Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 732: Archbishop Holy Light’s Token (3400 words)

After figuring out the fundamental reason why his body's Rubik's Cube adaptability had improved, Lin Lan also blushed and hurriedly returned to the living room downstairs from the experiment with Yubari who looked confused.

After telling Musashi, Amagi and others who were waiting for him that he was fine, Lin Lan also asked Yubari if there was a way to store the power of faith.

But to his surprise, Akashi jumped up to him and said to him with a wicked smile:

Meow~ Commander, you may not believe it, but you don't even need to bother Yubari. I have already figured out how to store items that carry the power of faith, meow!

real or fake?

Lin Lan looked at this little profiteer with disdain, his tone full of distrust.

It was only in the morning that Akashi was qualified to develop the power of faith with Yubari, and the result was achieved in just one day?

Hu Miao, Commander, your distrust is written all over your face, Miao.

Seeing that he didn't believe it, Akashi took out a small silver cross necklace from the ship's storage space.

Seeing this exquisite silver necklace, Lin Lan felt familiar, and then she suddenly remembered what it was:

Akashi, isn't this the necklace that the old priest... the priest gave me when we were at the Western Continent Church?

That's right, the silver cross necklace that Akashi was holding in his hand at this moment was actually the necklace that Father Brown from the St. Rosolon Teaching Kingdom gave him when he made an oath with Shattered Sky!

But Lin Lan soon frowned, stared at Akashi and asked:

Something's wrong. I remember I gave this necklace to Sui Qiong. Why did it get into your hands again?

Don't worry, meow. This is not the necklace that the commander gave to Broken Qiong. It's the necklace I asked for from the church before I came to White Eagle from the Western Continent to find you.

Facing Lin Lan's questioning, Akashi proudly explained the origin of this silver cross necklace:

Commander, you also know that the demon I summoned on the Xinyang artificial island was out of control, so I thought this cross should be useful to the demon and make it obedient, meow.

Well, after hearing Akashi's explanation, Lin Lan also opened his mouth, which eventually turned into a long sigh.

As expected, this profiteer hasn't given up on his plan to steal the devil's wool.

But putting the matter of enslaving demons aside for now, does the Teaching National Cross Necklace that Akashi took out really have the function of storing the power of faith?

Lin Lan was about to ask a question, but he suddenly felt his shoulders sink.

He looked back and found that Musashi and Amagi, the two great fox girls, were standing behind him silently, and one of them put a hand on one of his shoulders.

And their faces showed dangerous smiles.

Haha~ Commander, who is Broken Qiong? Why did you give her a necklace in the church?

My lord, do you have any new love you are hiding from Tiancheng?

Lin Lan's back suddenly trembled when he heard the tone of the two great fox girls who were heavy with cherry blossoms.

Damn it, he really never mentioned Shattered Sky to the girls on the Chongsakura Ship!

He had been hinted by Little Gaga before that he should try not to mention these things in front of the Chongsakura girls.

This caused him to omit the existence of the machine girl when he told the Chongsakura ship girls about his experience.

But after seeing the silver cross necklace that Akashi took out just now, he forgot about it because of his surprise!

Um, um, calm down first and listen to me...

A trace of cold sweat fell down Lin Lan's cheeks, and he wanted to explain the cause and effect of all this in an awkward tone.

But it was obvious that neither Musashi, Amagi, Efeng nor Yubari were prepared to listen to his explanation.

The little profiteer Akashi sighed helplessly, put away the necklace first, and looked at him with pity:

Commander, you are the one who let it slip, meow. You should think about how to appease everyone, meow.

After that, Akashi saw Lin Lan's pale face and added with a smile:

Ah, by the way, Commander, the sofa in this living room is foldable, but I feel like one sofa may not be enough. I'll ask Manjiu to send me another large folding sofa.

Akashi, you!

After Lin Lan heard Akashi's words, she still wanted to struggle and pounce on this bad little profiteer.

If Akashi hadn't suddenly taken out the silver cross necklace, he wouldn't have forgotten about it.

But before he could take a step, he was easily picked up by Musashi and carried towards the folding sofa that Shiranui had spread out.

Tiancheng even smiled at his face, showing a charming and greedy smile, sticking out her tongue, and gently licked his face:

My Lord hasn't had the pleasure of tasting the elixir Tiancheng last night. Since the Lord still has so many secrets to hide, don't blame Tiancheng for educating me first on my sister's behalf.

And Yubari shook her pair of pointed fox ears because of her excitement, reached out and poked Lin Lan's face, who was pressed on the sofa by Musashi, and said with a smile:

Such a shameless master, have you thought about what kind of education you want to receive from us?

Well, Yubari, I just have one request, turn off the camera in the room... wu wu wu...

Lin Lan, whose arms were tightly held by the golden-eyed fox girl, had no time to finish her words before her mouth was blocked by a greedy long tongue.

This education for Lin Lan lasted for almost three hours.

If Lin Lan hadn't honestly told everything about Shattered Qiong in the end, and if Akashi had testified on the side, Lin Lan even doubted that he would be able to stay here tonight.

After leaving the living room with a new folding sofa and entering the conference hall of the laboratory building, Lin Lan, who was wearing rumpled clothes, continued to ask Akashi, whose face was still flushed, the follow-up to the previous question.

