Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 757 The City of Flowers Thousands of Years Later (3351 words)

Lin Lan, who put down his cell phone, was standing with everyone in the barrier created by Yun Xian with lingering fear.

He looked at the sunken open space around him caused by the violent explosion, and was extremely lucky that Yukikaze reminded Yun Xian, so Yun Xian had time to protect them with a barrier.

Otherwise, he might not even have time to use the power of the invisible breath, and he would be blown into ashes by the violent explosion.

The culprit who caused this accidental explosion was none other than the young profiteer Akashi, who was so frightened that his tail was fried.

Seeing him finish the phone call, Yukikaze and Shigure immediately pressed down on Akashi with gritted teeth.

Akashi! You idiot, you almost killed us all!

If Master Yukikaze hadn't smelled the scent of Mars, you would have forced us to return to the resurrection point as soon as we started the strategy!

Facing Yukikaze and Shigure's angry complaints, Akashi was extremely aggrieved, but could not refute a word.

As the three little lolita struggled together, Shen Lianying looked at Lin Lan with lingering fear, swallowed her saliva and asked:

Just, what kind of bomb did you detonate just now? It can actually destroy even a small defensive barrier...

It's an anti-Siren facility high-explosive bomb made by Yubari.

It was Amagi who answered Kamire Sakura.

The first strategist of Chongying was also relieved at this time. Even though she had no plans, she never expected that the plants in the ancient ruins of the island core would suddenly turn into flames.

It is indeed the central city of Inaba Island that was known as the capital of flowers during the ancient Liaozhou period.

More than half an hour ago, everyone arrived here by riding the Butterfly of Light.

After discussing with all the Chongying ship girls, Lin Lan decided not to let ordinary people and Liaozhou people participate in their strategy.

The reason is simple. Although they can protect the sisters Shen Lianying, if they allocate more energy to protect those irrelevant people, it will greatly waste their time.

Therefore, instead of letting those ordinary people cause trouble, it is better to let those people wait for them to completely conquer the ancient ruins of the island core and deal with the aftermath.

After hearing Tiancheng Weishen Lianying's explanation, Lin Lan also recalled the scene they saw when they arrived here just now.

There are ruins of collapsed stone buildings all over the place, and colorful flowers growing between these ruins.

According to Shen Lianying's introduction, all the flowers here will automatically undergo elemental changes.

For example, when they were walking among the flowers and ruins, they saw that the petals of some flowers were blue ice crystals.

Some petals are made of stones or even metal sculptures.

While everyone was amazed by such a strange scene, they also ignored one thing in the face of attacks from many ruins monsters.

That is, since these petals will automatically change elements, there will naturally be petals of the fire element.

As a result, it was precisely because of this negligence that Akashi almost caused a catastrophe when they encountered a small barrier blocking the road and planned to use bombs to open the way.

But all in all, this at least proves that the high-explosive bombs provided by Yubari for the anti-Siren facility are not mixed with water.

Now, not only was the barrier blocking the way in front of them gone, but the surrounding flower petals and ruins, and even the monsters hidden in the ruins were all cleared away by the aftermath of the explosion.

This is the power of Li Dazhuangfei's Rubik's Cube technology, tsk tsk tsk.

Lin Lan shrugged, and after repeatedly telling Chicheng and others beside him to be careful next, he secretly complained in his heart.

As far as he knew, this high-explosive bomb specially made by Yubari was specifically used to blast the Siren Fortress.

Even the solid alloy fortress smelted by Rubik's Cube technology in the Siren Fortress can be exploded. This power is not inferior to the power of the battleship main gun shells of Musashi and Kii.

Let's move on. This just opens the entrance to the ruins... If my guess is correct, the elemental monsters deep in the ruins should not be afraid of this kind of physical blast damage.

Still according to the plan we just made, the Falcons and Flying Eagles will use carrier-based aircraft to conduct aerial reconnaissance.

Under Lin Lan's organization, everyone continued their journey to enter the ancient ruins of the island core.

There is no such thing as a no-fly zone in the air over the ancient ruins of Inaba Island, so using carrier-based aircraft to open the way for reconnaissance is a very effective method.

As for the flying ruin monsters with wings in the sky, they had already killed quite a few of them before.

Although these ruins monsters are more durable than ordinary monsters and have many means of elemental attacks, the threat level cannot be compared with the erosion monsters of the Demon King's army.

Even the fighter swarm released by the two light-flying girls is enough to easily kill these flying monsters in the air without Akagi, Kaga and the others taking action.

As for Shinano, he was yawning nonstop by Musashi's side, with absolutely no intention of taking action.

Enemies of this caliber can be dealt with by children like Shimakaze, Kuroshio, and Yukikaze.

That's right, Xiao didn't come together this time, because Xiao said she would go to Yuze Island with Lin Lan next time with her sisters.

So in the end, Tsukuma and Kuroshio joined this fleet.

After walking out of the open space within the explosion range, everyone listened to the sound of fighter jet machine guns firing from time to time in the air, and once again stepped into the quaint ruins area.

To be honest, Lin Lan felt that the scenery around him was absolutely beautiful.

Since the ruins area is sparsely populated, apart from the adventurers who originally arrived, only the monsters native to the area live here, so it has a strong sense of vicissitudes brought about by the passage of time.

