Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 533 Emergency Meeting Before the War

Okay teacher, Ariel understands.

Although Ariel was a little curious about the identity of this woman, she still obeyed.

As long as the other party is not an intruder.

Not long after, after Lin Lan and Enterprise arrived at the Government Affairs Office of the artificial island, Little Gaga and New Jersey were already waiting for them on the roadside.

They had learned from the company that the East Continent was about to be destroyed due to the singularity, and they all had serious expressions on their faces.

This incident was so sudden that they didn't even bother to inform the other White Eagle girls.

After Lin Lan greeted the two White Eagle ship ladies, the four of them came to the conference room in the Government Affairs Hall.

The general situation has just been told to you by the company on the phone. There are less than twenty-seven hours left before the destruction of the Eastern Continent.

After taking a seat at the table in the conference room, Lin Lan briefly explained the information that the company meta had just mentioned.

For the sake of our meta companions in the port area, we must assist the corporate meta in destroying the Siren Reverse Storm Controller located in Huanyang City in order to successfully close the singularity.

After Lin Lan finished speaking, New Jersey, who was wearing a white coat, held his chin with one hand and analyzed to him thoughtfully:

Honey, if we want to use the Ember Leader's method to pass through the cracks in the world and rush directly to the singularity, we will inevitably have a head-on battle with the Sirens.

The Arbiter Strenkus and his agent fleet will definitely be stationed there. In addition to the Arbitration Agency, it is very likely that all the high-level sirens from the Experimental Agency will be around.

After listening to New Jersey's analysis of the Siren's defense strength, Lin Lan nodded in approval.

Originally, Huanyang City, the capital of Oran, was the former home base of Siren's control of the Tianxing Consortium. This kind of experimental work must be handled by the experimental agency.

In this case, it is very likely that the builders, testers, purifiers and observers he had met before also joined the singularity containment fleet.

Lin Lan frowned slightly when he thought that the observers had secretly attacked him and kidnapped him from Yunhai City.

He knew Strenkus's character. He was a pure warrior who was extremely powerful in frontal combat and did not disdain to use small means.

Enemies like this are not much of a threat to him and the ship girls.

What he really needs to be careful about is the observer who seems to have no direct combat capabilities, but is extremely cunning.

In particular, observers also have the ability to completely disguise themselves as others, making it difficult for people to detect them.

Since Siren is launching such a big battle this time, we, White Eagle, have to go all out.

At this time, little Jia Jia seemed to have made up her mind, looked at Lin Lan and said in a rare solemn tone:

Commander, if the world rift torn by the corporate meta can last for ten hours, the scope will definitely not be small, so I think we can directly mobilize all the sisters on the artificial island to fight against the singularity together.

Our purpose is only to destroy the reverse storm control device, and not to completely eliminate the Sirens, so once we succeed, we can withdraw from the world rift and switch to defensive operations on the artificial island.

Hearing what Saratoga said, Lin Lan also realized that Little Gaga was right.

The sirens in Huanyang City currently don't know that they will cooperate with corporate meta and directly launch surprise attacks. This is also their biggest advantage.

As long as the reverse storm control device is destroyed by them, it is equivalent to achieving the combat goal, and there is no need to stay in Huanyang City to fight the Sirens to the end.

After Lin Lan recognized what little Jiajia said and determined their goals for this operation, the subsequent detailed operational deployment could easily be carried out.

All White Eagle Ship girls will participate in this battle, and the overall battle will be divided into two stages.

The first stage is for all the White Eagle ship girls and Lin Lan to open a world rift in the waters surrounding the Xinyang artificial island, and all members rush into the vicinity of the singularity point.

After arriving around the Singularity Point, the White Eagle Ship Girls will be divided into two fleets to perform different missions.

A White Eagle fleet will serve as a defensive fleet, clearing out the sirens around the world rift and guarding it with Lin Lan to ensure the safety of the world rift.

