Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 562 Lord Dragon God’s disaster relief

Looking at the two steaming dark green green peppers in the wooden box in his hand, Lin Lan really wanted to complain, but he didn't know where to complain.

It would be fine if the green pepper looked like the green pepper he remembered, and he wouldn't mind trying the green pepper rice roll with a crispy texture.

But the question is, are the green peppers that look like this really the same green peppers he ate at Blue Star?

What Yukikaze and Shigure had just said to him was still lingering in his mind.

Looking at the expectant expression of the white-haired girl, Lin Lan really couldn't refuse directly, so after his brain was running rapidly, he frankly discussed with Shiwanshi:

Well, Lord Dragon God, I've also had breakfast. These two... rice balls, um, rice balls, I can't eat them alone, so why don't we take one each.

Well~ Since the commander has also had breakfast, let's take one for each person. I'll show the commander how to eat this exclusive green pepper rice ball from Dragon God first.

Shiwanshi thought Lin Lan didn't know how to eat such rice balls, so she picked up a green pepper, put it directly to her mouth, bit it down, and chewed it.

And in the half of the green pepper left after the girl bit it, the rice that was supposed to be white turned out to be light green!

Not only that, the light green rice wrapped in raw green peppers also contained dark green minced rice and pepper seeds, which made Lin Lan's stiff mouth twitch slightly.

With such a lethal dose, even if the green pepper tastes the same as Blue Star, he will probably spit out fire if he bites it!

But instead he ate nearly a third of the 40,000 tons in one bite...

Here, Commander, it tastes very good.

Shi Wanshi chewed the food in his mouth carefully. Not only did his face not blush, but his heart did not beat. He even finished the remaining green pepper-wrapped rice balls without being satisfied. After finishing, he did not forget to lick the residue around his mouth.

The sea breeze blew on Lin Lan's face, causing him to swallow uncontrollably.

Not only him, Yukikaze and Shigure also swallowed their saliva, the three of them were in such a tacit understanding at this moment.

Seeing Shiwanshi cast an expectant look at him again, Lin Lan also knew that it would be rude for him to make excuses at this time.

Isn't it just a rice ball stuffed with green pepper? Seeing as Shimanto ate it so lightly, it might not be as spicy as he imagined.

After all, he is also a Shuzhou native from Donghuang, so he can be considered spicy, and he cannot disgrace the Shuzhou people.

So with the encouragement of secretly cheering herself up, Lin Lan held the wooden box with one hand and picked up the remaining green pepper-wrapped rice ball.

Just come on, Ollie, do it!

Without too much hesitation, Lin Lan put the big green pepper into his mouth and took a bite.

The first thing he felt was the crisp texture of vegetables, and then the fragrance of cooked rice spread in his mouth.

It seems...not as spicy as imagined?

Lin Lan couldn't help but be a little confused. The expected pungency didn't come, which made him feel like he was punched in cotton.

Is the information false? Or did Yukikaze and Shigure simply want to scare him?

But just as Lin Lan was chewing the green peppers and rice in his mouth and thinking about these questions, he heard Shigure beside him sighing at Yukikaze.

At the same time, Shigure's lowered whisper also reached his ears:

It's broken, it's broken. It seems that the commander didn't withstand Lord Dragon God's attempt to reduce the disaster. He was completely fooled.

Prevent disaster? Hit?

Lin Lan just swallowed the rice balls and green peppers in her mouth, but she didn't have time to say what it meant.

The next second, he suddenly felt a burning sting in his throat, as if what he had just swallowed was a ball of extremely hot fire.

He couldn't help but think about it, and the flame spread down his throat, fell straight into his abdomen, and seemed to spread along his meridians to all sides of his body.

For a moment, Lin Lan felt that his body could no longer move. Even if he moved, the flame would burst out.

Shigure, please don't be rude. How can you say that I'm bringing disaster?

After Shigure heard what Shigure whispered to Yukikaze, he finished speaking angrily, pointed at Lin Lan who could not move, and hummed softly:

Look at Commander, he ate the rice balls I made and nothing happened.

Don't think that I don't know that privately, the children of you destroyers call the food I invite you to eat as Lord Dragon God's disaster. This is clearly slandering me.

Now Commander has proven my innocence.

When Lin Lan heard what Shi Wanshi said, his heart became cold, and he regretfully shouted why he wanted to die.

It turns out that the reason why he didn't feel spicy after eating the green pepper-wrapped rice balls was not because Shimanto made it spicy.

But the spicy level has far exceeded the upper limit of his taste, and his taste has completely stopped!

This...Commander, is what Sister Shimanto said true?

After Shigure was lectured like this by Shimanto, he was stunned for a moment with some uncertainty.

The little lolita wearing a black sailor uniform twitched her dog ears and gently pulled Lin Lan's clothes and asked, but found that Lin Lan did not respond to her.

But the attentive Xuefeng had already discovered the clues, pointed at Lin Lan's hand, widened his eyes and shouted:

Wow! Shi-Shigure, look at the commander's hand, why it turned red?

It turns red...not good, Commander?! Commander!!!

A few minutes later, the white uniform was untied, and Lin Lan, whose exposed rosy skin was still exuding white mist, was already lying on the bed in the bedroom, dying.

Ayanami, Yukikaze, Shigure and Yudachi all sat beside his bed and looked at him distressedly.

Ayanami... go get me another glass of iced Coke...

As the spiciness has gradually subsided, Lin Lan, who has recovered her sense of taste, can feel the spiciness in her mouth more clearly.

He raised his hand tremblingly and motioned to Ayanami, who was sitting beside his bed, to help him get a bottle of iced Coke to relieve the heat.

No, Commander, you have already drank four bottles of ice cola. If I go to the cafeteria to get it again, Akagi-sama and the others will become suspicious.

The ghost girl shook her head and said helplessly.

I'm sorry, Commander... wuwu... I'm sorry...

Shiwanshi knelt down on Lin Lan's bed, holding his hand that was weakly hanging down with a cry of guilt, and at the same time controlled the water flow to slide on his body to help his body cool down.

Don't cry, Lord Dragon God. This is not your problem. Can you drink this water? I feel like my throat is burning...

Lin Lan forced a smile to comfort Shimanshi, but the burning in his throat also made him eager to find water.

He really didn't expect that the stamina of the 40,000 green pepper rice balls could be so great, and it has not completely dissipated until now.

With such terrifying green peppers, it’s no wonder that the food made by Shimanto was called “Ryujin-sama’s disaster” by Chongsakura’s destroyer girls.

He finally understood the lesson.

Commander... this is sea water, you can't drink it...

Lord Dragon God's aggrieved voice reached his ears, making Lin Lan sigh as he lay down.

Well, it seems that he will have to rely on his willpower and endure it for a while before he can recover.

At least it should be said that after he took a bite of the 40,000 green pepper-wrapped rice balls, a lot of impurities were indeed removed from his body.

Even after the burning pain in his body subsided, he felt a sense of refreshment, which was an unexpected surprise.

Food with such effects is truly worthy of its name as the blessing of Lord Dragon God and is not exaggerated in the slightest.

But even so, he would never dare to eat it a second time.

This kind of grace is definitely not something that a mortal like him can easily endure.

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