Tirpitz looked at the man in front of him who looked almost exactly the same as in his memory, and his blue eyes were instantly filled with tears.

She tremblingly took off the white military cap from her white hair and held it tightly in her hands.

Her nails dug into her palms through the white gloves, and the tingling sensation told her that this was not a dream.

August had never seen Lin Lan when he was young, but she had.

The boy whose eyes were full of hope for the future and who shouted out happily the first time he saw her.

How could she not remember?

Tirpitz, such a powerful battleship, was historically a lonely queen abandoned by Iron Blood in the Arctic Ocean.

In the extravagant hope of protecting her family and country and gaining honor, she went from being complacent when she first left the factory and was launched into the water, to the long and lonely watch in the ice sea harbor.

When the Tallboy super bomb shattered her ship's hull, it also completely shattered her heart and her dreams.

In the end, she couldn't even go back and take another look at her hometown.

The lonely queen of the north also sealed her desperate heart with cold ice at the moment she fell into the ice sea.

Tirpitz! It's Tirpitz! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I finally got you! Elbow, come home with me!

After sleeping for an unknown amount of time, Tirpitz woke up in a daze and was taken to the new port area by this young man.

Lin Lan's appearance allowed a ray of warm sunshine to shine into the heart of the Queen of the North that was immersed in ice.

The boy who once cheered for his new companions joining the port area, who burst into tears because of a victory in a battle, was like a sun that melted the ice, melting Tirpitz's heart that enveloped him. of ice.

She accompanied the boy as he grew up, and witnessed the former companions from the Iron-Blooded camp in the port area joining one by one.

Until that day, this young man shyly pulled her to the church in the port area and put a ring on her fingertips.

The lonely queen of the north, looking back.

Her sister, her iron-blooded companions, and her former enemies from other camps all looked at her and the boy beside her with blessings at that moment.

The coldness and despair in her heart were completely melted by Lin Lan.

The Queen of the North is no longer alone.

The glory that I once dreamed of was no longer important at this moment. As long as she can stay with this boy all the time, that's enough.

As this high-spirited young man gradually grew into a mature man, Tirpitz found that the light in Lin Lan's eyes was getting darker and darker, and he became more and more taciturn.

She saw in Lin Lan the shadow of what had happened to her.

But Tirpitz was not a good communicator. She mustered up the courage to talk to Lin Lan more than once, but found that there seemed to be an insurmountable wall between her and Lin Lan.

The commander couldn't hear her voice, nor could he feel the feelings she wanted to convey.

She was not the only one, the other girls also more or less noticed the change in Lin Lan's personality.

Bei Zhai remembered that the last time he saw Lin Lan, this bearded man had bloodshot eyes and was suffering from fatigue and poor diet.

Since then, Lin Lan has never returned to the port area, and the port area that everyone worked so hard to build in the past has lost its commander, and the various camps have no common goals and have gone their separate ways.

Looking at the high-spirited young man in front of him, the image in his memory that was almost blurred slowly overlapped.

Tirpitz opened his mouth tremblingly and shouted in a crying voice:

Long time no see, my commander.

Well, the famous scene where Lin Lan imagined I came at the wrong time did not happen.

And since he had already seen August, there was no need to think that the white-haired Tirpitz in front of him was his Tirpitz.

Tizi, long time no see.

Lin Lan naturally knew that when she really saw Tirpitz, she could no longer call her Beizhai, so she called out another nickname for Tirpitz.

Before Tirpitz could say anything, four small black figures suddenly appeared behind her and rushed out from her.

Before Lin Lan could recognize each other's identities, the four little lolita pounced on Lin Lan and threw him to the ground.

They are the iron-blooded Z-drivers.

Commander! I knew I would see you today! Hehehe, I felt it just now outside!

Z16, a little fighting-type lolita with red eyes, black hair and a touch of white fur, rode directly on Lin Lan.

Commander! You guy, have you forgotten the oath you made to be with Master Z1 until the end of the world? Where did you go?