The collapsed walls among these ruins have almost been covered with green weeds and elemental flowers, and the once glorious sense of civilization has long since disappeared.

The collapsed house should look like an elemental tool shop.

This arc stone wall should be the base of the element gathering tower, which can increase the element concentration of an area.

Ah, those are the statues of the successive co-lords of the Ten Islands, but they have been corroded by plants and cannot be seen clearly.

As everyone moved forward, Shen Lianying also explained to them the past functions of the surrounding ruins and ruins in a melancholy tone from time to time.

And Yukikaze, Yudachi, and Shiranui, under the leadership of Kami Reiyu, indeed recovered many magical ancient Liaozhou props that were still effective after thousands of years from the ruins of these collapsed walls, and gave them to Kashino for preservation.

Such as armor and equipment that store various elemental powers, pills that contain elemental energy and can improve the adaptability of elements, daily handicrafts that rely on the power of elements, etc.

It can be said that with the guidance of these two Yinglong sisters who are familiar with ancient ruins, they have already gained a lot before they have gone far.

However, when Lin Lan looked at Xuefeng's bright smile, he always felt that being able to achieve such a harvest was probably related to Xuefeng's super luck value.

It's a pity that there is no card drawing game in this other world, otherwise he would have to ask Yukikaze-sama to draw cards for him. This is probably a good thing.

Shimakaze! Run slower, be careful of monsters sneaking up on you.

The same goes for Yudachi! Shigure, please take care of it...forget it, Choumi and Maya, just follow them.

Seeing several cute little lolita wandering around the ruins with Shen Lianyou, Lin Lan smiled and arranged for two heavy patrol girls to take care of them.

If he hadn't known that this was not a safe tourist attraction, seeing the relaxed and joyful atmosphere of his ship girls, he would have really suspected that he was taking the Chongsakura ship girls here for an outing.

But to be precise, that's exactly what happened.

Those ruin monsters disguised as flowers or hidden in the ruins of ruins, even if they suddenly appear and attack, at most they will scare these little lolita.

In the next second, these fancy-looking monsters will be quickly dealt with by the little lolita with weapons, without even using ship-mounted equipment to fire.

These relic monsters are far less of a threat to ship girls than the Siren's Type I mass-produced executors.

As many props were sent to Kashino by Yukikaze, Shimakaze and the others, Lin Lan also secretly sighed. No wonder so many adventurers are keen to explore the ancient ruins of the island.

They had not set out for a while, but they had already harvested so many valuable props.

However, most of these ancient Liaozhou props can be directly made with the production skills in his brave skill bar, so they are not precious to him.

For Shimakaze and the others, what they enjoy more is the happiness brought by unexpected gains during this adventure.

But Lin Lan then thought, since many of these props have been lost now, maybe he can make a lot of money on Casting Blade Island by making props?

Thinking of this, Lin Lan patted his head angrily.

As expected, he had had too much contact with Akashi and Shiranui beside him, and was influenced by a certain degree of profiteer thinking.

Otherwise, why would his thoughts suddenly jump to making money?

Commander, I would like to collect some of these flower clouds and bring them back to the port area for planting in the future. Is that okay?

At this time, Yunxian picked a handful of colorful elemental flowers from the ground and asked him with a smile.

Well, it's possible, but I don't know if these flowers can be sustained after I take them back.

Lin Lan looked at the white-haired sage in front of him, who was wearing ordinary Liaozhou-style clothes, and smiled and joked.

When he heard what he said, Dafeng, who had been standing next to him, smiled charmingly and said to him:

Lord Commander, do you not believe in Huayue's gardening skills?

Lord Dragon God Shimanshi also added thoughtfully:

Hua Yue's gardening skills are very good. She helped select the seeds for my green peppers.

Well, if Dafeng hadn't mentioned this cute pink-haired little loli from the Thirteenth Division of the Akizuki-class destroyer, Lin Lan would have really forgotten that there is such a master gardener in the Chongying camp.

Nowadays, almost all the vegetable fields and flower fields in Xueying Town are managed by Huayue.

For example, the 40,000-year-old green pepper has such terrifying power, and it was also improved by Huayue.

The only thing he needs to worry about is that this gentle and cute little loli Huayue has difficulty choosing.

But as long as Hua Yue thinks about it, there is no plant that it cannot support.

That's right. With Flower Moon here, you can take all these elemental flowers back and try to grow them.

After Lin Lan finished speaking to Yun Xian, Shen Lian Ying also explained the functions of these flowers to Yun Xian:

Elemental flowers, a specialty of the prosperous city, will bloom only in places with extremely abundant elements. The scented tea brewed from the petals is not only sweet and fragrant, but also has the effect of nourishing the body and improving the affinity of elements. It was once a precious luxury product in Liaozhou. .”

If you have a commander who has acquired the power of a brave man, it will not be difficult to plant it on a large area.

Lin Lan discovered at this time that, seemingly influenced by the relaxed atmosphere of the Chongying ship girls, Shenlianying's melancholy mood due to being in the ruins was relieved a lot.

No matter what, he didn't want the former co-leader of the Ten Islands to fall in love with the situation and remain depressed.

But just when he was about to pick some elemental flowers with Yun Xian, suddenly, Feiying, who was deploying a ship-controlled aircraft for reconnaissance, said to him:

Commander, a huge green monster appeared not far ahead.

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