Sister, you have been spying on the commander here for a while. Is it really okay if you don't go in?

Outside Lin Lan's dormitory door, Kaga looked helplessly in front of her. Akagi leaned on the door, staring at Lin Lan's figure in the dormitory, and asked in a low voice.

The white fox girl with short silver hair put her white fox mask on her head and held a packed breakfast box in her hand.

But even if she asked this, Akagi remained motionless and obviously had no intention of entering the house, so Kaga could only add lightly:

If we don't go in, the breakfast we brought to the Commander will be gone.

Hearing Kaga talk about Lin Lan's breakfast, Akagi shook the pointed ears on his head, but still didn't look back and said in a voice that was trembling with excitement:

What to do, what to do...

The commander looking out the window and thinking seriously about the problem is so cute and handsome. Just looking at him like this makes me feel like I'm being burned from the inside out.

Such a beautiful artistic conception, if we break it rashly, wouldn't it be...

Akagi's muttering words made Kaga stunned for a moment.

It had been a long time since she had seen such an excited sister, so much so that she seriously doubted whether Akagi would enter the house and uncontrollably knock the commander down on the spot.

You know, her sister was almost going crazy during this period of time.

After thinking for a moment, for the sake of Lin Lan's health, the white fox lady finally decided to raise her hand and knocked lightly on the door.

The door is not closed, just come in.

After Lin Lan heard the knock on the door, he quickly stood up and answered.

But when he turned around, he saw a scene that made his brain shut down.

He saw the fox girl with brown hair and red eyes, her face flushed, holding the door of the dormitory with both hands, looking straight at him with extremely hot eyes.

Several brown fox tails were swinging back and forth behind Akagi, indicating that Akagi was already filled with uncontrollable excitement.

This situation even reminded him of a famous scene in a classic game called Tailwalk.

He had an illusion that in the next second he would be rushed over by Akagi and pinned down on the bed, tearing his clothes to pieces, and then...

Then, as Kaga's face with that signature confident smile appeared above Akagi's head, the door was pushed open completely.

The two aircraft carrier Foxes in the Chongsakura First Air Battle finally showed their figures within his field of vision.

Sister, stop looking. Let's feed the commander breakfast first. The commander will go with us to meet the other members of the aviation team later and serve as their elemental instructor.


After hearing Kaga's words, Akagi smacked his lips in dissatisfaction, then straightened up, and walked up to him with Kaga with a generous smile on his face.

Originally, Lin Lan saw Akagi coming over and didn't pounce directly, so he secretly breathed a sigh of relief and let go of his high-hanging heart.

But it turned out that his heart was too early.

Because after Akagi walked up to him, he didn't even say good morning, he just opened his arms and hugged him tightly, letting his face be caressed in the soft embrace.

The one who strikes first will win! Commander~ Akagi finally caught you. Akagi has finally waited for this day, hehe~

Well, it turns out that this charming fox girl with heavy cherry blossoms didn't fail to greet him good morning, but chose to greet him in the most cherry-like way.

Lin Lan originally wanted to say something, but Akagi hugged him so tightly that he could only indulge in the soft sweetness.

While the two were getting intimate, Kaga opened the breakfast box, took out the steaming teapot and ceramic teacup, and placed them on Lin Lan's dining table.

Soon, the aroma of breakfast and tea filled the room.

Originally, Akagi wanted to hold Lin Lan and continue to linger for a while, but after hearing the gurgling sound from Lin Lan's stomach, she reluctantly let go of Lin Lan and temporarily stopped her offensive.

Commander, this is breakfast that Kaga and I made together. Come and try it~

Lin Lan, who left the gentle village of Chicheng, never expected that it would be his belly that allowed him to escape temporarily.

If not, if the trend continues, he might really be pushed down by Akagi and pinned to the bed.

But there is one thing to say, the fragrant aroma of the breakfast brought by Akagi and Kaga is indeed very appetizing.

He looked at the breakfast box that Kaga opened. There were four or five different kinds of exquisite snacks in it. At a glance, they looked a bit like rice cakes, pies, and sponge cakes.

Commander, the time in the morning is limited. My sister and I only had time to make these. If it's not enough, I will go to the cafeteria to get some other breakfast.

Kagami smiled and stretched out his hand to signal Lin Lan to sit back at the desk, with a sense of anticipation in his blue eyes.

Lin Lan then remembered that in the game, Kaga seemed to be keen on making handmade snacks, and would often make snacks for other Chongying children.

And Kaga's cooking skills are also very good.

I have enough snacks, but have you had breakfast?

After Lin Lan sat on the chair, Akagi poured light green warm tea into his teacup.

After hearing his words, the red-eyed fox lady smiled charmingly, put down the teapot, picked up a piece of white rice cake with her slender fingers, and put it to his mouth:

Of course we have already had breakfast. Come on, Commander, open your mouth~

Lin Lan was stunned for a moment when faced with the feeding from the seductive fox lady in front of him.

Only then did he remember that when Kaga was at the door just now, he said to Akagi to feed him breakfast.

Seeing the two fox girls looking at him expectantly, Lin Lan had no choice but to open his mouth obediently and let Akagi put the rice cake into his mouth.

After he tried chewing it, the first thing he felt was a silky texture that was soft but not sticky to his teeth.

Immediately, the rich fragrance and sweetness spread in his mouth, even lifting his spirits.

This snack is indeed a rice cake, and he also ate this kind of snack in Blue Star, but the rice cake Akagi fed him was more delicious than any other rice cake he had ever eaten!

Commander, we know you are from Donghuang, so this is the Donghuang rice cake steaming method we specially learned from Ding'an.

Chongying's rice cakes are mainly baked. We thought you might not be used to it, but judging from your expression, our efforts were not in vain.

When Jiahe saw Lin Lan's surprised expression, he thought he was surprised by the taste and preparation of this rice cake, so he smiled and explained to him.

You guys are very considerate. This rice cake is very delicious.

Lin Lan sincerely praised Akagi and Kaga.

Although he didn't think that the method of making this rice cake was different from Shige Sakura's as Kaga said.

But now that he knew that the other party had learned Donghuang's traditional dim sum methods specifically for him, he naturally had to express his gratitude.

Ding'an was a transport ship of the Donghuang camp. He remembered that Ding'an was a cute girl who was careful with money and thrifty.

Since Akagi and Kaga were able to learn how to make these Donghuang snacks from Xiang Ding'an, this also shows that in his port area, the Shigezakura camp and the Donghuang camp have indeed regarded each other as companions, and the relationship between the two sides is also very close. .

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