At this time, the sun was already more than halfway below the orange sea surface sprinkled by the setting sun. It should not be long before it gets dark.

After the mass-produced Super Cruise was already some distance away from the freighter, Dafeng beside Lin Lan impatiently unbuttoned the black suit on her chest and exposed the close-fitting white shirt underneath:

I feel so uncomfortable wearing this outfit, I can almost breathe~

While talking, Dafeng took the initiative to get closer to Lin Lan, who was looking at the darkening sea ahead, with a charming smile on his lips:

Commander, this is your favorite uniform temptation. If there is anything good to see on the sea, why not come and see Dafeng~

Hearing Dafeng's words, Lin Lan just looked away from the sea and looked at the sexy ship girl who had already casually untied her straight suit.

He wasn't really in a daze or had something on his mind, but he was giving orders to the Type II chess player that was not far away with the help of gunpowder smoke, asking it to secretly escort the Tianou Group's freighter to its destination.

The badge he just threw to Luo Yuande was actually a Tianou Group director-level shield generator that Akashi got from somewhere.

In addition to having the function of an energy shield, that exquisite badge is also a symbol of the identity of the top management of Tianou Group. It is impossible for Lu Feng and other general agents of Tianou Group not to recognize it.

He didn't want anything unexpected to happen to the ocean-going freighter, which was full of children from Liaozhou, on its way back to Yuze Island, so he chose to let the chess player secretly escort it.

Of course, it is also very important for the old captain to arrive at Yuze and convey his orders to him.

To solve the problem, it would be useless to just save the Liaozhou children on one freighter. The entire Tianou Group must stop this kidnapping of children.

In addition, Lin Lan also felt that it was necessary for him to personally go to the Tianou Group Building on Zhubian Island to meet the director named Lu Feng after Tiancheng recovered.

If the other party is willing to change his ways and cooperate with him, that's all. If he is really hopeless, he will definitely punish him and personally control the Tianou Group in Liaozhou.

After all, the routes between Riolan and Liaozhou Islands cannot be restored in a short period of time. During this period, he has to change the reputation of Tianou Group in Liaozhou in recent years.

He had promised Noshiro and Sakeman that he would transform this evil organization into a charity organization.

As a commander, you can't break your promise.

However, Lin Lan, who had withdrawn his thoughts, looked at Dafeng who took the initiative to unbutton his suit and puffed out his chest to seduce him. He couldn't hold it back and burst into laughter.

This tall black-haired aircraft carrier girl, even though she is wearing a suit, still cannot hide her sexy and hot figure, which is indeed alluring.

Especially the eye-catching breasts that are exposed and hidden under the white shirt, even among the ship girls in the entire port area, she is ranked among the best.

However, he suddenly remembered that if they could arrive at the Chongqing temporary port area tonight, he might be able to meet the heavyweight ship girl who ranked first in the entire port area:

Shigesakura special transport ship - Kashino.

Although Kashino's ship type is only a transport ship, she has a nickname that is recognized by all Azure players:

Cow cow.

This nickname was not given for no reason, but Kashino is really a Shigesakura ship girl who has horns and ears, looks very natural, and has a docile and well-behaved personality.

The most important thing is Kashino's physical mind, which is definitely the number one in Minato.

Lin Lan still remembers what some netizens once said about Kashino Tatee:

The busts of all ship girls are so small in front of Niu Niu.

Although this sentence sounds so outrageous, it is not an exaggeration.

Anyone who has seen Kashino Tatee in the game will recognize this sentence, which shows how addictive Kashino's oppressive mind is.

But in front of Dafeng, who was a little confused as to why he was laughing, it was certainly impossible for him to mention other ship girls at this time.

Isn't this just looking for death?

Speaking of the temptation of uniforms, I remember that I bought you a set of school uniforms before. It seems to have a white shirt underneath?

Lin Lan had an idea and quickly thought of other topics. At the same time, he reached out and gently took off the somewhat messy black tie from under Dafeng's neck, holding it in his hand and jokingly said.

It seems that Commander-in-Chief prefers the campus-style JK uniform~ If you like it, Dafeng can change into it right away.

Hearing what he said, Dafeng immediately became interested. After he finished speaking with a smile, he even planned to change clothes right here on the deck in front of Azuma and Noshiro Sake.

This frightened Lin Lan. Although there were no outsiders here, he couldn't really let Dafeng change clothes here, right?

So he quickly stretched out his hand to stop Dafeng's bold behavior:

No, no, no, that's all I'm saying. I'll have plenty of time to see you change into other styles of clothes later, so don't be in a hurry right now.

After finishing speaking, in order to prevent the topic from being diverted by Dafeng again, he turned to the two light patrol girls Noshiro and Shusaka who were snickering at the side and ordered:

I just sent the Type II chess player to protect the ocean freighter. It is estimated that we will encounter monster attacks on the way back. You and your companions who are responsible for guarding will be more vigilant in a while.

Hearing his words, the drunkard's round face showed a bright smile. The lively ponytail girl said to him proudly:

Hehe~ Commander, don't worry. In two hours at most, we will be able to patrol the sea outside the boundaries of the Xueying Island Sanctuary.

The large ocean monsters there have almost been wiped out by our Chongsakura fleet. You may not be able to see them even if you want to... Oops!

Before Jiuzou could finish her words, her sister Nodai hit her on the head with a knife. She immediately squatted down in pain and covered her head.

We will do whatever the commander tells us to do. We need to be fully prepared for everything. Don't infect your bad habits to the commander.

Noshiro looked helplessly at his carefree sister, and after teaching the drunkard a lesson, he nodded to Lin Lan, indicating that she already understood Lin Lan's instructions.

However, Lin Lan's mind was attracted by the sacred realm barrier mentioned by Jiu Gao.

Although he always skips the early stages of the game, he still knows that the Sakura girls have the technology to create barriers.

The so-called barrier, in layman's terms, is to use the secret technique of Chong Ying to divide two areas and form a defensive shield within the range to isolate attacks and incoming people like an energy stance.

In addition, various enchantments also have different mysterious effects.

But the barrier with the prefix sacred realm mentioned by Jiuzao just now has little to do with the Chongying Secret Technique.

Because there is another professional term for the holy realm boundary, that is, the mirror sea.

Yes, the Sakura camp, like the Iron-Blooded camp, is a camp that mastered mirror technology early on.

Moreover, this mirror technology was also obtained from Siren when Akagi cooperated with Siren. It can be said that it is exactly the same as Bismarck.

Thinking of this, Lin Lan once again lamented that it was a pity that they could not copy the other party's technology from the Siren Fortress.

Mirror technology like this, which can create an independent world like a creation god, is probably just the lowest level of application of Rubik's Cube technology to Siren.

Otherwise, it would be difficult to explain that Jose Renhui gave it to Tie Xue and Chong Ying casually.

Fortunately, it is no longer time for his port ship girls to fight independently in each camp.

While Lin Lan was chatting with several girls from the Chongying Fleet, they also returned to the queue of the Chongying Fleet that was moored on the sea, waiting for their return.

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