Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 791 The Royal Fortune Captain with a Bounty on His Head

On the way here, Lin Lan had not carefully appreciated the scenery around Shimmer Island.

They were now in an extremely dark sea, and the three Chongsakura ship girls all turned on the searchlights on their ships.

Royal Wealth and Jin Lu both took out lighting props with Liaozhou characteristics, like lanterns and torches.

If it weren't for the large rays of light emitting from the prosperous docks and urban buildings not far ahead, indicating that there was still a sense of civilization here, Lin Lan would never have dared to imagine that there was such a world under the deep sea.

He looked up.

There are many sharp black stalactites hanging upside down from the dark black rock layer, and there are a lot of small bat-like monsters that are flapping their wings and shuttle among them.

The air here is very humid, and the sun cannot shine here. No wonder I heard Kashino say before that Shimmer Island is rich in fungi.

Yun Xian, like him, looked at the surrounding environment curiously, and chuckled and said to Lin Lan in the fleet communication channel.

This great sage of Sakura is keen on traveling around the world. A place like Shimmer Island with such unique geographical location and scenery can be said to make Unzen very curious.

Yunxian is right. The most delicious food on Shimmer Island is all kinds of mushrooms. This is also the staple food that the local Liaozhou people eat most besides seafood.

After hearing what Unzen said, Ghost Ship Mary flipped up her long blue hair and introduced with a smile:

Since there is almost no sunlight here all year round, all the light comes from the light elements emitted from monsters, plants, minerals or props, so low-light experts have always been famous for collecting light elements.

I heard that 90% of the Holy Light Stone, the main material used to make sea torches, produced on Gaotian Island, is monopolized by the Weiguang family. All other resources that can emit light or have light elements on the other main islands of Liaozhou are also monopolized by the Weiguang family. The family went on a buying spree.”

Hearing what Mary said, Lin Landun was curious and asked his question:

According to what you say, isn't the Weiguang family very rich?

As soon as the words came out, Lin Lan, who was in the commander's uniform, couldn't help but secretly cursed that he was really influenced by Akashi and Shiranui, how could he think of this aspect in the first place.

But he felt that what he asked was not unreasonable.

Since the Weiguang family can buy all kinds of resources containing light elements from various islands in Liaozhou, they are definitely not short of money.

But with such a special geographical location of Shimmer Island, Lin Lan could not think of any other way to make money besides collecting tolls from ships traveling between the Nine Islands Alliance and the Tianou Group on the Shimmer Whirlpool, and exporting various types of mushrooms.

Is it possible that the Weiguang family has other rare resources to make money from?

But when Lin Lan heard St. Martin's calm answer, she immediately felt relieved.

Commander, the issue of whether the Weiguang family has money or not is not the kind of problem.

The currency that has been used in Liaozhou for thousands of years is called Haichen Coin.

And the Haichen crystal stone needed to create Haichen coins can only be mined on Shimmer Island in the entire Liaozhou.

St. Martin's words immediately stunned Lin Lan.

Of course he knew that the common currency of Liaozhou was Haichen coins, but he never expected that the materials for making Haichen coins were actually produced here.

After being stunned, he also felt extremely lucky.

Fortunately, Akashi was still resting on the mass-produced destroyer at this time and did not follow them to visit the head of the Shimmer family.

Otherwise, he really doubted that as soon as Akashi saw the head of the Shimmer family, he would approach him with gleaming eyes and get close to him like crazy.

Sure enough, as Saint Martin said, the Weiguang family is no longer a question of whether they have money or not.

After working on it for a long time, it turned out that Liaozhou was responsible for printing money.

Whether the Weiguang family's assets are large or small depends on how many zeros they are willing to add to the total amount of Haichen coins.

Lin Lan had already labeled the Weiguang family as a wealthy family in Liaozhou even before they even met him.

Hey~ If this captain hadn't known that Saint Martin was protecting this place, he would have brought pirates to rob this huge treasure house long ago. This is an approximately infinite treasure.

Royal Wealth also spoke with regret at this time, expressing how much she, as a pirate, envied the fat piece of Shimmer Island.

