Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 736 The Patron Saint of Xueying Town (2800 words)

In the early morning, most of the residents in Xueying Town had already gone to bed early.

Except for the militiamen and the mayor's soldiers responsible for night watch patrols, there were almost no people on the deserted streets.

The occasional barking of dogs or the barking of livestock from the farms on the outskirts of town did not attract anyone's attention.

The crisis of the demon king's army attacking last night did not affect the work and rest of the residents of Xueying Town.

In other words, before those gods came, they had experienced many crisis situations where monsters came to the streets of the town.

Since the Adventurers Association raised the minimum commission fee and withdrew its branch from Xueying Town, Xueying Town, without its resident adventurers, has been forced to pay expensive protection taxes every month and asked the Tianou Group to send mecha troops to repel them. Monster.

However, Xueying Town is already located in a remote location, and most of the young and strong labor force in the town has followed the Tianou Group's fleet to work in Oran.

This makes it difficult for the town's finances to afford the high conservation fees, even if everyone in the town works hard at planting and fishing.

If he were not born in Xueying Town, Fang Jin, who would have gone to other main islands to work as an adventurer, came back a year ago and took over the post of mayor from the old mayor.

I am afraid that Xueying Town, like many other towns, has lost its population and has become a deserted town due to the continuous infestation of monsters.

Fang Jin trained a group of the mayor's soldiers, and more than once personally led the team to fight to the death against the monsters that attacked Xueying Town.

It was precisely because the townspeople saw Fang Jin's efforts that Xueying Town recovered from the edge of collapse and regained its vitality.

But one day a few months ago, Fang Jin suffered a recurrence of his old injuries in the battle with the monsters that invaded the town, and was severely injured by the monsters.

At that critical moment, the gods arrived.

Those gods who appear to be petite and cute can actually summon indescribable powerful artillery to perform divine punishment, and use indescribable powerful swordsmanship to tear apart the hard bodies of monsters.

The god easily defeated the terrifying monster.

Not only that, they also completely cured Mayor Fang Jin's old injuries and illnesses, allowing the mayor to finally regain his full strength.

After that, they would often come to the town and exchange extremely precious monster materials with the townspeople for cheap handicrafts and food, so that the townspeople of Xueying Town no longer have to worry about the intrusion of monsters.

Even the mecha troops of Tianou Group who came to Xueying Town and ordered Fang Jin to pay protection tax were driven away by the gods.

It can be said that in the eyes of all the residents of Xueying Town, no matter whether those gods are what outsiders call sirens, or anything else.

But they actually protected Xueying Town from the monsters and Tianou Group.

Anyone who wants to be an enemy of the gods will risk their lives with whomever they want, regardless of whether the other party is the Demon King's army or the island owner.

This is the truest thought of every simple Xueying Town resident.

At this moment in Xueying Town, there are really four adventurers who dare to go against the will of the gods.

In the underground prison of the mayor's residence in Xueying Town, Yu Fengchen and his three teammates were locked in a cell.

They all wore black and blue shackles on their hands at this time. These shackles were smelted from an ore called Shenyan Stone produced on Yanrong Island, which could invalidate the skills of any Liaozhou people.

In front of the iron door of the sealed cell of the four of them, two real soldiers with indifferent faces and holding spears were monitoring them relentlessly.

Compared to his three teammates who were already asleep, Yu Fengchen could be said to be extremely melancholy at this moment.

In the morning, he asked Inaba Yun to use bloodline skills to inform the Inaba family about the situation here.

The reason was simple. He always felt that it was too outrageous for the citizens of Xueying Town to believe in sirens.

That was a murderous maniac with no emotions, extremely cold, and more terrifying than a monster.

Although the beautiful siren he saw last night did not seem to fit their stereotype of sirens, the sirens with intelligence and communication skills made Yu Fengchen even more uneasy.

In addition, he very much doubted whether Siren was planning to collude with the Demon King's army and carry out a conspiracy to destroy Liaozhou, so he asked Inaba Yun to tell the Inaba family everything about Xueying Town.

Originally, he thought that this bloodline skill that only the Inaba family could master would not be discovered by anyone.

But before Inabayun could even deliver the complete message, her bloodline skills were abruptly cut off.

The person who discovered and intercepted Daoyeyun's skills was Fang Jin, the mayor of Xueying Town!

The mayor of this remote town turns out to be the retired vice-captain of the Skywalker Team, a team of adamantine-class adventurers that was once famous on the Liaozhou Islands!

