Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 738: Heavy Sakura Ninjutsu (2700 words)

who is it?

Although the blow directly penetrated the heart of the hidden crew member, he still insisted on turning his head to look behind him.

He also has a trump card.

Having received divine power as a gift from Da Si, he will not die even if his heart is pierced by an ordinary sharp blade.

But his idea of ​​spying on the person behind him fell through in the next second.

He suddenly felt a hot burning sensation in his body, causing his entire body and the black mist in the cell to burn.

Along with this burning sensation, there was also the continuous collapse of his vitality.

No! No, no, no! This, this is what it is!

The red red lotus flames exploded violently from his chest, making his body look like a bright firework.

He didn't even have time to struggle and roar. Just in front of him, his will was completely swallowed up by the scorching flames filled with fire elements.

A raging heat wave and flames rose up, but the fire seemed to be controlled by some kind of force. It only burned around its death and did not spread.

With the death of this hidden crew member, the black mist that controlled Da Yeyun and Yin Lu also disintegrated.

It was only then that Yu Fengchen and others saw that standing behind the flames was a petite young girl wearing black light night clothes and a ponytail.

She wore a white one-eyed mask with horns on her lovely face, covering her right eye, while the red pupil of her left eye shone brightly in the firelight in front of her.

Separated from the flames and ashes, the streamers around his neck and waist fluttered with the heat waves.

In her hand, there were three shurikens wrapped in paper charms, indicating that she had not used all her strength to kill the hidden crew member just now.

It was last night that the Akatsuki-class destroyer Ichiban-ship's little ninja, Akatsuki, came to Snow Sakura Town in advance with Kuroshio.

The Explosive Charm Kunai in her hand was one of the Sakura Ninjutsu they had already mastered.

In Lin Lan's class yesterday, Xiao also strengthened the charm with the fire element control method learned by the commander.

It's just that although Xiao successfully killed the intruder, her mood at this time was not as calm as she seemed on the surface.

On the contrary, Xiao was even a little annoyed in her heart.

Because she remembered that Zhumo specifically told her to capture the intruders alive as much as possible after discovering them.

But she didn't expect that the guy who seemed to have something to do with the Demon King's army was so careless. She didn't even summon the ship's suit, but was killed by her explosive talisman kunai in just one encounter.

Obviously, when she was in class yesterday afternoon, she heard the commander say that these Demon King's troops were very difficult to deal with.

If I had known earlier, I would have asked Kuroshio to be responsible for guarding this place.

How can I explain it to Sister Tsukuma now...

Lord God! Has the intruder been caught?!

After Xiao watched the last wisp of flying ash dissipate, dense footsteps came from outside the cell door.

Soon, more than a dozen of the mayor's soldiers armed with spears and blades arrived and entered the cell.

Wait, wait! Aren't you two... already killed?!

And when Yu Fengchen saw these soldiers of the mayor of Xueying Town, the two soldiers who had been killed before were actually standing among them, trembling and shouting as if they had seen a ghost.

Stop! Sinners, God is here. How can you be so rude and shouting like this?

However, Yu Fengchen's words also aroused the dissatisfaction of these mayor's soldiers. Among them, the young man from the Rabbit Ears tribe even shouted angrily at Yu Fengchen.

This also made Yu Fengchen and his three teammates realize at the same time that this cute and petite girl was also a member of the Sirens who claimed to be the Chongying God.

No wonder.

The other party was able to bury an entire team of the Yin Crew quietly in Xueying Town. It was also easy to kill the leader of the Yin Crew who was corrupted by the Demon King's army.

But they still don't understand how the two cell guards came back to life.

Seeing that Yu Fengchen and the others had blank expressions on their faces, Xiao glanced at Yu Fengchen with disdainful eyes and said coldly:

It's just a simple substitute technique.

After saying that, she put the kunai in her hand into the storage space of the ship, turned around and said to the leader of the mayor's personal soldiers of Xueying Town who had just spoken:

The intruders have been killed, just continue to monitor them.

After leaving these words, Xiao raised his hand and simply made a ninjutsu seal, and his figure slowly disappeared in the respectful eyes of all the soldiers.

