Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 552 The Canteen of the Chongsakura Fleet

While walking in the corridor inside the cabin, Lin Lan was also carefully looking at the layout of the surrounding cabins.

He also boarded the ship more than half an hour ago, and since boarding the ship, he has been on the bow deck and has not entered the cabin.

The interior layout of Chongsakura's mass-produced destroyer is significantly different from that of White Eagle mass-produced model and Iron-Blooded mass-produced model, and the most obvious difference is the overall decoration style.

Not sure if this mass-produced destroyer was specially used for living, Lin Lan noticed that the floor under his feet and the surrounding walls were actually made of dark wood.

In contrast, there was also a faint aromatic smell floating in the cabin, making him a little unsure whether the smell was coming from the cabin or from Akagi and the others beside him.

In addition, there are pots of strong plants placed at regular intervals in this corridor, and some potted plants are still blooming with pink flowers on their branches.

If he hadn't watched Ayanami take out the mass-produced ship from the ship's installation space, he would even feel like he was on a luxury cruise ship now.

Akagi, does every mass-produced destroyer of yours have this kind of layout?

Lin Lan asked Akagi casually, and the big fox replied with a bit of pride in his tone:

Commander, first of all, I want to correct your mistake. In the future, please don't say 'you re-cherry', but 'we re-cherry'.

The powerful Chongsakura Fleet was cultivated by you. The word 'you' is a bit unfamiliar, hehehe~

Well, Lin Lan admitted that he did use the wrong words here, but Akagi didn't really mean to blame him, and then answered for him:

As for this interior decoration style, at least it is this style in mass-produced models that are designed to be habitable.

If the commander is not satisfied, he can change it to the decoration style of other camps at any time, but White Eagle's style cannot be used.

When he said this, Lin Lan noticed that Akagi's tone was slightly lower, but Dafeng actually didn't speak.

It can be seen that Akagi and Dafeng have deep resentment towards the White Eagle camp. The fact that they can't see him privately on the artificial island these days is really frustrating to the two Sakura ship girls.

It's no wonder that since they saw him this morning, they have been tired of staying by his side...

No need to change, I'm very satisfied.

After Lin Lan finished speaking with a smile, he suddenly seemed to remember something and continued to ask Akagi strangely:

But it seems that Noshiro and Sakeman brought all the luggage I brought in this morning. Where is my dormitory?

Concerning this issue, Commander, you can rest assured that your dormitory, Master Musashi, has been arranged. After breakfast, you can have the children of the destroyer take you to familiarize yourself with it.

The person who answered his question was Azuma walking behind him. The gentle elder sister then added:

Master Musashi has already given instructions to each of his companions. Master Akagi and Master Taiho must not be allowed to approach the commander's dormitory. The commander must be ensured to have a normal rest.


Two smacking sounds came from both sides of Lin Lan's body at the same time, causing the corners of Lin Lan's mouth to rise slightly.

It seems that Musashi has long expected that Akagi and Dafeng will not be honest, and has taken preventive measures in advance.

However, from the corner of his eye, he had noticed that whether it was Akagi or Dafeng, the faces of the two ship girls showed that they were deep in thought.

As the saying goes, if you are not afraid of thieves stealing, you are afraid of being missed.

In particular, these two were both extremely good at high-intensity night attacks, and it was well known to everyone in the port area to spy on him.

I can only hope that Master Musashi's precautions can be maintained for a longer time, and these two people don't come to the door tonight.

Just when Akagi and Dafeng were each holding their own little thoughts and falling into silent thinking, Lin Lan finally smelled the aroma of food wafting in front of them.

Sure enough, at the end of this corridor is a spacious restaurant.

But it was completely different from the modern, general-purpose and simple canteen that Lin Lan had imagined. The restaurant that appeared in front of him was actually more like the high-end Sakura restaurant he saw when he was in Blue Star.

The square dining tables made of logs are placed on light beige tatami, and the tableware and dishes placed on the table are also extremely exquisite in the traditional heavy cherry blossom style.

At this time, there were not many Shigesakura girls who had taken off their geta and shoes and were sitting on the tatami to dine. Except for the battleship Purple Fox girl Musashi who looked smiling, there were only Kaga, Hakuryuu, Noshiro, and Sakeman.

And the two Sakura aircraft carrier girls from the Second Air Battle:

Soryu, a girl with long black and blue hair, bunny ears and glasses, wearing a bluish-white kimono, and her younger sister, Feilong, who wears a smart long white ponytail, a black forehead protector on her forehead, and a black kimono.

Ah, the commander is here, come here quickly!

After seeing the arrival of several people, the wine man immediately stood up with a bright smile on his face and came forward without wearing any shoes.

Not only did the wine lady stand up, but several other Chong Ying ship girls also stood up to say hello to Lin Lan.

Lin Lan was a little uncomfortable with the courtesy of the girls from the Sakura ship, but what he was actually most curious about was why the other girls from the Sakura ship weren't here.

But under the leadership of the wine man, he came to the tatami where Musashi was sitting. After taking off his shoes and sitting down with Akagi and Taiho, Musashi seemed to have read through his mind and explained to him with a smile:

Commander, there is not only one restaurant on the ship here, but also on the second floor. Each mass-produced ship has its own restaurant.

Our Sakura camp pays more attention to the dining environment. Therefore, the canteen in the mass-produced model is not designed to facilitate gatherings like other camps, but is designed in a more comfortable style.

While Musashi was explaining, sitting next to Akagi, Kaga, the short-haired nine-tailed white fox girl, also assisted the barbarian attendants who came out of the kitchen to place the sumptuous breakfast on the table.

Rice sushi wrapped in kelp, freshly cut fresh sashimi, and various seafood dishes...

Lin Lan's stomach growled uncontrollably as he looked at the dazzling array of sumptuous Sakura-style breakfast dishes on the table.

It's not that he was hungry, the main reason was that most of the food he ate in the White Eagle camp during this period was fried or grilled.

As for the Chongsakura dishes on the table in front of him now, which were as exquisite as handicrafts, he had never eaten them since he traveled through time.

After almost all the dishes were served, Lin Lan also used chopsticks to enjoy breakfast with the Chongsakura girls.

Although these heavy cherry dishes were made by Chef Manjiu in the back kitchen, after all, this was the first time he had eaten heavy cherry dishes after two years, and Lin Lan still nodded in praise after the delicious sushi entered his mouth.

Haha, Commander, all the Liaozhou ingredients we brought with us when we came here from Liaozhou have been eaten on the way, so the ingredients for these dishes are all provided by Baiying.

After some time, when the fleet enters the Liaozhou waters, we can kill those man-eating sea beasts and show you the new and improved Sakura cuisine.

Seeing Lin Lan's satisfied expression, Musashi also shook his purple fox ears, with a happy smile on his face.

As soon as he heard Musashi mention the man-eating sea beast, Hakuryuu, who was sitting at the tatami wooden table nearby, holding the handle of the sheathed sword with his left hand even when eating, immediately took over the conversation and laughed heartily:

Hmph, Commander, you can't imagine that there are many weird monsters in that sea area. It's so interesting!

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