This Rabbit-Ear adventurer who can become the deputy captain of the legendary adamantine-level adventurer team is the idol of almost all Rabbit-Ear adventurers.

No wonder the other party knew Inaba Yun. Fang Jin was the pride of the entire Rabbit Ears clan back then, and was the strongest member of the Rabbit Ears clan who was personally received by the head of the Inaba family!

This team of adamantite-level adventurers named Skywalker Team once entered the deepest part of the ancient ruins of the island core that can currently be conquered during the Glimmer Island Strategy Festival, which was competed by six adamantite-level teams.

The deeper you go into the ancient ruins of the Island Core, the easier it is to obtain the powerful skill inheritance and powerful props in the ruins. This is why adventurers are eager to keep trying the strategy.

Except for Kakuiki Island, which was never open to the public, the Adventurer Association of each main island used to organize strategy festivals at different times, calling on adventurer teams from each main island to come and launch a strategy for the deepest parts of the ancient ruins at the core of the island.

However, after the Shimmer Island Strategy Festival, the Tianou Group and the Nine Islands Alliance unanimously ordered the Adventurers Association to stop holding strategies in order to allow adventurers to fight against the increasing number of monsters and pirates that threatened the safety of the route. sacrifice.

Since then, the Skywalker team has completely disappeared from public view, as if evaporating out of thin air.

After Fang Jin appeared in front of Yu Fengchen and others, the mayor identified himself and at the same time declared in front of all the townspeople that they had violated the will of the gods.

What followed was garbage, vegetable peels and eggs thrown in by countless angry citizens of Xueying Town.

It can be said that if Fang Jin didn't let the soldiers imprison them here in the end, they would definitely be beaten to death by the angry citizens of Xueying Town.

And through Fang Jin's subsequent private meeting with them, Yu Fengchen also understood that it was the god Siren who told Fang Jin that he discovered their little moves.

Until now, Yu Fengchen still couldn't figure out how the siren discovered that Inabayun used the bleeding skill and could directly cut it off.

What made it even more difficult for Yu Fengchen to sleep was that he also understood from Fang Jin why the townspeople of Xueying Town regarded these sirens as gods.

As the deputy captain of the Skywalker team, Fang Jin naturally had many encounters with sirens at sea.

But these gods are obviously different from the cold sirens at sea. Not only are they kind-hearted, they also take the initiative to help Xueying Town tide over the difficulties.

What shocked Yu Fengchen even more was that Fang Jin also told them that she witnessed these gods who claimed to be Chongying easily defeating the sirens wandering offshore.

At the end of the meeting, Fang Jin also coldly told them that precisely because he foolishly spread the news to the Inaba family, Xueying Town was likely to face a catastrophe.

The reason is very simple. With the temperament of the Tianou Group and the Inaba family, it is absolutely impossible to allow such a powerful force to appear on Inaba Island.

In fact, Yu Fengchen didn't dare to say it clearly in front of Fang Jin, and he even asked Inabayun to blame these kind sirens for the arrival of the Demon King's army.

At this time, Yu Fengchen was lying on the bed in the cell, feeling condemned by his conscience.

He had already guessed that the Tianou Group and the Inaba family in Awazu City must have exploded now, and would most likely send an army to Xueying Town.

After Fang Jin left, he also understood that the reason why these cherry-loving sirens stayed in Xueying Town was most likely just to avoid being discovered by outsiders and live a stable life.

And when the troops of the Tianou Group and the Inaba family really came to Snow Sakura Town, the patron saints of Snow Sakura Island abandoned this place...

Then he and his team members will definitely be the sinners of the entire Xueying Town.

It's time to change shifts, you go back and rest first.

Okay, I'll leave these four bastards in your care.

At this time, the sound of a shift change came from outside the cell.

Yu Fengchen couldn't help but sigh. Before he knew it, the night passed and it was almost dawn.

But just when Yu Fengchen was planning to sleep before dawn...

Poof! Poof!


Along with two dull sounds, a low scream of shock came from outside the cell.

Although the movement was not big, it still made Yu Fengchen and his three teammates all sit up from the bed, looking at each other with shocked expressions.

Only then did Yu Fengchen realize that his three teammates had the same bloodshot eyes as him and had suffered from the condemnation of their consciences all night long.

Boss, what's going on outside?

The strong smell of blood wafted in from outside the cell door, making the four of them realize that something had happened to the two mayor's soldiers outside the cell.

However, the iron door of this cell completely blocked their view except for one vent.

What happened outside the door?

Is it possible that someone can come to rescue them?

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