However, as soon as he heard her mention the treasure, Gary immediately turned to look at her excitedly and said:

That's right, I almost forgot about the royal wealth if you didn't mention it. After we finish Dibel Road, you have to give me half of the property in the Hurricane Pirates' treasury before you return to the port area with the commander!

And my half, huh~

Mary also controlled the ship to get closer to the dull-faced Royal Fortune, and added with a smile:

Although we are all very grateful to Golden Deer for calling us all to reunite with the commander this time, the content of the contract still needs to be fulfilled.

After saying that, Mary seemed to be worried that the royal wealth would go back on her word. She controlled the blue shadow aura to gather a sheepskin scroll in her white hands and unfolded it.

Lin Lan looked curiously with the help of the dim light, and sure enough, he saw the royal wealth's handprint on the name of Party A on this sheepskin scroll.

This is the gift I have saved up for so long to give to the commander! Jinlu, when did you sign the contract in my name! What on earth is going on with this handprint!

Seeing the contract being taken out and displayed by Mary, Royal Wealth looked at the golden deer who was still snickering with grief and anger.

In this relaxed atmosphere, everyone soon encountered ordinary Shimmer Island fishing boats and unsailed wooden sailing boats floating up from the sea on the current.

There is obviously no measure to isolate the sea water on these ships.

The sailors on the ship are all sea lizards who can breathe directly in the sea.

However, after seeing St. Martin, the original surprise and panic in the eyes of these Shimmer Island fishermen and sailors turned into relieved smiles.

There were even many Liaozhou sailors who took the initiative to wave hello to St. Martin and Vida enthusiastically:

Lord Saint Martin, are these all your friends? Welcome to Shimmer Island as a guest!

I haven't seen outsiders coming for a long time. Mr. Saint Martin will definitely take your friends to the barbecue restaurant our ship opened in the food street.

Isn't this little Vida? My wife and I made a bet this morning that we would never see you go out today. I didn't expect that I would lose, hahaha.

Even though Lin Lan, Yun Xian and others were mentally prepared for the fact that Saint Martin and Vida would be so popular on Shimmer Island, they were still surprised.

Hey, Saint Martin and I just briefly helped to deal with some monsters that invaded Jiye City. They were so enthusiastic, but it turned out to be so troublesome, hey...

As a senior otaku, facing such enthusiastic people from Shimmer Island Liaozhou, Wei Da just sighed helplessly and explained the reason to Lin Lan.

After hearing this, Lin Lan suddenly realized.

Just like the heavy Sakura ship girls have a very high status in Snow Cherry Town, Saint Martin and Vader who live in Shimmer Island must have taken action several times when they encountered monster threats in Jiye City.

And this naturally makes them become guardian angels in the eyes of the local Liaozhou residents on Shimmering Island.

Hmph~ Compared to the pedantic warriors of the ghost clan on Cape Ghost Island, the residents here are still relatively simple and kind-hearted.

Having accepted that their treasures would be divided among the royal treasures, they looked at the Shimmering Island ships heading to the dock with them, and joked with a wicked smile:

If they knew that I was the captain of the famous Hurricane Pirates, I wonder if they would be so enthusiastic~

Pfft, do you know the royal wealth?

Hearing the complaints about the royal wealth, Vida seemed to think of something interesting, and a smile appeared on his lazy face:

I have seen your wanted list at the Adventurers Association of Jiye City before. The Nine Islands Alliance is offering a reward of five million Haichen coins for your head.

Hearing Vida's words, Royal Fortune was immediately stunned.

Just when Lin Lan thought that the royal wealth would be angry or panicked because of such a high reward...

The next second, the young pirate captain actually showed an ecstatic and excited smile on her face.

She quickly rushed to Vader, lifted Vader's petite body directly from the sea with both hands, her red eyes brightened, and asked happily:

Really? Really? Has this captain finally become a famous pirate again?!

Ah ha ha ha! Commander, did you hear that this captain is now the emperor of the sea worth five million Haichen coins!

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