Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 786 Saving the Purge (3100 words)

After deciding to break this mirror sea area first, the next thing will be much simpler.

The purifiers and purifiers should consider using normal means to clear this mirror sea area, but Lin Lan and the Chongying ship girls don't need to.

But at this moment, the Clearer suddenly covered his head in pain, remained silent on the deck, and fainted as if there was a short circuit.

Whoa? Purge, what's wrong with you!

This sudden situation not only stunned Lin Lan, but the Purifier was also shocked and helped the Purifier from the deck, and repeatedly slapped the Purifier on the cheek.

Soon, Lin Lan and the Chongying ship girls beside him also gathered around him.

At this time, the Purifier closed his eyes tightly. Under the black jacket, red lines appeared on the gray-white skin.

This tomboyish siren girl actually showed signs of being eroded by X!

Purifier, please stop connecting to the Siren stronghold system here.

Lin Lan guessed the reason for this change in the Purifier almost instantly, and quickly said to the Purifier.

I'm afraid the Siren stronghold of the Shimmering Whirlpool was hacked by Dibel and planted the corrosive virus. If you link into the system, you will be corroded.

The little profiteer Akashi also gave full play to her side as a scientific researcher in Minato City at this time.

Akashi took out her laptop, connected it to the Cleaner's Megamouth Shark Ship, and after some operations, she expressed her judgment.

What can we do?!

The Purge can't fall here. She still has so many experimental reports to write. If she falls, it will be all my responsibility!

Seeing these red lines continue to spread on the Purifier's body, the Purifier, even a high-level siren, has never seen such a situation before, as if he was panicking.

However, when they heard that the Purifier was still thinking about asking the Cleaner to write an experiment report at this time, Lin Lan and the Chongsakura girls around him were speechless for a moment.

Finally, Lin Lan sighed, looked at the Purifier and asked:

If I remember correctly, the Purge is the person in charge of the highest authority of our experimental organization at the Liaozhou Experimental Site.

If she is eroded by Dibeilu, will all the siren facilities on Liaozhou be also fell into the hands of Dibeilu?

Seeing the Purifier nodding towards him, Lin Lan looked at Yun Xian:

Although I don't know whether the body of Sirens is corroded differently from that of ordinary people, but we can only treat the dead horse first as a living horse doctor.

Unzen, I'm going to trouble you again.

Seeing that he planned to try to purify the Cleaner's erosion, Yun Xian smiled and nodded:

Commander-sama, Unzen will do his best.

Mikasa, Musashi, I will leave it to you to lead the team to destroy the Mirror Sea. Remember to maintain communication at all times. Don't act rashly if you find any abnormality. Tell me as soon as possible.

Lin Lan looked at Musashi and Mikasa again and told them his arrangement.

Don't worry, leave it to us, Commander. You and the Great Sage must also be careful.

Mikasa showed a confident smile, and after agreeing to Lin Lan, she called Amagi and the other girls from the Chongsakura ship to unfold their ship uniforms.

When it comes to destroying the Siren's Mirror Sea, there is absolutely no one in the entire world who is more professional than them.

That's right, I will also hand over the temporary command authority of these Executor fleets to you! Their bodies are equipped with special protection against X erosion, and they can also serve as sea torches in the LD area.

At this time, the Purifier seemed to have come to his senses, and quickly grabbed Musashi's sleeve and said.

Okay, thank you very much.

Faced with the Purifier's frank cooperation at this time, Musashi didn't say much. He just smiled and nodded to the Purifier, then jumped to the sea side by side with Shinano.

Soon, only two senior siren girls, Lin Lan, Yunxian, Akashi and two Yinglong girls were left on the deck of this mass-produced destroyer.

Kashino and Shiranui were called by Akashi to get maintenance tools from the cabin, while Kamirei Sakura looked at Lin Lan squatting next to the Cleaner's petite body and said:

Commander-sama, Unzen-sama, if you need help from our sisters, please feel free to ask.

Okay, let's create a light elemental barrier that covers this destroyer first.

Faced with the two girls' requests, Lin Lan was not polite and asked them to help make an elemental barrier.

Although he didn't know if this would have any effect on the sirens being corroded, it was still better than nothing.

Soon, after Kashino and Shiranui came with various maintenance tools, Lin Lan looked at the Purifier and began to ask about the structure of the Purifier's management body.

Originally, the Purifier was hesitant to answer, but Lin Lan directly faced the Purifier and said with a serious face:

I know that your Siren's body is stored in the core data tower, but this unknown erosion is likely to spread directly to the Purge's data tower, causing irreversible risks!

Do you think that since Dibelo would lay such a trap for you, her purpose might just be to erode your management machine?

After hearing Lin Lan's words, the Purifier finally clenched his fists as if he had made up his mind.

You are right, I am confused.