After Xiao disappeared, Yu Fengchen and others saw some body lying in a pool of blood outside the cell door.

They were clearly two brown wooden stakes dressed in the uniforms of Xueying Town soldiers.

At the same time, dozens of figures stood on the deserted Xueying Town Pier where the sun had not yet risen.

Fang Jin, the mayor of Xueying Town, led dozens of soldiers in formation, facing the ocean, and stood respectfully behind Zhumo.

Haha~ It's okay, Xiao, you've done a good enough job.

Okay, this is not your fault. The commander will definitely not blame you. I will ask them for valuable information. As long as you are not injured~

Hmm, then I'll hang up the communication first.

Tsukuma ended his contact with Xiao in the fleet communication channel, then turned around, looked at Fang Jin with a smile, and said softly:

Don't be so formal. Our commander is a very reasonable person.

The Tianou Group and the Inaba family's troops have always been under my 'eyes'. Don't worry too much. We will protect Xueying Town.

Hearing the indifferent words of the god in front of him, Fang Jin just nodded with a grateful smile.

If it was her in the past, she would definitely be dismissive when she heard this.

You must know that what is rushing towards Xueying Town is a joint army composed of the war mecha troops of the Tianou Group and the elites of the island owner's family.

Even the Inaba family, the rabbit-eared clan recognized as the weakest in Kyushu, has a lot of background, which is not something ordinary people can touch easily.

No one, not even all members of the former Skywalker team, or any other team of adamantium-level adventurers, would be able to stop such a powerful combined army.

But after several months of contact, the words spoken by the Sakura god named Tsukuma in front of her made her have no doubt that the other party would keep his word.

Xueying Town...her hometown will never die.

Not only did Fang Jin think so, but the dozens of soldiers standing upright behind her also had the same thought.

Without the blessings of these Sakura gods, not only their fields and families might have been killed, but they themselves might have died from the ravages of monsters.

Our commander is here.

Just as peace returned to the dock, Tsukuma looked at the deep sea level, smiled and said softly.

This made everyone on the dock, including Fang Jin, take a breath.

As if to confirm Tsukuma's words, several bright spots of light slowly appeared on the sea level in the distance.

As these searchlights gradually approached, Fang Jin couldn't contain the shock in her heart and took a breath of the sea breeze at dawn.

A steel fleet that was more magnificent than any Tianou Group fleet she had ever seen slowly emerged from the night sea.

At the forefront of such a fleet, several figures surrounded by ship uniforms stepped on the sea, traveling at uniform intervals.

It was not that Fang Jin had never guessed how many gods there were in Chongying.

Apart from Tsukuma in front of her, the two people she saw most often were the two Sakura gods who claimed to be logisticians:

Always expressionless, with black hair, red eyes and white bunny ears, Loli Shiranui, and a proud mind that even a woman would envy, it seems that Kashino was born into the Barbarian Clan.

In addition to them, every time Fang Jin saw the accompanying Chongying gods, there seemed to be a group of new faces.

But Fang Jin also knew that before this, the gods of Chongying seemed to have been waiting for their commander to return.

Who will be their commander?

While Fang Jin was thinking about this problem in his mind, this huge mass-produced fleet finally stopped at the offshore not far from the dock.

After all, this pier is not a militarized pier. It can only be used to berth small fishing boats and is not large enough for mass-produced destroyers to dock.

Under the watchful eyes of Fang Jin and Xueying Town soldiers, a human-shaped metal creation jumped from the deck of the mass-produced destroyer at the front to the sea.

Unlike the Tianou Group's mechas, this mecha can not only step on the sea like the gods, but also moves smoothly without feeling bulky at all.

Accompanied by a group of guardians from the Sakura gods that they had never seen before, this metal mecha, full of power and technology, exuding a majestic aura, landed on the pier on the waves.

Is this, is this the commander of the gods?

Looking at the slowly approaching metal mecha that had reached a height that required them to look up, even Fang Jin, who was well-informed, couldn't help but swallowed with a gudu and asked in a low voice to the smiling Tsukuma. .

No wonder she lost her composure, she didn't expect that the commander of the gods——

It will actually be a mechanical creation!

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