Master Z1 with short silver hair grabbed Lin Lan's collar. Although he was questioning, big tears were already falling from the corners of his eyes.

The two people next to him, who tacitly hugged Lin Lan tightly with both hands, were a little loli with facial paralysis wearing a strapless black military dress with long silver hair and yellow pupils, and a girl with short purple-brown hair. A little lolita with burgundy pupils and no change in expression on her face.

The two of them didn't say anything, but just hugged Lin Lan's arms tightly, reluctant to let go.

Z16, don't ride on me, you've gained so much weight, my belly can't bear it anymore!

And my Lord Z1, please stop tugging on my collar. I'm back now. Let me go first!

Z2, Z46...cough, Leonie, don't be stupid, you two, let go of me.

Ti Zi, Ti Zi, help me... Hey Z2, what do you want, you evil-minded little guy? Don't instigate Z1 and Z16 to pull my hair! I heard you!

Lin Lan was directly ridden on the face of the four little lolita Z. He was pinned to the ground and completely unable to move. He became a tool for them to vent their feelings.

Seeing how embarrassed Tirpitz was, Tirpitz, who had always had a cold face and an aura that could repel people thousands of miles away, couldn't help laughing and made no move to help Lin Lan.

You deserve it, who told you to leave suddenly without saying goodbye.

August, who was opposite Tirpitz, saw the relieved smile on Tirpitz's face, and suddenly felt emotional in his heart.

She had not seen such a cheerful smile from the Queen of the North for a long, long time, and she even doubted whether the ice in Tirpitz's heart had really melted.

But now it seems that they have just been away from the man in front of them for too long, who has been involved with the Z-drivers.

These four energetic Z-driven little lolita finally let Lin Lan go after they tortured her to the point of dying and vowed never to leave them again.

Lin Lan got up from the ground in embarrassment, his clothes already wrinkled by the four Z-driving girls.

One of the little loli stickers was enough. Lin Lan could now see the power of a group of little lolita pounces.

Z1, the little big sister, Z2, the evil-minded and venomous Lolita, Z16, the active element, and...Z46, the naturally dumb literary Lolita who doesn't like to talk.

Due to historical reasons, Z46 was very concerned about her name, so Lin Lan personally changed her name to Leonie.

Well, as the Lord of the Rings, he naturally gave rings to these four iron-blooded Z-driving little lolita and made oaths.

Lin Lan looked at the four angry little Lolita who were holding tightly to the corners of his clothes and arms, with tears in their eyes, and sighed helplessly.

He never dreamed that he could actually see his ship girl in the game appear in front of him in real life.

Commander, where have you been? We are all waiting for your answer. And your appearance...

Tirpitz saw that Lin Lan and the Z-drive team were tired from playing. He stepped forward and stretched out his hand to tidy up Lin Lan's messy white uniform.

All this is very natural, as if it has been rehearsed countless times in the mind.

Seeing this scene, August also stepped forward, took off his black cloak, and gently put it on Lin Lan's shoulders.

The silver-white Iron Cross is the unique symbol of the Iron-Blooded camp, and each of them has more or less Iron Cross ornaments on their clothes.

Lin Lan stared carefully at Tirpitz, who was carefully arranging his clothes.

Seeing Tirpitz at such a close distance, with his exquisite facial features and deliciously white skin, Lin Lan realized for the first time that her own Tirpitz was so beautiful.

It's just a pity that Tirpitz is wearing the original leather-painted clothes in the game at the moment, the white iron-blooded Arctic Fleet uniform.

He remembered that the straps seemed to hide the big breasts, and he discovered this in the skin of the swimsuit he bought for Tirpitz later.

No, now is not the time to think about those things.

Lin Lan stroked the strand of white hair on little Loli Z16's forehead, and her thoughts returned to the question raised by Tirpitz.

How should I explain all this to the girls?

The ship girls in front of him and beside him were obviously real. There was no way he could explain to the other party that he had only seen them in the game before, right?

Thank you: I am your big pigeon and the famous Lemon Spurs Manu reader who voted for your recommendation. Thank you very much for your support!

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