Wow! When did these guys get together?

Xuefeng saw the wind element island core guardian running towards them down the mountain, widened his eyes and shouted.

Tsk, aren't we being flanked from both sides now?

Kii had already put her Odachi on her shoulder and spoke seriously.

Even Mikasa frowned and planned to let everyone separate and use naval guns to detonate these island nuclear guardians halfway up the mountain.

But Lin Lan seemed to realize something and quickly reminded loudly in the fleet channel:

Wait, don't attack these island core guardians yet, Unzen, prepare the defensive barrier first!

Everyone attacks the surrounding X troops with all their strength, and when the island core guardians get close, unfold the barrier!

After hearing what Lin Lan said, all the Chongying ship girls immediately followed suit.

Boom! Boom!

In an instant, cannonballs mixed with enhanced elemental attributes were fired from the ship equipment of each Chongsakura ship girl.

The terrifying power of the explosions destroyed all the ruins on the top of the mountain almost instantly.

This shocking movement even made the Tianou Group troops and adventurers waiting far outside the ruins in Yingshan Town think it was thunder.

But Lin Lan's face was still extremely solemn at this time.

Because he clearly saw in the military radar system that the figures condensed by X that were hit by the bombardment of the Chongsakura ship girls were almost intact.

Although their bodies were attached to and burned by various elements, they were still trying to walk towards their array slowly, like weaklings who could not be beaten to death.

At this moment, a series of roaring green wind tornadoes finally came down from the mountain and surrounded them.

Yun Xian has opened a defensive barrier, covering everyone.

Lin Lan raised his head and looked.

Those huge cyan wind element island core guardians were surrounded by thick and substantial wind element air waves. They ignored them and strode straight towards the dark black rabbit-eared humanoids transformed by X.

And when the nuclear guardian of the island who was charging at the front came into contact with the incarnation of X, he immediately triggered a self-destruction without hesitation.

Die for the sake of the people of Liaozhou!


Following the previous astonishingly powerful artillery explosion, the raging cyan wind element explosion bloomed in front of everyone again.

However, with the protection of Unzen's defensive barrier, these wind elements, which were no different from dense sharp blades, did not harm them.

But those dark black X-shaped figures with rabbit ears suffered.

Although the bombardment of the Heavy Sakura Ship Girls is astonishingly powerful, the elemental damage caused by the attached elemental upgrade module is not very high.

However, what was caused by the self-destruction of these island nuclear guardians was a completely pure elemental explosion.

Although the power is not as powerful as the cannonballs produced by Rubik's Cube technology, these elemental explosions are obviously more effective against the dark black X-shaped figure at this moment.

Countless dark black rabbit-eared humanoid figures were smashed into pieces by the sharp blades of the wind element, and completely turned into nothingness in the explosion.

Seeing this scene, Lin Lan also immediately realized that the monsters transformed by these X were even more afraid of elemental damage.

No wonder Yuki was able to stop the invasion of X and the Demon King's army.

It turns out that the elemental power not only has extra damage effect on the Demon King's army, but also has a special attack on X?

Just as Lin Lan was taking advantage of this short period of time to organize his thoughts, Yun Xian's voice sounded from the fleet channel:

Lord Commander, these monsters are not real X.

They... are just the incarnations left behind by X after they were devoured by X during his lifetime.

After hearing Yunxian's words, Lin Lan suddenly asked in surprise:

You mean...these monsters are still considered corrupted by X, a type of the Demon King's army?

No, compared to the same erosion as the Demon King's Army, they have completely become a part of X.

Yun Xian's tone at this time was unprecedentedly serious:

Commander, you can understand that these monsters are the final product of the Demon King's army's indifference. It is not wrong to even say that they are X... but they do not have the power to destroy the world like the real X.

Perhaps it is more appropriate to call these monsters X incarnations.

Because of this, it also means that they have been eroded and corrupted here for a long time, at least hundreds of years.

Hearing Yun Xian's words, Kamirei Sakura and Kamirei Yu couldn't help but shudder.

If they had not been rescued by Yuki, Lin Lan and Yun Xian, sooner or later they would have been corrupted by evil spirits and turned into such a terrifying appearance.

At this time, Amagi spoke thoughtfully and expressed her opinion:

Could it be that they knew that they had been corrupted by X before they were alive, so they took the initiative to stay in isolation here?

Tiancheng's words made the two Yinglong girls fall into deep thought, but this issue was not the key to breaking the situation at this time.

The space around everyone was still extremely dark, and was gradually transforming into complete darkness.

Such a strange change in the environment reminded Lin Lan of the scene he had experienced with the girls of the Northern Alliance in the game story Dawn of Ice and the battle with X in the virtual original world.

The only difference from before was that the one beside him now was not the Kanji of Northern United, but the Shige Sakura Kanji.

And there are also fierce and death-defying island core guardians from another world who are helping them fight against the incarnation of X.

Lin Lan has forgotten many details of the plot of that early event.

But he still remembered how he and the Northern Alliance girls finally escaped from that difficult battle.

Fight until the light fades.

Wow! Commander, look, those monsters are reborn from the ground around the deep black vortex!

Just as Lin Lan recalled these words, Xuefeng's panicked voice on the fleet channel attracted his attention.

I saw that around the deep black vortex in the air where the ruins of the previously shattered island core were left, black rabbit-eared humanoid figures were constantly emerging from the void.

Just as Xuefeng said, those X monsters destroyed by the self-destruction of the Wind Element Island Core Guardian are constantly reshaping their bodies!

Sure enough, we still have to take action personally?

After Akagi noticed this, clusters of elemental flames gathered around her body and said coldly.

Not only Akagi, but Dafeng and Bailong have also begun to prepare to use the elemental skills that Lin Lan helped them learn before.

Now that they have discovered that the attack of the ship's equipment is not as good as these pure elemental skills, they all know how to kill X efficiently.

It will be endless if this continues. We have to take advantage of the time delayed by those island core guardians to find a complete solution to X.

Lin Lan bit her lower lip tightly, constantly observing the surrounding battlefield environment, and quickly thinking of countermeasures in her mind.

In the plot of Dawn Binghua, he and the Northern Alliance girls still had a clear purpose, and they just had to fight until the light dissipated.

But then was before and now is now.

During the original plot battle, he seriously suspected that the Sirens were just bringing him and the Beilian Ship Girl into the virtual world to experience it.

What he and the Shige Sakura girls were seeing now were genuine Xs, certified by the great sage Unzen himself.

If they really want to keep delaying, their ammunition and energy may be exhausted, and they may not be able to kill X.

However, when Yunxian saw what Xuefeng discovered, he suddenly said to Lin Lan:

Lord Commander, if that deep black vortex that can swallow light is the original power of this god from another world, then it must be the source of X power that swallows these Liaozhou people.

We can purify the X power inside these black humanoids while they are in a weak state of reshaping.

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