adopts a loose principle of voluntary membership, there is no doubt that once this powerful Ember leader from the original world makes up his mind on something, he will definitely achieve it at all costs.

In the game plot, facing the siren host or even the mysterious enemy, the corporate meta has never had the slightest fear.

Since the other party is determined to open this singularity, how can it easily change its purpose?

But after a moment of silence, Lin Lan spoke again in a strong tone:

Helena meta, I don't care what the leader of Ember thinks.

What I want to know is, once the singularity started in Huanyang City collapses, will you be implicated?

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