Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 746 Tianou Group has been completely embarrassed by you (2900 words)

Being stared at with unkind suspicion by the bunny-eared girl militiamen in front of him and the surrounding Liaozhou people, Lin Lan realized that his uniform was indeed easily misunderstood by the Liaozhou people.

After all, when they were in Oran, everyone in Oran knew that the relationship between the Admiralty and the consortium was not on good terms.

But in the eyes of Liaozhou people, this modern Oran-style dress would only be associated with people from the Tianou Group.

It seems that in order to avoid trouble in the future, he will have to do as the Romans do and cannot wander around Liaozhou casually wearing a commander's uniform.

At the same time, he also realized something else.

That is the residents of Xueying Town. It is difficult to tell the difference between Chongying Kanniang and ordinary Liaozhou people based on their appearance.

I'm afraid only Fang Jin and the mayor's soldiers can recognize the girls of the Chongsakura Ship.

This is good news. At least he only needs to change his clothes when he brings the Chongsakura girls to Liaozhou towns in the future.

Thinking of this, Lin Lan stopped Falcon who was about to come forward to argue with the militiamen.

He smiled and said to the rabbit-eared girl:

We are coming from Awajin City to meet with your Mayor Fang to discuss compensation for the previous misunderstanding. We have no malicious intentions.

If you are worried, you can send someone to notify Mayor Fang. We have contacted her in advance and obtained her consent.

Hearing what he said, the girls from the Rabbit Ear Tribe breathed a sigh of relief.

I see, then please wait here for a moment, we will be back soon.

After all, although Lin Lan and Mikasa looked very kind-hearted, the indifference of Akagi, Hayabusa, Kaga, Tosa and others beside them was almost clearly written on their faces.

This also put great pressure on several poor militiamen.

After telling Lin Lan, the girl militiamen briefly discussed and sent two people to the town to confirm.

The remaining rabbit-eared militia girls also returned to their posts. Seeing that Lin Lan and others were not hostile, the surrounding rabbit-eared farmers dispersed and continued busy with the work at hand.

Don't you have a communicator or mobile phone or other communication tool yet?

Lin Lan was not in a hurry at this time and had nothing to do, so he curiously asked one of the Rabbit Ears militiamen.

When he asked this question, the rabbit-eared girl cast a confused look at him:

Communicator? Cell phone?

Sir, the signal tower in Xueying Town has been abandoned for a long time, and the equipment has become scrap metal, so they don't even know what these tools are.

Just as Lin Lan was deep in thought, the rabbit-eared girl named before sighed, took over what her companion had said, and replied to Lin Lan.

Lin Lan was a little surprised when he heard the girl's answer.

He thought that no one in Xueying Town would know about these modern tools.

But now it seems that the former Tianou Group built signal towers in Xueying Town and also brought modern industrial equipment.

Originally, Lin Lan wanted to ask a few more questions and learn about other conditions in Xueying Town from these militiamen.

However, after feeling the glares from Akagi and Hayabusa that made him pierce his back, he gave up on this plan.

It was just a matter of chatting with the ship girls in the port area, but it was a big taboo for him to communicate with strangers of the opposite sex.

Especially in front of two well-known yanderes, Akagi and Hayabusa...

Isn't it good to be alive?

So driven by the desire to survive, Lin Lan led Chicheng and others back to the road at the entrance of the city wall.

He took this time to discuss with everyone what new elemental skills he would show in the academy after returning to Xueying Island in the afternoon.

But at this moment, Lin Lan suddenly felt a tremor coming from the ground, followed by the roar of a car engine that sounded in Xueying Town and was getting closer and closer to them.

And mixed in with the roar, there was a low roar like some ferocious beast.

Such a noisy movement made Lin Lan and several Chongying ship girls look away.

It turned out that three large white trucks with the Tianou Group were driving out of Xueying Town.

There are strong metal cages placed on the trailers of these three trucks, which contain several strong four-legged monsters.

Different from the ocean monsters he had seen before, these monsters locked in cages by Tianou Group Trading Company looked like monsters living on land.

It is somewhat similar to the Triceratops among the Blue Star dinosaurs. They have three green sharp horns on their heads and green-brown scales all over their bodies. It is not difficult to see from their size that these monsters possess huge brute force.

Lin Lan saw that the teeth of these caged monsters were all flat, and he quickly realized that they must be herbivorous monsters.

Get out of the way! Didn't you see that I am the agent of Tianou Trading Company here?

These three trucks were also stopped by several Xueying Town militiamen under the city wall, but the people in the trucks did not seem to be as talkative as Lin Lan.

