Commander, is it really okay for you to let us show you the elemental skills we learned from you in front of the Purifier?

After Lin Lan led Dafeng and the Second and Fifth Aviation Wars, as well as Bai Long, to fly into the sky on the Butterfly of Light, the White-haired Rabbit, Single Ponytail and Feilong of the Second Aviation War controlled the Butterfly of Light to approach him and asked loudly road.

Feilong also asked about the worries in the hearts of other Chongsakura ship girls.

Although it seems that Purification Qin does not intend to become their enemy now, it does not mean that he will not do so in the future.

Is it inappropriate for the commander to use these elemental skills so blatantly in front of the Purifier?

It doesn't matter. If we were to fight the Siren, we couldn't hide these powers. Don't underestimate the Siren's intelligence gathering ability.

Lin Lan naturally knew this, so he turned his head to face the sea breeze and explained to Feilong:

Compared with the threat that the sirens bring to us, the Demon King's army, which even they are so afraid of, is what we need to worry about more.

His words not only made Feilong think deeply, but the other girls on the Chongsakura aircraft carrier also woke up.

The commander was right. After all, the sirens were their enemies all along, and they knew each other very well.

As for the Demon King's Army, which even the Sirens value so much, they have been in Liaozhou for such a long time, but they know almost nothing about it.

Therefore, the most important thing now is to collect the information before the Executor Fleet has recovered the experimental materials.

Just in case, everyone uses the combined light barrier to protect themselves. We will be there soon.

Seeing the sirens on the sea ahead getting closer and closer, Lin Lan also called on his Chongying ship girls to use the defense skills of light elements.

Several girls from the Chongsakura aircraft carrier had learned simple elemental skills like this as early as the first day. They used light elements to protect themselves and controlled the butterflies of light to fall to the sea.

Since the Purifiers had temporarily reached a settlement with them, the Type IV explorers and mass-produced types did not attack them, but continued to perform the work at hand rigorously and attentively.

At such a close range, Lin Lan finally saw clearly the changes that had occurred on the black bat-winged dragon's body.

When the bat-winged dragon rushed out of the mirror sea just now, because the distance was too far, he could only see clearly that the bat-winged dragon was a black body.

But now he could clearly see from above that the bat-winged dragon, which had lost its life due to a large number of explosion wounds and bullet holes, was actually seeing a black liquid substance flowing out of the wounds.

It is not appropriate to say that it is blood, because these black liquids float on the sea, and they are actually very disgusting and constantly squirming, trying to expand around.

It is these black liquids that pollute the sea surface around the body of the Manta Pterosaur into black.


At this time, Lin Lan also noticed that the transparent combined light barrier around the bodies of him and the Chongying ship girls made the same evaporating sound as on the sea after coming into contact with the faint black mist.

Fortunately, the black mist processed by the Explorer IV on the sea has become very thin and cannot break through the combined light barrier at all.

But Lin Lan carefully stared at the black squirming liquid and was very sure that it was indeed the same type of substance as the black mist used by Abbott he saw in Lihu County.

The strange energy contained in these black liquids is obviously richer than Abbott's black mist.

Is this the real Demon King's army?

Lin Lan recalled the information revealed by the purifier just now, watched everything below, and whispered softly.

He had already roughly guessed what Siren was studying in the experimental site AL-05 in Lihu County just now, and now he can say that he is sure.

In Liaozhou, Siren dug out Abbott, one of the four commanders of the Demon King's Army, from the seal, and embedded the Yuan Magic Cube in Abbott's body in order to control him.

But through what the Purifier said just now, he also learned that even if he used the Yuan Rubik's Cube, the Siren still could not completely control Abbott.

Obviously, in order to continue the experiment after weakening Abbott, Siren finally chose to bring Abbott from Liaozhou to the United States of Oran, intending to place him under observation.

But Siren never expected that Abbott's body hidden in Lihu County was first killed by Hu Teng's cannon, and his spirit body was also killed by Longfeng's exorcism spell.

This is why he is sure that the Chongsakura ship girls have a certain degree of restraint against these Demon King troops.

But Lin Lan also knew one thing very well, that is, Abbott did not really die.

