Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 591 There is an old saying in Donghuang

Purification dear... right, hehe~ Since you have brought us to Oran, it would be rude if you don't take us back.

Akagi looked at the dull Purifier with a playful smile and continued:

And you ran away suddenly in a hurry. We thought you were going to be liquidated. We have been worried about you for so long, so we have to make a gesture.

When Lin Lan heard what Chicheng said, she burst into laughter.

This is a good reason, Akagi did a great job!

The Purifier finally came to his senses at this time, looking at Lin Lan with a bitter look on his face:

That's not right. According to our intelligence blockade calculations, you shouldn't know the existence of this world's network mobile facilities. Where did you get the information from?

You don't need to ask anymore. Just tell me that as my good friend, you can help me with this.

Naturally, it was impossible for Lin Lan to explicitly say that he knew about the Menfei Network in the game plot, so he could infer that the Siren was also activated in this other world.

At present, he has judged from the Purifier's words that the Sirens indeed have a network of doors in this other world.

Then it is even more impossible for him to let the Purifier go easily.

Seeing that the Purifier was still a little hesitant and didn't give an answer for a long time, Lin Lan smiled playfully:

My dear Purification, there is an old saying in my hometown of Donghuang, which is that those who understand current affairs are heroes...

After hearing what he said, Qin Jingqing instinctively blurted out and asked:

Aren't you afraid of using a torture instrument to pry open my mouth, and the information you obtained is false?

This completely standard answer even made Lin Lan freeze on the spot. He never expected that this high-level siren actually knew how to play tricks?

It doesn't matter if it's fake. It won't have much impact if we force our way through. We can just tear your head off and use it as a ball for other children to kick.

Seeing the Purifier pretending to be stupid, Akagi stopped pretending and threatened with a sneer.

When Yudachi, who was watching the show on the side, heard this, he stood up happily with anticipation written all over his face.

This sentence successfully reminded the Purifier of very terrifying memories, and she finally explained with a grimace:

It's really not that I don't want to let you use the network channel mobile facilities. All our facilities in Antix will keep usage records. If the host finds out, I will really be liquidated! Are you willing to watch the purification family be liquidated?

I see……

After hearing the Purifier's explanation, Lin Lan also understood why the Purifier didn't take the Chongying ship girls to use the Menfei network when they came.

It's not that the Purifiers want to hide the Door Network, but they are afraid of leaving traces of use and being traced by the host.

He had misunderstood the poor senior siren.

However, there are not no solutions, just like Akagi has already told him the solution he thought of:

Uh hehe~ For such a simple question, why don't you just think that we have broken into the Siren Fortress and force you to activate the mobile facility?

This, this...

The Purifier was stunned when Akagi said this. At the same time, the golden light in her eyes flashed, as if she was calculating the feasibility of this plan at high frequency.

Commander, why are you wasting your time with her? How can a weak person have the right to choose? Why not just escort her into the mirror sea as originally planned.

Seeing that the Purifier was still hesitating, White Fox Lady Jiahe put forward her opinion to Lin Lan with a cruel sneer on her face.

Don't! I'll lead the way! Why don't you lead the way for Purification!

Under such pressure, the Purifier finally thought about it and hurriedly waved her hands to express her willingness to cooperate.

Seeing that the Purifier finally agreed to let them use the Menfei network, Lin Lan was about to tease the Purifier a few more words, but the other party suddenly looked at him and said:

But I have a condition. You have to let me recover the experimental materials that were killed first.

Experimental materials? Oh, that's no problem. Let the executor recycle it.

The purifier was naturally referring to the black bat-winged dragon corpse just now. It was useless for Lin Lan and the Chongying ship girls to keep it, so he immediately nodded in agreement.

Then the Purifier let down her hammerhead shark suit that was still floating in the air, walked to the hammerhead shark suit, and tapped a few times on the science fiction screen that appeared out of thin air.

Not long after, a group of Explorer IVs sailed out of the mirror sea with several mass-produced Type IVs, heading towards the location where the manta pterosaur fell.

Lin Lan looked at the body of the bat-winged dragon and found that the black area around the body of the bat-winged dragon was larger than before.

If it was just blood, it should be diluted by sea water very quickly. How could it keep expanding into a rich black color?

Purification dear, what are your experimental institutions doing in Liaozhou? What is the black area?

Lin Lan curiously asked the Purifier, who was still watched closely by Akagi, Kaga and Dafeng.

For some reason, he just stared at the black area for a while, and felt an inexplicable nauseating desire to vomit.

Besides being disgusted, he actually felt a faint sense of familiarity from it.

Oh, um, it's us...well, sorry, sorry, I really can't talk about this purification kiss.

The Purifier suddenly changed his words mid-sentence, as if to seduce his appetite.

But as soon as the white-haired siren girl finished speaking, she saw Akagi next to her smile coldly and rolled up her sleeves as if he was going to beat her.

So the purifier quickly shouted aggrievedly:

It's not that I don't want to say it. The relevant data records of this experiment have the highest level of encryption authority of the host. If I say it, not only will my body explode immediately, but the arbitration agency will also be sent by the host to silence me. !”

I am definitely not being alarmist. You have all fought against Stelenkus and Tempalus. You should know that the Arbitration Agency can directly tear apart space!

But Akagi didn't believe what the Purifier said.

She smiled coldly, wagging her fox tail behind her, staring at the Purifier and asked:

Since the authority for the experiment is so high, why would your host put you and the Cleaners in charge? Who among the observers, testers, and builders is not more reliable than you two idiots?

Although I feel uncomfortable being ridiculed by you like this, I can't seem to find any reason to refute...

The Purifier was speechless by Akagi, and could only look at Lin Lan with teary eyes full of pleading.

Hey, seeing as she is like this, she really can't tell her. Why don't we go there in person and see if we can find anything.

Lin Lan was stared at so miserably by the Purifier, and it was no longer difficult for this senior siren girl.

Back then, the corporate meta personally performed a wave of tearing cracks in the world for him, and the arbitration agency can drive away the embers, so naturally it can do the same.

If the Purifier really self-destructs and attracts several arbitration agencies, it will not end well for them.

But when he heard that he wanted to personally lead the team to see the body of the Manta Pteranodon, the Purifier immediately jumped up from the deck, hurriedly reached out to him and shouted:

No! None of you can go there! Especially you, you absolutely cannot go there!

The Purifier's neurotic reaction, which was like an electric shock, not only startled Lin Lan, but also the three Sakura aircraft carrier girls beside the Purifier were also stunned at the same time.

They didn't expect that the Purifier would dare to be so stubborn.

What are you yelling about? If you yell again, I'll take off your head right now!


The next second, the senior siren girl was hit on the head with a knife by Dafeng who looked unhappy next to her, and she squatted on the ground and let out a wail of pain.

But even so, the Purifier remained unyielding and shouted resolutely:

If you say no, you can't. Those samples are very dangerous! Even if we don't have the protection of special facilities, we can't touch them easily, let alone you now!

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