Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 538 The terrifying strength of Stelenkus

The ear-splitting roar just now was caused by the collision between the huge metal gauntlet of this terrifying arbiter and the New Jersey and Georgia ships.

Feeling the uncontrollable trembling all over his body, Lin Lan was extremely sure that if it weren't for the protection of this armor suit, the impact alone would have been enough to severely damage his body!

Fat... found Arbiter Strenkus! Commander, retreat quickly, even the armored suit cannot withstand the Arbiter's direct attack!

Memphis, whose voice was trembling, finished speaking into the communication system, and Lin Lan immediately realized that there was absolutely no way he could confront Stelenkus head-on at this time.

The opponent's special attacks are all area-wide destructive force fields. If he continues to stay here, it will only delay the artillery attack on Stelenkus by the White Eagle Ship girls!

Commander! How is the situation there? Do you need us to come back for reinforcements?!

The anxious voice of the company also came from the communication system, and the voice was accompanied by the sound of explosions. It was obvious that the battle there was also very fierce.

So while Lin Lan was retreating crazily, he also reminded loudly into the communication system:

New Jersey, Georgia, be careful of Strenkus' gravity field! Try not to engage in close combat with her!

Defense fleet, lock on Strenkus! The main attack fleet doesn't have to worry about us, continue to attack the builders and testers!

Although Lin Lan could not join this level of battle, as a commander, he could still help his ship girls.

After all, this arbiter is an old acquaintance. As Strenkus is one of the monthly bosses in large-scale battles, Lin Lan is very familiar with the abilities of this arbitrator.

Through the information analysis function of the armored suit, although he could clearly see the skills of Strenkus in several games, he was completely unable to see the arbiter's simulated health bar.

This means that Strenkus obviously cannot attack according to the rigid mechanism like in the game, and strength is no longer a fixed parameter in the game.

But don't forget, his ship girls are no longer limited to fighting in groups of six.

With the strength of the White Eagle ship girls who defended the fleet around him, although they might not be able to kill the current Strenkus, if they just delayed the time until Enterprise and York City killed the two senior sirens of the experimental agency, If defeated...

At this point, he was still very sure that the girls on the White Eagle ship could do it.

If you are severely damaged, don't be reluctant to fight. Immediately evacuate to Akashi for emergency maintenance. New Jersey, you must be careful!

Compared with the experimental agency, it would definitely not be easy for the White Eagle ship girls to directly compete with the arbitration agency, so Lin Lan also gave instructions in the communication system.

At this time, the female Kitchen God has followed the company and been incorporated into the main attack fleet, and the maintenance fleet in the defense fleet is commanded by this little profiteer.

But just before he had withdrawn a few meters, Strenkus' cold snort reached his ears:

Humph, want to escape?

The moment this cold voice sounded, Lin Lan suddenly felt that her steps were extremely heavy and she couldn't even take half a step forward.

At the same time, severe pain suddenly shot through his body, causing his face to turn extremely pale.

Gravity field!

Lin Lan immediately set his sights on Strenkus, who was still being resisted by New Jersey and Georgia. The other party was still staring at him.

And the main gun muzzle of the huge black and blue metal ship behind Strenkus had already aimed at him without knowing when!

Hey, are you really okay with just ignoring us like this?

Just when Lin Lan felt that the suffocation was about to swallow him up, New Jersey's gritted teeth sneer sounded from the communication system.


In an instant, the location of Stelenkus flashed with violent explosion flames.

At the moment when the explosion shock wave came, Lin Lan felt the pressure on his body loosen, and immediately retreated backwards with the force of the shock wave, converging with Anchorage, Portland and Indianapolis, which were closest to him.

Just when he thought he was safe, gunpowder smoke suddenly penetrated from the exploding fireworks, and several terrifying shells that seemed to be able to tear apart space were struck!

At the critical moment, Indianapolis stretched out his arms, and a transparent blue energy shield was generated in front of Lin Lan.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Three deafening explosions exploded in front of Lin Lan. Although dense spider web patterns appeared on the energy shield,...

After all, it is not broken.

Anchorage, smoke bombs, take the commander back and leave this place to me and Indy-chan!

Before Lin Lan could recover from the explosion of light less than one meter away from him, Portland's voice sounded.

Anchorage, got it!

After An Bao responded, the sea around him was shrouded in thick white smoke, and he was dragged by Anchorage towards the crack in the world.

It was only at this moment that Lin Lan finally understood how exaggerated the strength of the arbitration agency was.

If New Jersey and Georgia hadn't used their main artillery bombardment at close range just now, blocking Strenkus's gravity field, and the Portland sisters who arrived in time...

I'm afraid he has been killed on the spot by this terrifying arbiter!

The sense of oppression the other party brought to him was completely unmatched by experimental institutions!

Before leaving the smoke bombs in Anchorage, Lin Lan heard the roar of the carrier-based aircraft in the sky.

Sara! Don't worry about us, just blow this guy to death!

As New Jersey's anxious voice came through the communication system, violent explosions sounded again one after another, and Strenkus finally stopped chasing.

After hearing New Jersey's voice, Lin Lan finally breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, New Jersey and Georgia were fine.

After leaving the smoke bombs, he and Anchorage also encountered the oncoming aviation formation led by Little Gaga.

In the other direction, the White Eagle girls from other defense fleets also launched an attack on Stelenkus. For a time, the continuous explosions of flames engulfed Stelenkus's body.

But as an arbitration organ, it is impossible to sink it with just this round of concentrated fire.

But Lin Lan understood that at least Stelenkus was temporarily suppressed by the White Eagle Ship girls and could not easily approach him again.

Commander, Langley's carrier-based aircraft have scouted the surrounding sea areas, and even the urban areas on land, and no reverse storm control device has been found!

Big Mackerel and the others have also searched the bottom of the sea and have not found any suspicious siren facilities!

While controlling groups of carrier-based aircraft to take off in the direction of Stelenkus, Saratoga also anxiously reported the latest battle situation to Lin Lan.

How could this happen? Didn't the corporate meta say that the reverse storm controller is around this black storm?

After Lin Lan was surrounded by a group of White Eagle ship girls who came for support, and after receiving this information, she began to think about the current location of the reverse storm control device as much as possible.

On the virtual battlefield map provided by Armored Suit, the main attack fleet led by the enterprise has begun to contact the builders and testers, and it is likely that a firefight has begun.

Although the White Eagle girls in the main attack fleet were all elite, Lin Lan knew very well that if he wanted to extract information from the senior sirens, he would not be able to do so in a short period of time.

Before that, he had to calm down and rely on his own analysis to find the reverse storm controller in advance.


At this time, a black energy lightning overflowed from the black storm and struck hard on the black sea not far from him.

Lin Lan's eyes were fixed on the fleeting black lightning. Suddenly, he suddenly raised his head and looked at the center of the black storm wrapped in a singular point.

Could it be that...the reversed storm control device was wrapped in this reversed meta-storm and enveloped by the storm?

Looking at such a terrifying black storm, this conjecture emerged uncontrollably in his mind.

But if this is really the case, it will put him in trouble for a while.

Even if they were around the storm at this time, the meta energy contained in the air had seriously exceeded the standard.

The meta energy in the storm will only be more intense than the surroundings.

Does he really want the girls of the White Eagle to take such risks and forcefully break into the reverse meta storm to find the controller?

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