One of Abbott's abilities is clearly described in the Monster Illustration of the Brave Skill Column in his body. As long as the Demon King is not dead, Abbott and other Demon King Army commanders will be resurrected in the Demon King's Palace an unlimited number of times.

The resurrected Abbott has probably escaped the control of the Sirens, and his strength on the Nine Islands of Liaozhou is even more terrifying than that of Oran.

Commander, do you need me to take action to see if these disgusting things can stand up to a beating?

Just as Lin Lan was recalling the situation when he faced Abbott, Bailong, who was still carrying the Odachi sword on his shoulder, shouted to him to volunteer.

They were all in the air now, and none of his ship girls had summoned their ship equipment. Lin Lan knew that Bai Long was referring to using his sword energy to attack the sea below.

The sword energy wielded by this fourth-phase scientific research ship with long silver-gray hair is extremely lethal even when facing an arbitration agency. Now is the perfect time to test the waters.

So Lin Lan said to Bai Long:

Then try using the elemental attack attached to the sword energy. Everyone should increase their altitude and be careful not to be affected.

Under his command, everyone controlled the light butterfly to fly higher, while Bailong smiled with a fighting spirit, and she pulled out the blue Odachi sword from its scabbard.

Then I won't be polite. Come on, God's punishment!!!

Accompanied by this heroic aircraft carrier girl who has no fear as long as she has a knife in her hand, dozens of cyan slashing knife lights wrapped in air waves from the air towards the black squirming liquefied material on the sea. Attack.

Tian Lei Sin Destroy, the barrage output skill that Bai Long is most proud of in the game.

This powerful aircraft carrier girl has always been the top-rated aircraft carrier girl in the Linlan Port area in terms of damage, and also represents Chongying's strongest aviation power.

Even if Bailong didn't use her ship's equipment to release fighter jets at this moment, the dozens of terrifying blades attached to the wind element still fully demonstrated her power.

Just when Lin Lan and the other girls from the Chongying Ship thought that these sword energy would definitely be able to destroy most of the black crawling matter, a scene that surprised everyone appeared.

The liquefied substances that were like a carpet of bacteria on the sea surface only made waves after being attacked by the sword energy.

The sword energy that was originally capable of cutting through anything was like throwing a few reeds into a moss-covered swamp.

Except for a few cracks caused by the cyan wind element attached to the black liquefied matter, there was no movement on the sea surface.

And even these cracks healed and returned to their original state in just a few breaths.

How is this possible? My sword energy didn't even produce a splash of water?

Bai Long was shocked. He couldn't believe that his confident full-force attack hit those black squirming substances without causing any movement.

But Lin Lan, who was watching all this, had already seen the clues, and said in shock:

Something's wrong. These black liquefied substances...can swallow kinetic energy and Rubik's Cube energy. The sword energy of the white dragon's slash was swallowed and decomposed.

That's right, Bailong's powerful sword energy indeed hit these black substances.

However, in addition to the wind element, all the power in the White Dragon Sword Qi and the energy of the Rubik's Cube were swallowed up and decomposed by these black substances.

What are the origins of these substances emerging from the Demon King's army?

But after hearing his words, all the girls around him were stunned.

This is the first time they have seen this kind of attack that can devour them in this world.

But that doesn't mean they haven't encountered it before.

Commander, do you still remember that during the Sardinian Exposition, you led various camps in the intercontinental sea to destroy the land of God created by Marco Polo...

Dafeng looked at Lin Lan at this time and spoke hesitantly to remind.

When Lin Lan was told this by Dafeng, he was instantly shocked.

He suddenly remembered the plot of that event, and at the same time realized the origin of these disgusting substances.

It can ignore the attack of the ship girl's Rubik's Cube energy, the weird and disgusting crawling matter, and the siren host attaches great importance to the control of this related data...

All of this is highly consistent with the terrifying white substance that was summoned by Marco Polo, whose mind was influenced by the gods during the Fool's Scale event, and devoured everything indiscriminately.

And those owners of white matter that also have properties that extend continuously, like carpets, are also the culprits who influence Marco Polo’s mind——

It was the mysterious enemy that destroyed the original world, X.

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