The purger's face suddenly became extremely ugly, and he was mumbling a term restraint that Lin Lan had never heard of before.

But even though he didn't know what inhibitors were, he was very clear about what the familiar experimental number LD-01 represented.

LD-01? What are you sirens studying in Liaozhou?

Lin Lan thought that now was the opportunity to ask for experimental samples from the Demon King's Army, so he decisively stepped forward and asked the two senior sirens.

But to his surprise, neither the Purifiers nor the Clearers bothered to answer his questions at this time. Instead, they drew a translucent screen from their hands and began to immerse themselves in the operation.

It has been more than one hour, thirty-eight minutes and twenty-two seconds since the estimated injection time... How is this possible that she still retains consciousness, and the degree of body erosion does not even show an upward trend?

Purifier, your last modified inhibitor was successful?!

Just when Lin Lan was wondering why these two high-level sirens suddenly changed their temper, the Purifier suddenly raised his head and looked at the Purifier, his blue pupils shrank, and he asked in shock.


However, compared to the shock of the Purifier, the Purifier frowned and tapped his fingers quickly on the screen, as if recording some data.

At the same time, Lin Lan also heard a soft murmur from the Purifier's mouth:

It's really effective. No wonder the observers want to go to the SN area. Sure enough, those are all of the same origin...

Before Lin Lan had finished hearing this sentence from the Purifier, suddenly, a series of system sounds sounded from the screens at the hands of the Purifier and the Eliminator:

Warning! Space fluctuations on the way have been detected in the core sea areas of LD0114 and LD0514!

Warning! The sea space is expected to shatter in thirty-one minutes and forty-nine seconds!

After receiving the early warning message from the arbitration agency system, please ask the surrounding high-level Antiques to promptly change the path of the executor fleet in the surrounding sea areas to avoid unnecessary losses.

This series of explosive warnings not only caused the Purifiers to stop what they were doing, but also the Cleaners' eyes widened:

Aren't the LD0114 and LD0514 sea areas in the core sea area around our fortress? Could it be that the host discovered us...

But before the Purifier could finish her words, all the Chongsakura girls had already deployed their ship uniforms, and all their weapons were aimed at her and the Purifier.

Don't fire yet, Purifier, I need an explanation. What is going on?

Lin Lan had already returned to the Chongying ship girls. He first stopped Dafeng and the others from attacking, and then stared at the Purifier coldly.

He didn't expect that the arbitration agency would suddenly come to kill him at this time.

Could it be that the two high-ranking sirens in front of them secretly contacted the arbitration agency?

Why are you pointing your weapons at me? Do you think I am someone who will call the arbitration body?

The purgers found that the atmosphere was not right, and immediately waved their hands in a panic, explaining to Lin Lan and the others:

If the arbitration agency discovers what you are doing here, I, the Purifier, and I will definitely be liquidated by the arbitration agency!

Lin Lan narrowed his eyes slightly, the purger was right.

And he also believed that neither the Purifiers nor the Eliminators would take the initiative to cooperate with the arbitration agency.

Even if they really want to plot against them, they will only mobilize huge executors and mass-produced fleets.

It seems that perhaps some unexpected situation occurred that let the arbitration agency know that they were here.

A fierce battle is probably inevitable.

And since the arbitration agency will arrive in half an hour, it seems that the mobile facility network prepared by the Purifiers cannot be counted on.

After all, it will take half an hour just to complete the energy storage. If you include the startup time and entry time, who knows if they will have time to escape unscathed?

Just when Lin Lan had made a decision in his mind and was about to return to the hall to gather all the Chongsakura girls to prepare for battle, the Purifier suddenly said in a serious tone:

The arbitration agency is not here to find you. They have not discovered you. I am sure of this.

Hurry back to the sea and enter as soon as the mobile facility network is fully charged. Leave the rest to us.

The Purifier finished speaking in a rare serious tone, and Lin Lan couldn't help but ask:

How do you know the arbitration agency hasn't discovered us yet?

