After the sudden appearance of the Shimmer Island light-chasing fleet opened fire on the Wantong fleet, the pirate ships of the Hurricane Pirate Ship Group also fell into an eerie silence.

Therefore, the pirates and the warriors of the Horned Ghost Tribe thought at that moment that the Light Chaser Fleet was here to assist the Nine Islands Alliance in attacking them.

Even Jiaogui Yan thought so and was ready to fight to the death.

After all, Shimmering Island has been obeying the orders of the Nine Islands Alliance and the successive nine island co-lords for hundreds of years.

Especially after Chief Hui An came to power, the island owner of Shimmer Island was extremely loyal to carry out all the orders issued by Chief Hui An.

Whether it was the confrontation with the Oran Fleet or the confrontation with the Tianou Group last year, there was always the help of the Weiguang family.

But why at this time, the Weiguang family's light-chasing fleet would choose to become enemies of the Nine Islands Alliance and the Hui An Chief?

You know, that is the elite main fleet that the Nine Islands Alliance spent huge amounts of money on and spent decades building for the Wantong Group.

This round of saturation bombardment by the Evil-Destroying Cannon, it is no exaggeration to say that it directly wiped out all the maritime military power that the Nine Islands Alliance had prepared for decades.

At the same time, this also means that the Weiguang family has completely betrayed the Nine Islands Alliance.

Why did the current owner of Shimmer Island suddenly make such a decision?

Horned Ghost Yan took a long breath, looked at the Royal Wealth with a stiff expression beside him with turbid eyes, and asked leisurely:

So... persuading the Weiguang family to withdraw from the Nine Islands Alliance and repair the battleships of the Light Chasing Fleet, is all this what you expected?

After hearing what Jiaoguiyan said, all the Jiaogui warriors and pirates on the deck also came to their senses and looked at the royal wealth, waiting for the captain to give an answer.

Although Royal Fortune's face was very calm at this time, he still wore a confident smile.

However, her heart was not as calm as it seemed.

Aha, hahaha, yes, yes~ This captain has arranged this a long time ago. Now let's hurry up and rescue the first generation of braves, hahaha~

Oh! Captain is domineering!

Hearing the answer given by the royal wealth, the morale of all the pirates rose again and bursts of cheers broke out.

Seeing this, Royal Wealth finally breathed a sigh of relief, and a drop of sweat fell down his cheek.

After getting the fleet ready for a gang battle and continuing to move forward against the impact of the whirlpool, she looked fiercely at the figure with antlers in black robes leaning against the mast, hiding his aura, and whispered cutely:

Since you called the San Martin to help, you should tell me in advance!

This guy with a bad personality just wants to see me make a fool of myself, right? Hehe, I'll settle the score with her later.

After saying that, the royal wealth walked to the bow of the deck and looked at the glorious fleet in front of it as if it were shrouded in holy light.

The cute girl captain quickly adjusted her mentality, and with a smile, she admired the fleet that was still firing at the Wantong fleet and commented with a smile:

I didn't expect Saint Martin to look so cold and rigid, but he would appear in such a handsome way~ He is indeed the flagship of the former Armada~

It seems that I will have to ask her for advice later.

The Saint Martin mentioned by Royal Wealth is Lin Lan’s hurricane camp sailing ship - the Saint Martin.

And this heroic girl with red eyes, white hair and wheat complexion with two pairs of feathered white wings behind her was the flagship of the Spanish Armada that competed with the Royal Navy for world sea power in the history of Blue Star.

It is a pity that the Armada was eventually destroyed by the Royal Navy, which later led to the rise of the Royal Navy and became the most powerful maritime power.

But at the moment, this invincible fleet, revitalized by Saint Martin in another world, is sweeping away the remaining Wantong fleet with an unstoppable force.

Well, Saint Martin really likes to take the lead and take action personally. Really, he is still so impatient.

At this time, Royal Wealth could clearly see the figure on the turbulent whirlpool waves, holding a sea torch in one hand, flapping the wings behind him, and holding a red spear in the Wantong fleet, flying through and through as if entering an uninhabited land.

Every time St. Martin swung his spear, a large sailing ship detonated as if being shelled, causing countless Nine Islands Alliance sailors to fall into the sea wailing.

This sailing ship girl is like a sea Valkyrie, venting the power from the flagship of the Armada.