A thin, middle-aged Oran man in a white suit jumped out of the passenger seat of the first truck. His face was filled with impatience and he stared at the rabbit-eared militiamen with great arrogance.

The mayor has an order. Your Tian'ou Trading Company's fleet is prohibited from leaving Xueying Town unless a letter from the mayor is presented... Ah!

The girl from the Rabbit Ears tribe who had stopped Lin Lan and others before faced the agent of the Tianou Chamber of Commerce in Xueying Town, and originally planned to negotiate with them equally.

Unexpectedly, the Tianou Trading Company agent pushed him away, causing him to almost fall to the ground.

At the same time, seven or eight Tianou Group employees with submachine guns in their hands jumped out of the truck and stood behind him.

With the support of his subordinates, the Tianou Trading Company agent spat on the ground and said disdainfully:

I'm really fed up with being an agent in this evil place. I'm warning you to get out of my way, otherwise don't blame me for releasing these horned plow beasts...

Just as the surrounding Liaozhou people were gathering around, angrily planning to seek justice for the militia girl, a cold voice suddenly sounded.

As an agent of Tianou Trading Company in the town, do you dare to be so arrogant as to leave your post without permission?

As the words fell, a fierce murderous intention suddenly spread.

Including the agent of Tianou Trading Company, all the people around the entrance and exit of the town were breathless and unable to move.

Lin Lan, with dissatisfaction written on his face, slowly walked forward with Mikasa and others.

The murderous intention that enveloped everyone at the entrance to the city wall was emitted by Kaga's sister Tosa when she unsheathed the sharp sword at her waist.

This cold-faced, gray-silver short-haired high-end battleship fox girl actually had two unsheathed sharp blades at her waist.

But even if he just unsheathed a long sword, the killing momentum that swept out was enough to shock everyone present.

God, Lord God?! It was Lord God who took action!

Such a powerful pressure made all the surrounding Liaozhou people recognize the identities of Tosa, Akagi and others, and their eyes showed surprise and respect.

Including the few Rabbit Ear Clan militiamen, they all looked at Lin Lan and his party walking towards them in shock.

At this moment, they only felt that their brains were at a loss. They...just stopped the gods who were protecting Xueying Town?

But why would the gods be with this man from the Tianou Group?

They quickly came up with a reasonable explanation for this problem.

Yes, Lord Kami must have personally gone to Awazu City to frighten the top management of Tianou Group there, forcing Tianou Group to send someone to the mayor to apologize!

This is the strength of the gods!

Although several militia girls from the Rabbit Ears tribe were still controlled by the murderous intent in Tosa's hand, they showed no fear in their hearts. Instead, they showed excited smiles.

They knew very well that the kind-hearted gods would never harm them.

Fortunately, Lin Lan did not use the power of invisible breath at this time, so I don't know what they were thinking at this time.

Otherwise, he would definitely complain about the brain circuits of these rabbit-eared people.

With a gloomy expression, Lin Lan walked up to the Tianou Trading Company agent who was shaking with fear and could not move, and looked the man up and down.

Big, big, sir, you, what on earth are you...

Faced with the murderous intent of Tosa and several other Sakura ships, this guy was so filled with fear that he could not straighten his tongue.

And no matter what, he couldn't figure out the identity of the man wearing the Oran Navy uniform in front of him.

Not only are the auras of these Xueying Town gods so terrifying, but this young man is reprimanding himself in a tone that sounds like his superior is asking for punishment. What's going on?

This agent has not heard of the legends of gods circulating in Xueying Town. He has even seen girls who are suspected of being gods conducting lavish trade in the business.

But in his impression, the existence of those suspected gods was clearly just the appearance of the little girl from Liaozhou.

Before that, in order to make the financial report more beautiful, he did not report these gods' matters to Awazu Castle.

However, after experiencing the terrifying experience of the attack by the Demon King's army, the trading company agent no longer planned to stay in Xuezing Town and wanted to run back to Awazu City.

But Lin Lan didn't care about that.

All he knew was that the guy in front of him was obviously continuing to ruin the reputation of the Tianou Group in Xueying Town.

If he hadn't happened to be here, this guy would undoubtedly have caused him a lot of unnecessary trouble and wasted his precious time.

So Lin Lan raised his hand, grabbed the agent's suit collar, and pulled him fiercely in front of him.

Looking at his pale face, Lin Lan said with a frosty expression:

“You…are you a business agent like this?”

You have completely disgraced Tianou Group!

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