Later, the Purifier told Lin Lan all the information she knew about the Purifier's body.

During this period, Akashi had been concentrating on his laptop, trying to perform data operations on the Cleaner's body.

Meow, these erosion data are indeed constantly trying to connect to the Siren network from the Purge's port. Commander, we can't drag it on any longer, meow!

Akashi quickly confirmed that what Lin Lan said was correct, and this made the Purifier's already fair face pale even more.

I understand... Kashino, you and Shiranui take the tools and remove the armor from the joints of the tail fin at the rear of the Clearer's hull.

Purifier, you take over Akashi's operation. You must delay time to prevent these corrosive data from being transmitted to your network.

Akashi, first take out a few mind cubes and put them on the Scavenger's belly... take off her jacket and stick it on her belly.

After Lin Lan had a general understanding of the internal structure and functions of the advanced Siren body and ship equipment, he quickly assigned them the task.

And he led Yun Xian quickly to the back of the Clearer's ship.

Lin Lan took a deep breath as she watched Kashino and Shiranui using wrenches and electric drills to remove the thick black armor plate, revealing the metal pipes with black mist constantly coming out of them.

Not only him, but also Yun Xian and the two Shige Sakura ship girls also had shocked expressions on their faces.

This was the first time they had seen the internal structure of the Siren's ship.

Kasano and Shiranui have a new understanding of X's terrifying corrosive ability——

Even fully mechanical intelligent beings like Sirens cannot avoid being eroded.

After a brief moment of shock, Lin Lan gritted his teeth, activated the Touch of Holy Mercy skill, and reached out to touch the pipeline inside the Purge's ship.

I can only hope this method works.

Lin Lan recited softly and closed his eyes.

The next second, Kashino and Shiranui behind him widened their eyes, seeing rolling masses of black mist pouring out crazily from inside the Cleaner Megamouth Shark suit, as if it had been evaporated.

Be careful not to get close to these mists.

A ray of light flashed in Yun Xian's eyes, and he grabbed the arms of Kashino and Shiranui who had not yet reacted, and pulled them back several steps.

The rolling black mist bypassed Lin Lan's body and continued to spread above the crowd.

However, this black mist turned into nothingness in an instant after touching the light element barrier set up by the sisters Shen Lianying.

Cough! Cough cough cough!

Tens of seconds passed, and the purger who was still lying on the ground suddenly seemed to be violently stimulated and broke out into a violent cough.

At this time, Lin Lan suddenly opened his eyes and said loudly:

Unzen, now, set up the Sakura Barrier on the Purifier's body. I feel that all the remaining corrosive energy has been driven into the Purifier's body.

Purification dear, you also immediately cut off the connection between the Purifier's ship suit and her body!

Upon hearing this, Unzen behind him immediately jumped to Akashi's side, raised his hand to take off his jacket, and placed a double cherry blossom barrier with golden light patterns next to the almost naked body of the purifier.

The Purifier also understood that this was a critical moment, and left an afterimage with his hands, tapping quickly on the laptop provided by Akashi.

While operating, the purifier did not forget to complain anxiously:

I am already trying my best! Your computer hardware's data processing efficiency is too low. I can only hold on for nineteen seconds at most!

The little profiteer looked at the screen in front of the Purifier, and the data stream that was almost difficult to see clearly with the naked eye was moving rapidly, and he couldn't help but opened his mouth in a dull manner.

Siren's computing power is exaggerated.

Even the Purifier's serious computing power far exceeds that of any advanced computer in the port area.

There's enough time, it's up to me.

Lin Lan didn't have time to think so much at the moment. He quickly ran to the side of the Purge. He had no time to admire the slim figure of the flat-chested siren girl and pressed his hands on the Purge's soft belly.

The mental cube placed by Akashi in his hand has been activated.

After he got closer, the light groups and light particles in these mental cubes circled at high speed, breaking the light blue shell of the cube and integrating into the purifier's body.

The dark red lines on the Purifier's body are also fading away, as if they are being suppressed by the energy of the Rubik's Cube.

Seeing this scene, Yun Xian behind him couldn't help but look surprised.

Siren... can actually absorb the energy of the Rubik's Cube in the Mind Cube?

Get out of her system core!

The next second, with Lin Lan's cold drink, the Purifier finally opened his eyes. The last trace of black-red aura remaining in his eyes was completely covered by the crystal deep blue, and the erosion lines on his body also disappeared.

Eh? Eh? What just happened? How could I... eh?!

You, you, you, what did you do to me!

However, just when Lin Lan saw the Purge finally opened his eyes and sat on the ground with a sigh of relief.

The next second, he saw the Purge looking directly at him with a look of confusion and horror on his face, and asking questions in a trembling voice.

Lin Lan suddenly realized something.

This senior siren girl with short white hair and gray complexion was actually not wearing any other clothes except for the black jacket!

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