Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 760 The island core capital that was voluntarily abandoned


Along with the wave of air caused by another round of Owari's main gun salvo, another Wind Elemental Island Core Guardian on the path in front of everyone was hit to the point of self-destruction.

At this time, the environment around Lin Lan and everyone also changed.

The colorful elemental flowers that originally seemed to be colorful at first glance have almost turned into dark blue wind elemental petals here.

This also makes the landscape tone of the entire ruins gradually change into a cold tone.

Owari-nee! Your cannon fire scared away the monster we just planned to trap!

That's right, it almost fell into the trap!

Just when the tall Sakura elder sister, who had a pair of curved antlers on her head and looked like a black-skinned hottie, clapped her hands and was about to report to Lin Lan that she hit the target with a smile, the dissatisfied voices of Shimakaze and Shigure came over.

At the same time, her sister Suruga also said to her in a helpless tone:

It's a pity. The monster rabbit is quite cute. If I had fired a few seconds later, I could have captured him alive.

It turned out that these little destroyer girls were a little tired of playing the treasure hunt game at this time.

While everyone was resting here for lunch, under the guidance of Shen Lianyou, they made several elemental traps using the previous materials to trap and capture alive the small ruin monsters around them.

This interesting activity naturally attracted Lin Lan, Yun Xian, Suruga, Maya and Shimanto to join them.

Just now, a group of them were looking forward to seeing the white rabbit-like monster about to step into the trap, but in the end, the sound of a cannon fired from the tail scared the rabbit monster away.

Okay, you found such an interesting activity and you didn't invite me to join you. Commander, you are going too far~

Owari saw that the villain turned out to be herself, so she flicked the long gray-yellow braids hanging down by her cheeks and acted coquettishly towards Lin Lan in anger.

Who told Owari to draw lots and have to perform escort duties during lunch? I asked you to ask Yukikaze to whip you but you refused to listen. You can't blame me for that.

Faced with Owari's accountability, Lin Lan spread his hands and said with a smile.

Hearing the commander mentioning herself, the silver-haired cat-eared girl wearing a cute Liaozhou Adventurer skirt immediately puffed up her chest proudly and showed a proud smile:

That's right, Owari-sama, you should listen carefully to the commander next time and ask the popular Lucky Ship Yukikaze-sama to draw lots for you!

Owari immediately laughed out loud at this smug little loli.

However, she rolled her eyes and seemed to have thought of something interesting. She walked up to Xuefeng in two steps with a wicked smile, squatted down, reached out and pinched Xuefeng's face:

Okay, okay~ Master Xuefeng, you must help my sister draw the one with the commander at night...

Absolutely not!

However, Owari's little plan was immediately noticed and seen through by Akagi, Taiho and Hayabusa. They looked at her in unison and shouted at her.

Mikasa, Musashi, Shinano and Amagi were sitting on stools nearby, sipping scented tea.

Seeing Owari and Yukikaze retreating in fear, the senior couldn't help but show a kind and happy smile:

With Commander here, the juniors are always full of energy, hahaha.

Hehehe, senior is right...Shinano, the scented tea in your hand is going to fall.

Before Musashi could finish her emotional words, she noticed that Shinano, who was sitting next to her, began to shake the teacup in his hand due to sleepiness.

Ha~ I'm sorry, I'm still resting at this time...

Shinano's lazy words while yawning caused all of them to smile relaxedly.

It's rare for Shinano to go out and walk such a long way.

It can be seen that even this big sleepy fox is full of motivation because the commander is by his side.

After a while, Kii, Kaga, Atago and Izumo had prepared a sumptuous lunch.

Thanks to the ruined monsters they hunted along the way and the many edible wild vegetables they collected, this lunch was quite sumptuous.

Kaga and Atago are the Shige Sakura ship girls with superb cooking skills. With these fresh and delicious ingredients, the delicious dishes they made even shocked Kamire Sakura.

After having lunch and cleaning up the surrounding area, Lin Lan led everyone to continue moving forward.

As they officially entered the innermost urban area of ​​the ancient ruins of the island core, he also discovered that many of the collapsed building debris and broken walls around them were larger than those on the outside.

