Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 740 The Delusional Qinghang Girl (2900 words)

Even though Fang Jin was secretly frightened by Lin Lan's appearance, facing Lin Lan's gentle smile, she still replied respectfully:

If it is your commander's arrangement, I will fully cooperate with you.

After all, the Chongying gods never persecuted them from beginning to end.

As for the idea proposed by Lin Lan, she also knew that if Tianou Group could really agree to it, it would be an effective measure that could quickly make Xueying Town prosperous.

Seeing that Fang Jin was very sensible and did not refuse, Lin Lan nodded with satisfaction.

He had just used the detection skill in the brave skill column to observe that Fang Jin was much stronger than the previous adventurers he had on Luo Yuande's ship.

Logically speaking, Liaozhou people with such strength should join the adventurer team to explore the ancient ruins on the main islands, or accept commissions and earn high commission fees.

Why do you need to serve as the mayor of this remote town and protect these townspeople?

It seems that this female mayor of the Rabbit Ears tribe has a story behind her.

Lin Lan didn't bother to delve deeper into this.

Anyway, from the current point of view, the other party is sincerely full of goodwill towards him and his Chongsakura ship girls, and even has some blind trust, which is enough.

Sooner or later, he will leave Liaozhou with the Chongying ship girls.

Before that, in order to repay Fang Jin for his previous willingness to exchange materials with the Chongying Ship Girls, he would of course have to start the construction of Xueying Town.

It may be an exaggeration to build the most prosperous city on Inaba Island, but at least let Tianou Group build Xuezakura Town into the safest dock town on Inaba Island.

And he planned to let Luo Yuande come to apologize to Fang Jin in person. He also planned to let the two parties settle their differences and give Fang Jin an opportunity to contact the top management of Tianou Group.

In this way, even if he returns to the port area in the future, Xueying Town will no longer be bullied at will by Tianou Group or the owner of Inaba Island.

Commander, there is news from Akagi that the troops coming from Awajin City have stopped, and many soldiers from the Rabbit Ears tribe have begun to assemble flying vehicles.

At this moment, Musashi suddenly said to Lin Lan.

Flying vehicle? The Feimu Army, the trump card of the Inaba family... Is Inaba Rong here in person?

However, before Lin Lan had time to make arrangements, Fang Jin spoke in surprise.

Tell me carefully and listen.

Lin Lan saw that Fang Jin seemed to know the other party's information, so he looked at Fang Jin with interest and asked him to explain the origin of the Inaba family's army.

Coming back to Commander, the Feimu Army is the island owner's personal guard force that has inherited ancient technology from the Inaba Island owner's family and is specially used for reconnaissance and surprise attacks.

I once stayed at Inaba's house for a while and saw these flying vehicles of the Flying Wood Army - Cotton Wind Wings.

The wings of this creation are made of kapok, a unique crop grown exclusively in the area around Awazu Castle. After it is completed, it not only has the ability to control the wind, but also has strong maneuverability.

As far as I know, these cotton wings can fly for tens of minutes.

Only the Inaba family in the entire Liaozhou has the technology to make cotton wind wings, and even the Divine Casting Association on Casting Blade Island cannot reproduce them.

A damaged Cotton Wind Wing was once auctioned at Tianou Trading Company on Zhubian Island, and the price was as high as hundreds of thousands of Haichen coins.

Fang Jin's popular science can be said to be very detailed, while Lin Lan nodded without being too surprised.

To be honest, he and the Chongsakura Ship Girls already knew this information about the Feimu Army.

Not only did the information provided to him by Jian Qianou mention all the trump cards of the Inaba family, he even had the skill to create this kind of Liaozhou flying vehicle in his brave skill column.

But he didn't expect that Fang Jin actually knew so much, and took the initiative to tell them everything he knew.

This is enough to prove that Fang Jin is indeed loyal. Even though he knows that the owner of Inaba Island is coming in person, he still has no dissatisfaction with them.

Akagi applied for an air strike. Lord, do I need to agree to Akagi's application?

Tiancheng said to Lin Lan with a smile at this time, and Lin Lan calmly waved his hand:

There is no need to waste resources to deal with the Tianou Group and those Liaozhou people. I will deal with it myself.

As early as when he set off from Xueyingjima Pier, he told everyone that he planned to use the power of invisible breath to convince Tianou Group.

After being reminded by Ruihe yesterday, he understood how important it was to control power.

Anyway, the energy of the Godly Tree continuously gathers the power of faith, and it only takes a day or two to accumulate fifty light points.

