Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 80 Evil Dragon Girl Repsi...Prince Ruprecht

Hmm, dear human-san, be careful next time so you don't get hurt again.

After arriving in front of Lin Lan, Emden spoke to Lin Lan in an extremely gentle and doting tone.

Before Lin Lan could reply, a ray of red luster flashed in Emden's blue eyes:

Otherwise, I will tightly control you, human being, and never let you leave Emden again~

It was also Emden's voice, but the tone became much stronger.

Black Emden was obviously dissatisfied with Lin Lan's injury.

Lin Lan reluctantly swore that she would never take risks again. Emden turned back into an elegant fairy with a smile on her face again.

After chatting with them for a while, Zeppelin and his party finally arrived.

And with Zeppelin, in addition to Egil with a smirk on his face, the silver-haired girl Mainz who finally got rid of the name of the group leader wearing the black sailor uniform bought by Lin Lan, the cute teacher Nimi and the still expressionless Z46 outside.

There is also a petite girl with long pink shawl hair and dark yellow eyes with huge black and red horns on both sides of her forehead.

Lin Lan took a deep breath when he saw this girl in white silk stockings wearing an eclectic black dress with cute sleeves.


No, Prince Ruprecht.

This is a heavyweight and arrogant person who wanted to treat him as his private property as soon as he created it from the drawings.

Commander? You guy...

As soon as she saw Lin Lan, the arrogant girl who seemed to be arguing with Egil suddenly walked up to Lin Lan angrily.

Ray... Ruprecht, long time no see.

Hearing Lin Lan successfully call out her name, a blush suddenly appeared on the girl's originally angry face, and she immediately turned her head and made a face at Egil.

Have you heard Egil, he can call my lady's name correctly! From now on, no one of you is allowed to call me Miss Leipchitele! Did you hear that?

? ? ?

Hearing this, the smile on Lin Lan's face instantly froze.

What's bad, he keeps calling this little girl's nickname, and they can actually hear it!

He looked at the evil dragon girl who turned her head and became angry, and couldn't help but wailed in his heart.

The main reason is that the name Prince Ruprecht is too difficult to pronounce.

But if it were changed to Rephitele, wouldn't it become much smoother...

You, this guy, obviously belong to me, Prince Ruprecht, but how dare you disappear privately for so long? Tell me, how should you compensate me!

The cute evil dragon girl with pink hair put her hands on her hips and raised her head slightly to stare at Lin Lan.

She is half a head shorter than Lin Lan.

But she didn't notice at all that from Lin Lan's perspective, she could perfectly see the pair of small, round shoulders under her slender neck, as well as the white vest suspenders that slipped from her shoulders, exposing a large area of ​​awe-inspiring white skin.

Even if the vest slides down a little further, you can see what's inside the thin white vest...


Lin Lan reached out and gently patted the evil dragon girl's pink-haired head with one hand. The other hand held the girl's slipped vest strap and helped her hang it back on her shoulder.

Touching the girl's smooth and delicate skin, Lin Lan suppressed his inappropriate evil thoughts with a gentle smile on his face:

I really didn't mean to leave you. You see, I spent so much material and energy just to see you. Can't you tell if I am the kind of person who leaves you lightly?

No matter what! I am very angry!

Prince Rupre is like a little girl who cannot get enough of oil and salt.

Although she did not refuse Lin Lan's actions of touching her head and tidying up her clothes, this did not mean that she would forgive Lin Lan easily.

Unless... hum, unless you promise me a condition.

Suddenly, Ruprecht seemed to have thought of some good idea. His eyes turned playful when he looked at Lin Lan, and an evil smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Being stared at by the evil dragon girl's dark yellow eyes, Lin Lan instinctively guessed that this was definitely not a good thing.

But now, the food in the conference room was almost cold, so he could only nod to the arrogant pink-haired girl in front of him and asked:

I promise you, what are your conditions?

At this time, the cold-faced Zeppelin and the other Iron-Blooded Ship Girls also entered the yard.

Humph, I will tell you later. You are mine, so you must listen to me and you are not allowed to disappear again.

After Ruprecht hummed, he directly hugged Lin Lan's arms with his slender hands covered by cute sleeves.

Although Lin Lan was hugged by the cute evil dragon girl, the smile on his face was very forced.

He was a little worried by Lützov's words, and now he came up with Ruprecht's mysterious condition.

There is always a bad feeling in his heart.

Perhaps, during this period, should we eat something quickly to replenish our health, just in case?

Well, it's just to escape in time when encountering danger, nothing else.

After reporting safety to Zeppelin, Egil and Mainz, the group finally arrived at the conference room.

At this time, the table was already filled with food by the barbarians, including even famous dishes such as pork knuckles.

After being unanimously asked by all the Iron-Blooded Ship girls to sit at the main seat of the circular table, Lin Lan took his seat and saw Akashi, who was already chewing a big pig's knuckle next to him.

He watched Akashi finish the pork knuckle in just a few bites. He was really curious about where the pork came from, so he asked Akashi:

Say, little boss lady, where did you get all these dishes? There are only rivers and seas nearby, how come you can even get pork?

The little profiteer's cat ears twitched slightly, then he raised his head and said to Lin Lan with a harmless smile:

Commander, you don't have to worry anymore, meow. Just feel free to eat, meow.

No, you have to explain it clearly. I always feel like there is a conspiracy in your smile.

Lin Lan couldn't control her curiosity when she saw that Manjiu came in with a champagne bottle.

Actually, it's very simple, nya. After Akashi disappeared, he started wandering around. He traveled across the ocean and didn't prepare some food in the ship's suit, nya...

The little profiteer had a pitiful expression on his face, and even Hu Teng looked at the little guy in surprise.

You know, Akashi basically doesn't have the repair ship to face the siren's combat power. She actually wandered alone for so long, which can be regarded as brave and fearless.

However, although Lin Lan was very touched by Akashi's obsession with him, he always felt that something was wrong.

It’s okay to prepare more food for you to wander around. How could you even have champagne?

But he also knew that now was not the time to delve deeper. He had to eat when he needed to eat, and he would torture this little profiteer later.

Already placed in front of his table were the fragrant-smelling elbows and the rich-tasting potato soup.

He had obviously eaten a lot of food in the morning, but now his stomach was growling again.

Accompanied by the Iron-Blooded Ship girls and Akashi, he was very satisfied with this lunch feast.

Although Lützov wanted to propose a toast to him, he declined on the grounds that his body had not yet fully recovered.

What a joke, if he starts it right now, I'm afraid the second and third cups will follow immediately.

Although both Hutten and Brünnhilde were rigorous and reliable, they were not Bismarck or Frederick the Great who could command the iron-blooded fleet.

Once he got drunk, he couldn't even think about the consequences.

But when he was eating seriously, he didn't notice at all that the bunch of keys in his pocket had been secretly taken out by a little barbarian chirp.

The little manjiu, which no one noticed, inserted the key into a soft blue unknown object, then took it out and put it back into Lin Lan's pocket.

Akashi looked at all this with sharp eyes and an extremely cunning smile on his lips.

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