After chatting and playing with the Predator girls who accompanied him on the beach until the sun was about to set, Lin Lan returned to the conference room with them and had a simple dinner together.

To be honest, with Akashi's help, Lin Lan felt that her pressure had dropped dramatically.

In terms of logistics, Akashi was able to help him arrange everything clearly, so he didn't have to worry about it anymore.

Commander, see you tomorrow!

After dinner, Lin Lan waved goodbye to the German sisters and the submarine girls.

It was getting late now, and he wanted to go back and take a good look at his bedroom.

Pushing the door open with the key, his bedroom has everything except a large bed, a bathroom, a bathroom, and a large balcony with floor-to-ceiling windows.

Completely villa standard.

He didn't come in to take a closer look during the day, so Lin Lan turned on the dark yellow chandelier. Only then did he see that his bed had been covered with soft quilts.

Akashi really paid attention to the decoration here, but such a big bed is too luxurious.

Lin Lan complained that his bed was too wide and felt that the design was a bit wasteful.

Then he went to the bathroom and took a comfortable hot bath. After washing up, he changed into the regular clothes in the cabinet and lay down comfortably on the big bed.

However, he suddenly discovered that there was a strange dark silver pattern on the back of his right hand.

He hurriedly turned on the bed lamp on the bedside table and looked carefully at the dark silver circle pattern.

He soon determined that this was not his imagination.

After trying to rub it to no avail, Lin Lan gave up on researching this thing.

This dark silver pattern cannot be seen unless you look closely, and it is like a tattoo and cannot be removed.

It's really strange. I didn't seem to have this thing on my hands before.

Lin Lan muttered, and at this moment, a cute sound of chirp came from his balcony.

He looked towards the floor-to-ceiling window, and then he saw that the little manjiu that had been following him before was actually here.

I thought you were going to work too, but it turns out you still come here to be lazy.

After getting up and carrying the Chiu into the room, Lin Lan lay back on the bed again.

He lay on the bed and lifted up the beast, kneading its soft feathers and observing it carefully.

This Manjiu is obviously larger than the other Manjiu in the port area, and its feathers are plumper.

Choo Choo Choo!

Hearing the Manjiu in his hand make a dissatisfied sound, Lin Lan put it down with a smile.

After playing all afternoon, he was already tired, and it was time to start feeling sleepy.

However, just as he was getting ready to sleep, there was a knock on the door of the room.

Who is it, coming so late?

Lin Lan put on her slippers and walked to the door in confusion, then opened the door with some confusion.

And when he opened the door and saw the person in front of him, his sleepiness suddenly disappeared.

Hi~Human-san, good evening~

The flowing silver-white hair hangs straight down, and the girl with blue eyes has a heart-warming look in her watery eyes.

A stunning girl wearing a pure white translucent gauze dress, with skin as white as snow, stood dignifiedly at the door.

With an extremely elegant smile on Emden's face, he looked at Lin Lan affectionately.

The soothing light fragrance hit her face, and she could tell that the beautiful swans in the east had just taken a bath not long ago, which made Lin Lan couldn't help but take a half step back.

Human-san, why do you retreat when you see Emden?

Is it possible that you are afraid that I will eat you?

Just when Lin Lan was about to say something, a warm body was suddenly pressed against his back, and the same sweet voice of Emden came from behind, close to his earlobe.

E, Emden, you...

Lin Lan turned his head and realized that another girl with red eyes and silver hair, wearing a tight-fitting translucent black gauze dress and red rose eye ornaments, had appeared behind him without knowing it.

Uh-huh, human-san, it seems you have already taken a bath.

The red-eyed Emden licked his lips, gently hugged Lin Lan with his slender and delicate arms, and breathed out a moist, hot breath next to his ear.

No need to say anything, lovely human-san, just obey Emden's arrangements~

The cute girl Emden outside the door took the opportunity to sneak into Lin Lan's house, squinting her crescent-like eyes and closing the door gracefully.

