
But this was originally just a question asked casually by Lin Lan, but it made Luo Yuande hesitate for a moment.

Just when Lin Lan frowned in confusion, wondering why Luo Yuande stuttered suddenly, the old captain knelt down in front of him again and said loudly and repentantly:

Please forgive me, Mr. Lurker! I, I was just ordered to set off from Yuze Island, and the destination is Casting Blade Island.

The cargo on the ship is actually...


Before Luo Yuande could finish his words, suddenly, an explosion came from the cabin, interrupting his unfinished words.

Black billowing smoke also emerged from the entrance to the cabin, along with the angry curses of many crew members.

Lin Lan never expected that someone would dare to cause trouble on this freighter even though he had already announced his family name.

Isn't this a slap in the face?

Noshiro and Shusuke had already pulled out the sharp sabers from their waists, and everyone focused their attention on the entrance to the cabin.

Then, Lin Lan saw the Liaozhou adventurers who had just been on the deck rushing out against the thick smoke and holding weapons.

After seeing Lin Lan, their steps stopped, and they were shocked by the cold eyes of Noshiro and Shusuke.

But the expressions on their faces were still full of anger and hostility.

Then a group of Tianou Group crew members rushed out with guns in hand, and they all pointed their guns at the adventurers.

They also saw Lin Lan and Luo Yuande kneeling on the ground. They did not move rashly for a while, and they all maintained a vigilant posture.

Lin Lan raised his hand to stop Noshiro and Shuji beside him from taking action.

He was keenly aware that something was wrong. Didn't these adventurers just fight side by side with the crew of Tianou Group to fight against the sirens?

What's going on?

Before he could ask a question, a tall, thin Liaozhou man with a long green tail trailing behind him and holding a sharp spear roared at Lin Lan:

You bunch of Oran bastards! The missing children on the island were actually caught by you! What on earth do you want to do!!!

Hearing this, Luo Yuande, who was kneeling in front of Lin Lan, trembled even more.

Lin Lan reacted instantly. Could it be that the cargo on board the Tianou Group freighter was...

Liaozhou population? !

He lowered his head and looked at Luo Yuande, his tone already colder:

Okay, okay, great, it's only been ten years, and you have actually fallen to the point of engaging in human trafficking?

Stand up! Take me to your warehouse.

His words caused cold sweat to fall down Luo Yuande's face, and his voice also reached the ears of the adventurers and Tianou Group crew members.

After finishing speaking, Lin Lan turned his head to look at the adventurers who were looking at him with hostility, and said loudly:

There is something fishy about this matter. Leave it to me and I will give you an explanation.

The tall, thin Liaozhou man holding a sharp spear wanted to say something angrily, but the cat-eared female adventurer behind him grabbed his arm:

That Oran man is very strong, and the two ghost guards beside him are not something we can deal with. Let's see what he plans to do first.

After hearing his companion's words, the adventurer calmed down.

They had indeed seen Lin Lan's power just now, and they all saw the captain Luo Yuande kneeling in front of him. It was obvious that this man's identity was not trivial.

The most important thing is the killing intent emanating from the two ghost girls.

Not that none of them had ever fought against people from the ghost tribe, but this was the first time they had felt such a terrifying aura.

It seemed as if if they had just taken one more step, they would have been cut in half by a sword in the next second.

Now that the other party has given them a step, and the other party has saved them before, they can only hold back their anger.

After Lin Lan saw that the group of adventurers had been stabilized, he no longer wasted time and grabbed the arm of Luo Yuande, who was still kneeling on the ground, and pulled him up.

Upon seeing this, the crew members of the Tianou Group also put down their firearms.

In fact, they have been suffering from conscience condemnation during this period, but they were forced to obey orders.

At present, they have seen from the captain's attitude that this man is probably a senior executive of the Tianou Group, and naturally they cannot show any hostility.

A few minutes later, Lin Lan and the three Chongying ship girls had followed Luo Yuande to the cargo ship's warehouse.

And when the automatic door of the warehouse was opened, the scene before his eyes made him take a breath.

Occupying this large sealed space shrouded in dim light, there turned out to be a Liaozhou Asian child sitting on the ground with shackled hands and feet, tattered clothes, a gray face, and a slim figure!

There are men and women among them, of all races.

But the only thing they have in common is that the expressions on their young faces are numb, and many children's eyes are red and swollen from crying for a long time.

After seeing their arrival, the children all raised their heads and looked over in confusion. Such pitiful looks even made Lin Lan feel his heart tremble slightly.

Lin Lan had seen many scenes of demi-humans being treated as slaves in the comics he had seen at Blue Star. At this moment, what was displayed in front of him was almost exactly the same as those scenes.

The pitiful appearance of these children not only made him angry in his heart, but Dafeng, Noshiro and Shusuke also had their eyes flashing slightly and remained silent without saying a word.

The Liaozhou adventurers following them couldn't help but clenched their fists in anger, and even the crew members of the Tianou Group also lowered their heads and remained silent.

Sir, Director Lu's order requires the general agent of the Four Islands to send these children to Casting Blade Island.

“The day before departure, I had no idea that these children were the cargo we were transporting.”

Luo Yuande stood behind Lin Lan bitterly. After feeling Lin Lan's suppressed anger, he broke the dead silence and explained:

We have definitely not abused these children in the past few days, and we have provided them with enough food. The surveillance in the warehouse can prove it.

Lin Lan glanced around the warehouse and found that, as Luo Yuande said, there were no bruises on the bodies of these Liaozhou children.

Moreover, not only is the floor here relatively clean, but there is also a special fan for ventilation, which shows that the crew members have cleaned regularly in the past few days.

Lu Feng...very good.

Lin Lan had already found the culprit from Luo Yuande's words, and he also understood that there was far more than one cargo ship escorting the children of Liaozhou like this.

The entire Liaozhou Islands under the control of the Tianou Group are doing this kind of despicable thing.

He could not imagine that Tianou Group, which was once able to cooperate with various countries, had fallen to such an extent in just ten years!

After reading out the name of the branch director of Tianou Group in a cold voice, Lin Lan turned around, suppressed his anger, and said to Luo Yuande in a loud voice:

Now, you should turn around immediately and return to Yuze Island along the same route.

Tell Guo Qingyun, the general agent of Yuze Island, for me, and ask him to tell Lu Feng.

If you still want to return to Oran, please send all the children back to wherever they were captured, and honestly go door to door to apologize and compensate!

When Lin Lan said this, he took a deep breath and said coldly and threateningly:

If I see a Tianou Group cargo ship escorting children in Liaozhou again in a month, please let me stay in Liaozhou for the rest of my life!

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