Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 601 The Purge: Are you really asking for death?

Chapter 601 The Purge: You are really asking for your own death... huh?

The originally empty and deserted entrance platform of Siren Fortress unexpectedly became a bit more popular due to the photos taken by the girls from the Chongsakura Ship.

The four executors also performed various actions in coordination with the crowd under the Purifier's instructions.

Finally, at Purification's suggestion, Lin Lan and the girls from the Sakura ship took a group photo with the senior siren girl and the four Type IV executors.

After that, everyone officially entered the interior of the Siren Fortress.

The spacious mechanical passage made of black metal, with dark red lights on the surrounding walls, was very similar to the Siren stronghold and Ariel host tower that Lin Lan had seen before.

Lin Lan could tell that Siren's decoration style for the interior of the building was the same, which was simple and monotonous in a sci-fi style, without any superfluous facilities.

As the Purifier led the way, he curiously asked the senior siren girl who was still counting the red tips in her hands:

Purification dear, I have always been curious about one thing. Why don't you sirens continue to use the original chess pieces in this world?

Lin Lan remembered that when he was in the game, many enemies were chess pieces that looked almost exactly like the ship girls.

The Siren once even tried to fake the real thing, using chess pieces to deliberately deceive the ship girls.

But he discovered that since he came to this world, apart from giving Oran a pseudo-mind Rubik's Cube and letting Oran have a chess piece fleet, Siren had never seen the Siren use the chess piece fleet.

Hum, those chess pieces were a mental experiment that was conducted on your ships. The experiment has ended long ago. Of course, there is no need for mass production.

The Purifier replied carelessly, and at the same time she continued to explain:

The chess pieces are originally just mindless imitations. Not only is it extremely troublesome to mass-produce them, but they also have to undergo combat drills before they have sufficient combat effectiveness.

Instead of wasting that time cultivating them, it is better to directly mass-produce mass-produced models and executor fleets~

Lin Lan nodded slightly. This time, the Purifier was rarely reliable and perfectly answered his inner questions.

After all, the chess piece ship girls are not built from real mind cubes. Although they can slowly generate minds and have a certain degree of growth, they are very limited compared to real ship girls.

What's more, the types of chess pieces created by the pseudo-mental Rubik's Cube are mostly destroyers and cruisers, and even battleship-level chess pieces are extremely rare.

Ah, by the way, we are going to meet the Purge soon. In order to prevent her from messing around, I need you to cooperate with me in a play.

Just as Lin Lan was thinking about it, Purification Princess suddenly stopped and looked back at him and the other girls from the Chongsakura Ship and said with a smirk.

Seeing the siren girl with the corners of her mouth raised crazily and her eyes slightly narrowed, Lin Lan inexplicably felt that this smile was very familiar.

It seems that little Gaga will show this evil smile every time before she wants to play a prank.

However, if the Purifier wanted to tease the middle-aged girl, he would still be very interested.

Who told the Purges to be so easy to bully?

Tell us first and listen.

So he directly asked the Purifier to connect to the fleet channel of the girls of the Chongsakura Ship, and asked the Siren 25th Boy to tell the next plan.

Listen to me, we will...

Later, under the purifier's passionate introduction, not only Lin Lan was stunned, but even Musashi, who had always been indifferent, had a smile on his face.

And Akagi smiled evilly, and the fluffy tail behind him kept wagging, as if he was ready to try.


Ahhh! Why hasn't that guy from the Purifier come back yet? Isn't it just a matter of catching some experimental materials that got lost? It won't waste so long, right?

At this moment, in the central control room of the Siren Fortress, the girl's impatient complaining voice sounded from time to time.

Wearing a black leather jacket and short shorts, the short senior Siren Cleaner looked like a tomboy. He was sitting cross-legged on the ground, playing with the game console in his hand.

The large virtual screen in front of her, which was supposed to display various experimental parameter tables, was now playing cutscenes from an action game.

The gray-skinned siren girl threw the game console aside and rubbed her short silver hair with black tips impatiently:

If she doesn't come back, I will miss the time to test the inhibitory effect. If the regular experimental report does not have her help, I will be scolded by the observer... Wait, could it be that she lost to me in the game and deliberately didn't come back? of?

Thinking of this, the Purge suddenly slapped his head and widened his blue eyes.

The more she thought about it, the more likely it seemed, so she stood up from the ground, raised her right hand high and pointed upward:

Come out, my slave!

As the girl's voice sounded, a wide and long black shark suit with a ferocious blue mouth slowly floated down from above the Clearer.

Judging from the appearance alone, this mechanical ship suit undoubtedly refers to the appearance of the basking shark.

And in the huge blue mouth, blue current energy flashes out from time to time.

This is the most proud weapon of the Purge, a large-caliber laser cannon.

As long as she gives a command, the terrifying laser cannon is enough to vaporize an entire sea surface in an instant.

Even the Purifier's combat parameters for large-scale strikes are not as good as hers.

After her ship suit landed next to her, the Clearer casually drew out a small sci-fi window, slid it on, and hummed to herself:

Let me see where the Purifier is now, but don't let me catch you, otherwise you will have good juice to eat.

In fact, the Purifier can completely use the fortress center in front of her to find the current coordinates of the Purifier.

But the reason why she chose to control the ship and use a portable operating system was not because her portable operating system had any unique functions.

Simply because he is handsome.

Just as the Purge was thinking about how to retaliate against this companion, suddenly, a piercing alarm sounded from her radar system.

Enemy, enemy? We are already inside the fortress at such a close distance! Why are there no warnings for the defense system of the mirror sea area and the Laplace demon calculation mechanism?!

The Purge was frightened by the piercing alarm sound in her head, and her face was filled with disbelief.

Just as she was hurriedly trying to call up the surveillance of the attacking enemy in the operating system, an extremely arrogant female laughter sounded from the core hall outside the central control room:

Eh hehe hehe~ Clearers, give up resistance and come out and surrender!

This, this voice, could it be Chong Ying's Akagi? Damn it, how did they get here!

Thanks to the information in the experimental agency's database, the purgers immediately analyzed who the owner of the voice was.

Forget it, no matter how they got here, this is our base, and the Purifiers will definitely be here soon!

Now that you are here, don't leave.

As a senior Antiques, the Purge had recovered from the brief panic at this moment, with a burning desire to fight in her heart.

The short-haired siren girl wearing a black jacket jumped up, and with the help of the anti-gravity equipment of the basking shark ship suit behind her, she rushed towards the core hall of the fortress outside the door at high speed.

At the same time, the Purge has also quickly organized her handsome debut lines:

I have been guarding this place for ten thousand years.

Being driven out of his hometown again.

Now, how dare you break into my territory?

The purgers kept raising their voices, simmering with anger, and planned to use large-caliber laser cannons to give this group of ships a disastrous attack as soon as they appeared.

You are really asking for death... huh?

However, when the Cleaners rushed out of the central control room and came to the top of the fortress core hall, looking down at the Chongsakura Fleet in the hall, they immediately trembled and froze in mid-air.

Even the magnificent lines she had organized were abruptly interrupted.

It wasn't that she saw it, because in the core hall, the girls of the Shige Sakura ship spread out their ship uniforms and got into formation.

It was because her greatest support, the Purifier, was tied into a rice dumpling at this moment, and a young man wearing a white navy suit who stepped on the hammerhead shark's suit had a command knife held on his neck.

At the same time, several familiar faces of Chong Ying were also beside the Purifier, aiming the ship's cannon at her most trusted companion.

Purge, don't be impulsive, help me!!!

After the bound Purifier found her, he looked up at her and shouted loudly with a cry in his voice.

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