Meow, this cross necklace is actually, strictly speaking, a special magical equipment of the Holy Light Church of the Teaching Kingdom, meow.

Akashi handed the silver cross necklace to Lin Lan and said patiently with his cat ears hanging down:

I heard from the priest named Bunin or Brown that only those who serve as archbishop of the Holy Light Church can obtain this kind of necklace.

Lin Lan, who received the silver cross necklace, carefully examined the material of the silver cross necklace after hearing Akashi's words.

When he was at the church in Yunhai City on the Western Continent, he didn't pay much attention to the necklace and gave it to Broken Qiong.

Now in the sage state, he turned on the elemental vision skill, and soon discovered that the material of this silver necklace was obviously different from ordinary silver metal.

On the surface of the silver cross, light elements circulate continuously according to fixed and exquisite lines, forming a vortex of light elements invisible to the naked eye in the center.

There is no doubt that this vortex of light elements can swallow the power of faith, preserve it, and release it at critical moments.

Lin Lan knew very well what it was that controlled the automatic operation of elements so exquisitely.

Magic circle.

Just like the magic circle when Leviathan transformed into blue, an unknown precision magic circle with light attributes was carved on this silver cross.

Seeing that he was fascinated by the cross necklace, Yubari, whose clothes were still a little messy, opened her mouth to explain to him:

Yubari has already studied this cross. Its material is a rare precious metal called mithril.

Mythril not only has extremely excellent elemental conductivity, but it also has the characteristic of continuously producing light elements. Equipment forged with mithril can greatly improve the Liaozhou people's control over light elements.

And the light-attribute magic array micro-carved inside is extremely technologically advanced. When Yubari traveled to the islands, he saw the priests and nuns of the Holy Light Church. None of their necklaces had such excellent workmanship.

After hearing Yubari's words, Lin Lan also understood how rare the mithril necklace in his hand was.

He raised his head and looked at Akashi and asked in confusion:

According to this, Father Brown's status in the Holy Light Church is not low. How could he hand over this necklace to you casually? In addition to the one he gave me before, is he so generous?

Akashi was already prepared for Lin Lan's doubts and said with a smile:

When I found him in the Western Continent and asked about the details of your sneak attack by the Observers, he thought you had sacrificed your life to protect Yunhai City, meow. After I showed him the oath ring, I got this same necklace, meow. .”

He said that he and his two brothers are actually the highest bishops and priests sent by the Holy Light Church to the United States of Oran. They are each responsible for the management of church institutions in the east and west continents.

In order to show the importance he attaches to the United States of Oran, the Pope made an exception and elevated their brothers' status to Archbishop Meow.

His brother in the Eastern Continent was killed due to an indiscriminate attack by sirens a few years ago, so both archbishop-level necklaces came into his hands.

After receiving Akashi's explanation, Lin Lan finally understood why the craftsmanship of the necklace in his hand was far more exquisite than the silver cross necklace made by the priests of the Holy Light Church in Liaozhou.

After working for a long time, the seemingly ordinary Father Brown turned out to be the Archbishop of Holy Light, whose status is second only to the Pope and the Cardinal!

At Hongye Naval Academy, he learned about the Holy Light Church hierarchy of the Saint Rosolon Teaching State. From top to bottom, they are:

The Pope, the ruler who controls the entire Holy Light Church;

A cardinal who assists the pope in managing the affairs of various church factions;

The Archbishop of the Holy Light, who has the authority to govern the church over a large area comparable to a provincial level;

A Holy Light Bishop who is under the direct management of the Holy Light Archbishop and manages all churches in an entire city or several cities in a region.

and a priest who oversees a church full-time.

Under the priest are the Holy Light believers and Holy Light nuns in the church.

And Lin Lan also understood why he almost didn't see churches when he was in the Eastern Continent, as if the Holy Light Church had disappeared in the Eastern Continent.

Brown's brother who died in the Siren attack was the Holy Light Archbishop of the Eastern Continent. Once he died, the Holy Light Church management system in the Eastern Continent basically collapsed.

No wonder Brown gave them both necklaces so generously. It seemed that Brown had no hope of returning to China at that time and was despairing.

Instead of taking these two Archbishop magic props to the grave, Brown chose to give this token, which represented the extremely high authority of the Holy Light Church, to him who had received the miracle.

Lin Lan thought of Brown saying that he could gain respect and preferential treatment in churches around the world with this gift. At that time, he thought it was just Brown's polite words.

But now it seems that Brown is really willing to give it away.

If he had this silver cross necklace, he would be able to walk sideways when he arrived at the Saint Rosolon Teaching Kingdom one day.

It seemed that when he returned to Oran, he would have to personally thank the Archbishop of Holy Light, who was so depressed that he called himself a priest.

In addition to the fact that this silver cross necklace solved his current problem of collecting and storing the power of faith, it was also because Brown would actually give such a precious prop to him, who had only met him once.

Thinking of this, Lin Lan couldn't help but take a few more glances at Akashi, who was still smiling at him.

He didn't expect that this little profiteer could actually show off the vow ring with him, and he was stunned to get the necklace from Brown.

Akashi's habit of plundering wherever he goes has made great achievements.

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