The other White Eagle Fleet was the main attacking fleet. After determining the location of the reverse storm controller, it launched an all-out attack on the reverse storm controller.

If the main attack fleet encounters strong enemy obstacles during its attack, Lin Lan can use his Brave Portal skill to send members of the defense fleet to the main attack fleet for support.

The second stage is after successfully destroying the reverse storm controller, everyone retreats into the world rift.

They will use the island's defense system to attack the pursuing sirens in the waters surrounding the Xinyang artificial island until the world rift closes.

The White Eagle ship girls of these two fleets were organized into Lin Lan and handed over to Little Gaga and New Jersey to arrange them according to the skills that the ship girls are good at.

Of course, since the main force of the Siren was the heavy patrol Strenkus, Lin Lan also specifically ordered the ship girls of the main attack fleet to change into the special attack equipment brought from the port area.

As for destroying Stelenkus' management machine, Lin Lan had no such plans.

He still remembered that this arbiter had a unique mass defense field, which would provide him with a large amount of durable shields and damage reduction during battle, making him look like a big human shield.

As for the reverse storm controller, neither he nor the White Eagle girls had any reference data.

If most of the firepower is poured into Stelenkus, it will probably delay the firepower output to the reverse storm controller.

Of course, in addition to this battle plan, Lin Lan and the three White Eagle ship girls also discussed a Plan B.

The so-called Plan B means that if the worst happens and the siren defense is too strong, or the reverse storm control device cannot be destroyed with the power of the White Eagle ship girls, then the entire army will retreat to the artificial island as quickly as possible , leaving the Eastern Continent.

This plan was proposed by Lin Lan. After all, the meta energy concentration around the singularity must be very high.

Just now, the company was just talking to the company's meta using the communication method of the meta ship girls beside him, and it had already begun to be affected to a certain extent on his mind.

He must not let his ship girls fight in that environment for too long. Otherwise, if the ship girls have irreversible mental effects due to meta energy, he will regret it.

Commander, if our White Eagle Fleet enters the world rift, we may still have to leave some sisters to defend the artificial island.

When arranging the attack members, Saratoga frowned and looked at Lin Lan and said:

Just relying on Ariel's sub-individuals and the Barbarians to deploy the artificial island defense system still feels that the defense power will be somewhat insufficient...

At this moment, footsteps came from the corridor outside the conference room.

Lin Lan naturally knew the identity of the visitor, so he smiled and said to little Jia Jia:

Isn't this a coincidence? You just said that the island's defense force may be insufficient, and our new bodyguards are here.

Following the footsteps outside the conference room door, under the confused eyes of little Gaga, Ariel's voice sounded from outside the door:

Teacher, I brought Dailan.

Well, thank you for your hard work Ariel, come in.

After Lin Lan motioned for the people outside the door to come in, Ariel's Rubik's Cube energy robot sub-individual led a tall woman with long dark green hair and dark blue eyes into the conference room.

Dailan...Dailan?! Are you the Leviathan that was brought back by Big Mackerel and the others?!

New Jersey and Little Gaga didn't know yet that Dailan had completed her transformation. The two White Eagle ship girls suddenly opened their eyes wide, looked at the bewildered new face and shouted out.

Not only them, but also Lin Lan and the company were also shocked.

Leviathan Dailan, who had completed her transformation at this time, was wearing the same style of white eagle white and blue sailor shirt as the individual Ariel.

This deep-sea monster that once looked ferocious and terrifying has actually transformed into a human woman with regular features and a figure comparable to a battleship girl!

Of course, the battleship girl in the example here is not an Elizabeth class, but a real battleship sister.

Such a contrast was really hard for the four people in the conference room to accept.

But something even more surprising to everyone was yet to come.

Dai Lan, who had completed her transformation, half-knelt on the ground when she saw Lin Lan, who was looking at her, bowed with great respect and said:

Great God-chosen magician, thank you for giving me your name. From now on, the contracted monster Dailan will be the most loyal servant of the master and the incarnation of the master's will...

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