If they have really discovered that you are here and are here to attack you, with their behavior, do they still need to send an early warning message to our experimental institution?

Lin Lan suddenly woke up. He had indeed heard the last warning message from the system tone on the screen of the two senior sirens just now.

Is there enough time?

Don't worry, the central sea area where the arbitration body descends...that is, the abyssal sea area you call it is still a certain distance away from here, and we can definitely catch up.

After a brief conversation with the Purifier, Lin Lan made an immediate decision.

No matter what, the current Purifiers are absolutely reliable, and it is impossible for the other party to cooperate with the arbitration agency to deceive them.

Take all the ship equipment back. Let's go back to the lobby to meet Musashi and the others and prepare to leave here.

After receiving his order, Dafeng and the others still looked at the two senior sirens with vigilance and took back their ship equipment.

Without further ado, all come with me...and you, the Purge, too.

The Purifier's serious look now was completely different from the unscrupulous look before. After the screen at her hand disappeared, she finished speaking to Lin Lan and others, and took the lead to walk outside the door of this space.

Watching the Purifier follow the Purifier's footsteps and walk out the door, Lin Lan called on the Chongying ship girls to follow him back to the central hall of the fortress.

Commander, is there something the Purifier didn't tell us?

After arriving at the corridor on the fourth floor of the fortress, Suruga asked Lin Lan with a worried look on his face:

The Purifier told us before that if we use the Door Network, we will leave a record.

We did not destroy the Siren fleet along the way and left no traces of attacking the fortress. If they were discovered by the arbitration agency about the use of the Menfei network, wouldn't they be...

Lin Lan frowned after hearing Suruga's worries.

This is indeed an important question.

It's okay for them to leave, but how can the Purifiers and Eliminators conceal all this from the Arbitration Agency?

Although as far as he knows, there is no superior-subordinate relationship between the two institutions, the experimental agency and the arbitration agency.

But after all, the Arbitration Agency accepts the direct orders of Dream Weaver Zero. If it discovers what the Purifiers and Clearers have done, it will definitely report it to the host even if it does not take action directly.

Commander, do we really want to abandon Purification and kiss them and go on our own?

Shimakaze, who was walking behind Lin Lan, heard their conversation and asked reluctantly.

Xuefeng and the others were also a little reluctant to leave.

After all, today's Purifiers and Purifiers show them a completely different appearance than before.

Even though they were enemies in the past, after today's experience, they all regard each other as partners.

Even Lin Lan was a little undecided for a while, because he also felt that it would not be good to leave the Purifiers and Cleaners behind to face the arbitration body.

You're right, we really can't leave them alone.

Let's meet up with Musashi and the others first, and then ask Purification Master if we can cooperate with them to cover up in this little time before leaving.

Lin Lan finally made a decision.

He asked himself, Jie Jingqin was indeed taking a considerable risk by helping them use the Menfei network this time.

If possible, he would like to catch the arbitration agency off guard directly here and teach the arbitration agency a lesson.

But the key to the problem now is that they don't know how many arbitrators will come to the arbitration body at the same time this time.

If it were just an arbiter, it would not be difficult to defeat it with the current strength of the Chongsakura fleet, which is completely unafraid.

But if there are more than two arbiters, it will be a big problem.

He had already personally experienced the horror of the arbitration mechanism's joint interference mechanism once in Huanyang City.

If Strenkus was just an arbiter back then, he would have been beaten and defeated by the girls of the White Eagle.

But the appearance of Tempalans, combining the strange electromagnetic interference ability with Stelenkus, directly multiplied the pressure on him and the White Eagle Ship girls several times.

This is the terrifying thing about arbitration institutions. Each arbitration institution has its own areas of expertise, and the joint interference mechanism can share these areas with every arbiter.

Therefore, Lin Lan did not dare to take a gamble and could only do their best to help the Purifiers and Clearers cover up the traces of their presence here.

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