However, seeing Saint Martin fighting with all his heart, his thoughts about the royal wealth were no longer here:

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that I haven't taken action personally for a while. What if after meeting the commander, he thinks I have a belly?

When I go to see him, should I wear that swimsuit or that Halloween cosplay costume?

Oh, it's the cosplay suit after all. Wouldn't wearing a swimsuit make it easier for him to notice that I've gained weight? No, no, no.

And just when Royal Fortune was fantasizing about meeting Lin Lan again, the pirates' voices brought her back to reality.

Captain! The target is in front of us, we are ready to join the gang!

Royal Fortune turned around and saw that the pirates on the deck had all their light weapons in their hands, and tools such as rope hooks were also fully prepared.

Very well, very well~Then the next task of rescuing the brave will be left to you.

Royal Fortune also saw the sailing battleship transporting the brave not far away, so he stretched lazily and said to the pirates.

Gang-hopping is the most basic and best combat skill among pirates, and there is no need for her to supervise it personally.

What's more, with the help of the horned ghost warriors who were of reasonable strength, she was not worried that the pirates would suffer serious casualties.

Since the Wantong fleet has been destroyed by the invincible fleet led by Saint Martin, and the Nine Islands Alliance sailing warship has also been intercepted and surrounded, it is certain that the first generation of braves will be rescued.

Rather than this, she might as well take this opportunity to enjoy the spectacular scenery of the shimmering whirlpool.

If I return to the port area in the future, it will be very difficult to see this strange sea whirlpool again.

At this time, Royal Fortune also began to miss the profiteer in the port area.

If Akashi were here, she could definitely buy a camera and take pictures.

Although she also knew that with the style of the profiteer kitten, she would definitely raise the price at this time, but her royal wealth would not be taken advantage of, and she would definitely put up a good fight.

Hey, as expected, I feel most comfortable in the Commander's port area.

I haven't seen those energetic friends for so long, and I really miss them...

Royal Fortune smiled and shook his head, joking to himself.

However, just when Royal Fortune was about to say hello to Jiaoguiyan and Jinlu and return to the cabin to rest...

For Lord Da Si! You all must die!!!

On the surface of the turbulent whirlpool, a low roar filled with endless resentment suddenly sounded.

What followed was a spread of aura that made her feel extremely disgusted, which stopped the royal wealth.

Huh? It seems that there is also an X puppet who is planning to defeat everyone.

Royal Fortune turned around and looked in the direction where the voice came from with a sneer.

As she expected, this voice and that disgusting aura all came from their target sailing battleship.

A big snake condensed by black mist was entangled on the deck of the Nine Islands Alliance sailing warship, its scarlet eyes looking at the approaching pirate ship group.

But Royal Fortune didn't seem to care about the black mist snake at all. Instead, she looked at the golden deer not far from her and said with a smile:

Hey Golden Deer, let's leave that guy to Helena Meta. Isn't she an expert at dealing with monsters like this?

However, Jinlu didn't give her any reply, as if he didn't hear Royal Wealth's words.

This made Royal Wealth keenly aware that something was wrong, and walked to Jinlu's side.

It was only then that Royal Wealth saw a slightly gloomy and serious expression on Jinlu's face.

At the same time, Royal Fortune also suddenly felt that the howling wind was getting weaker and weaker, as if it was starting to gradually stop.

On the sea surface, the water in the depression in the center of the swirling whirlpool is also rising.

This means that this large whirlpool of light that has existed for thousands of years is stopping its rotation!

This strange sudden change in the weather made the Royal Wealth almost instantly realize what was happening around them.

The young sailing ship captain looked at Golden Deer, tried her best to keep a confident smile on her face, and asked with a slight twitch of the corner of her mouth:

Golden Deer, that, the backup plan for the Siren that you mentioned before, can you tell me what it is now?

That's right, whether it was the Royal Wealth, the Golden Deer, or even Saint Martin, who was still fighting with the Wantong fleet, they all felt that the ocean and space were undergoing some subtle transformation at the same time.

This kind of spatial transformation was the first time for the pirates of Liaozhou and the warriors of the Horned Ghost Tribe to face it, so that even the Horned Ghost Yan could not detect it.

But for Royal Wealth and the others, this feeling of transformation in the surrounding space is all too familiar to them.

They... were pulled into the mirror sea.

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