This means that this place must have been a very prosperous urban core area thousands of years ago.

Through the introduction of Shen Lianying, this is indeed the case.

Like the base of the tower where collapsed elements were gathered far apart before, you can see it after barely taking a few steps here.

The number of attacks by ruins monsters has also become less than before when we were on the periphery.

But the ruins monsters that attacked them were much more powerful than the monsters on the outside.

Lin Lan even saw a monster that was even bigger than the island core guardian, a green porcupine that was as tall as a hill and could summon dozens of small tornadoes.

However, the smooth green spikes growing out of the back of the Conglan beast whose new illustrated book he had unlocked were being played with by Yun Xian.

And its huge body had already been cut in half by Takao's ultimate sword energy using the Iai Slash, and was completely packaged and stored in Kashino's ship's storage space.

This was only because Kaohsiung specifically asked the Twin Eagle sisters not to use bomber formations for air strikes, but to demonstrate the power of swordsmanship to Lin Lan, so that the Conglan beast could reach them alive.

Otherwise, such a large living target would have been washed into pieces by aerial bombs.

What delayed everyone the most along the way was the small barriers that still existed.

Since the previous teleportation barrier had long since expired, Lin Lan and the Chongying fleet had to advance within the ruins on foot.

After encountering these ancient Liaozhou enchantments, Shen Lianying originally planned to take action to get rid of these enchantments.

But in order to save time, after discussions between Lin Lan, Yunxian, Mikasa and others, they finally decided to use naval guns to destroy these small barriers blocking the road.

In this regard, in the aftermath of the shell explosion, Kamire Sakura, whose long hair was messy, could only silently express that the powerful Rubik's Cube technology can really do whatever you want.

On the other hand, Lin Lan, a brave man who was supposed to overcome difficulties, really didn't need to take action at this time. The girls of the Chongsakura Ship had already helped him solve all his troubles.

Even Lin Lan himself, when he was coaxing Yudachi, Yukikaze and the others to act coquettishly towards him, was complaining in his heart that this brave man might be the most enjoyable brave man in history.

However, Lin Lan didn't feel anything was wrong.

Who said that his main job is not a hero, but a port commander?

Being able to join Blue Star in Blue Star was really the most correct choice he made in his life.

It's just that although Lin Lan complained like this in his heart, he didn't relax at all.

Because he had already noticed a crucial situation when everyone was about to reach the deepest part of the ancient nuclear ruins of Inaba Island.

Amagi, have you noticed?

After Amagi personally took action and used a ship-mounted main gun to detonate an island nuclear guardian in the distance, Lin Lan called both Shen Lianying and Amagi to his side.

Lin Lan spoke to the Chongying counselor in a serious tone at this time, while Tiancheng seemed to have known what he was going to say and smiled at him:

Have you noticed it, Your Majesty? Sure enough, Your Majesty has made great progress, haha~

Facing the riddle between Lin Lan and Tian Cheng, Shen Lianying asked with great confusion:

Lord Commander, Lord Amagi, what did you notice?

Lin Lan did not intend to sell out, but instead set his sights on Shen Lianying, and told the former ten-island co-leader the girl about the violations he discovered:

Have we not found even a single Liaozhou man's skeleton along the way since we entered the depths of the ruins?

Seeing Shen Lianying, she suddenly looked at him with wide eyes, and Lin Lan continued:

On the periphery of the ruins, we can occasionally see a lot of skeletons, but those skeletons are often accompanied by wild survival tools.

This shows that those skeletons are adventurers who came to explore the ruins and met with tragic accidents.

But since we came to the depths of the ruins, we have never seen a single Liaozhou person's skeleton...

When Lin Lan said this, his tone was low and he gave his judgment:

Maybe my previous guess was right.

Combined with the X corrosion in the bodies of those island core guardians, this ancient altar of the Inaba Island Core, called the City of Flowers, once really had some kind of mutation caused by the corrosion of X.

As for the residents of Gu Liaozhou who live here, it seems from various signs that they may have voluntarily chosen to abandon this place and have withdrawn in an orderly manner from this city that they built and protected with their own hands.

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