Therefore, during the time he came to Xueying Town, Lin Lan had already activated this skill unlocked by the invisible breath and learned what his new abilities were.

In addition to fogging his body and summoning the black sky-eating beast, he can also use the black mist to condense the shadows of all creatures and objects in his impression.

This skill not only allows him to directly condense mass-produced ships, but can even generate the outlines of sirens and ship girls.

But this is not without cost.

Condensing these black mist legions not only requires additional power of faith, but also the power of faith required to condense the silhouettes of ship girls and high-level sirens, or any magic cube props, increases exponentially.

Fifty light points of the power of faith could not even condense the figure of a destroyer in his port area. He could only condense five Type I Explorers or one Type I Tracker.

Fortunately, Lin Lan didn't need to use this ability.

Aside from this useless extra payment ability, other abilities are more convenient.

Such as controlling the penetration of black mist to affect the surrounding environment and changing the original form; or like Jian Qianou, reading other people's memories can be easily done.

For him, the most convenient ability is short-distance teleportation.

Compared with the teleportation skills in the brave skill bar, which require a lot of preparation time, the teleportation provided by Xi is extremely convenient.

As long as he has a thought, his body will appear around anyone or anything he is targeting.

He can even spend extra power of faith to transport others with him.

Before that, he had set targets for Akagi, Kaga and others who were going to join the flying eagle.

Tiancheng, everyone, please follow Mayor Fang to the mansion to rest.

Kashino, you take Akashi, Shiranui and Yukikaze and the others and wait until dawn to go shopping in the town as usual.

I'll be back as soon as I go.

After Lin Lan finished speaking to the Chongying ship girls beside him, he activated the teleportation ability that this breath brought to him.

The moment he decided to teleport, he felt that his body suddenly became ethereal, and everything around him became distorted and covered with a layer of black mist.

Lin Lan only felt that at this moment, his body seemed to be completely integrated with the environment, weightless, as if he had turned into air.

Is this the power of breath?

This was also the first time that Lin Lan used the transmission ability of breath, and he couldn't help but feel very curious.

In just the blink of an eye, the originally dark and distorted environment around him became clear again.

At this time, he was standing on the top of a gentle hill.

At the same time, beside him, there were several Shigesakura ship girls who unfolded their ship uniforms and looked surprised.

It was Akagi, Kaga, Tosa, and Mikasa.

There are also two tall, short purple-haired girls wearing white off-shoulder and windbreaker clothes, holding unsheathed samurai swords, the two sisters Flying Eagle and Falcon.

Hehehe, Commander, the way you appear is really beyond Akagi's expectations~

After seeing him appear, Akagi seemed relieved and strode forward with a charming smile.

But before Akagi could approach him, Hayabusa took the lead from Akagi and flew into his arms with a gust of wind.

This young girl with short dark purple hair hugged him tightly, and at the same time, she said to him coquettishly in a very aggrieved tone:

Commander~ Falcon was the first to guess that the black mist would be you. Why did you come here so late? Falcon is so sad~

Looking at the back of the light sailing girl in his arms, Lin Lan thought for a moment, then raised his hand to hug her gently and comforted her softly:

Sorry for keeping you and Feiying waiting for so long. Let's go back to Xueying Town together later. I'll buy you something delicious.

Hearing his words, Falcon, who had tears in his eyes, immediately raised his head, with a happy smile on his face:

I knew it would be best to be the commander of Hayabusa's childhood sweetheart! I can finally go shopping with the commander again!

Seeing a smile on Falcon's face, Lin Lan secretly breathed a sigh of relief and reached out to wipe away the tears from the corners of Falcon's eyes.

After all, he knew very well that this light sailing girl was also a ship girl with the same yandere attributes.

Moreover, in addition to being a yandere, Hayabusa also has a certain degree of paranoia.

Through the lines in the game, he had long known that Hayabusa had always stubbornly regarded him as his childhood sweetheart, and he had forgotten those things because of amnesia.

Because of this, in order not to make Falcon sad, he would actively cooperate with Falcon and coax him first.

It was only Lin Lan who coaxed Falcon into smiling, and he felt a look full of murderous intent glance back and forth between him and Falcon.

Hehehehehe, a mere little girl dares to hug the commander before Akagi does...

How could Akagi have seen such an intimate scene between the two of them?

What's more, Hayabusa actually hugged the commander before she, a senior member of the Juozakura Aviation Team, hugged him?

This is no longer an ordinary attack, you have to hit hard!

At this moment, the big fox lady had rolled up her sleeves with a sneer, planning to step forward and educate the junior who had occupied the commander in person.

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