Choo Choo Choo.

Xiaomanjiu jumped out of bed in a very humane manner, ran to the window next to the balcony, consciously closed the curtains, and fled outside the balcony.

Lin Lan was pushed down on the bed step by step by two slim girls with long silver-white hair, with a dull look on his face.

This, isn't this right?

Emden, what are you doing, are you going to eat me by force?

Lin Lan, who was lying on the bed, was tightly clinging to two warm bodies.

Feeling the smooth touch of the girl's skin on her body, Lin Lan was so nervous that she didn't dare to move.

The two girls with long silver-white hair had already gently leaned their heads on both sides of Lin Lan's face, letting out sweet and addictive laughter.

Hehehe, Human-san is too nervous to move. Don't worry we will eat you~

After all, you are exhausted today. We have already agreed with the others that we will only eat you when you want to~

The girl spoke softly in Lin Lan's ear with an extremely sweet voice.

The two girls' slender fingers also gently stroked and kneaded Lin Lan's body, allowing Lin Lan's originally tense muscles to slowly relax.

No need to speak, you just need to be taken into a comfortable sleep by Emden and fall into the beautiful dream we created for you~

Well, human~-san, it's Emden's time now~ Uh huh huh~

The two girls, who had different personalities and tones, but both had such sweet voices, whispered into Lin Lan's ears.

At the same time, the fatigue hidden deep in his body was awakened again by the caressing and gentle rubbing of two pairs of slender and dexterous hands.

Human-san, Emden has seen your efforts all along...

Human-san, now you just need to close your eyes and feel the warmth of Emden with your body and mind~

With the extremely intimate whispers, Lin Lan felt the two girls approaching at the same time, and the ears on both sides felt the numbness of moist licking at the same time.


The sudden relief and stimulation made Lin Lan's eyelids become extremely heavy.

He couldn't help but murmur softly, and his two palms were held by the two girls with their fingers interlocked at the same time.

Sleep, human-san~ Emden is here...

Sleep, human~Sang, your life will be protected by our Emden...

The girl's sticky licking sound, full of temptation and warmth, sounded in his ears at the same time, reaching the deepest part of his consciousness.

The reassuring warmth came from his palms, and he finally fell into a deep sleep under the embrace of the fragrant and soft bodies of the two girls.


Emden's gentle chuckle was the last sound he heard.

Lin Lan felt that his sleep was extremely sweet and comfortable.

It was probably the best sleep he'd ever had.

When he woke up and opened his eyes, he found that his body was extremely refreshing, and all the fatigue accumulated before had been swept away.

But just when he wanted to get up, he found that his hands seemed to be suppressed by two extremely silky and soft pillows.

He looked down and saw that the two cushions were two beautiful girls sleeping soundly.

Although Emden is one body with two souls, with the white Emden with blue eyes being the main one, for a short period of time, the black Emden with red eyes can also appear in the real world.

The two girls snored cutely one after another, leaning closely against his chest, like two sleepy water snakes, entangled around his body.

Emden, thank you.

Lin Lan showed a smile.

He naturally knew that his current state was the result of the voice hints given to him by the two girls last night.

Lin Lan remembered that Emden seemed to have this special ability in the game settings.

The girl's low whisper, or the double voice, may be an irresistible beauty.

He changed into a comfortable sleeping position and held the two sleeping light patrol girls in his arms.


The girl with white rose eyes slept soundly, murmuring sweetly like she was dreaming, and had a faint smile on her lips, as if she was having some happy dream.

The girl with red rose eyes hugged Lin Lan more actively, as if instinctively.

He looked at Emden, his favorite ship girl in the past, clinging to him and being held in his arms.

A sense of incomparable happiness filled his heart, making Lin Lan feel that this life was worth it.

Through the thick curtains that were drawn, Lin Lan saw that it was still dark outside.

It was still early in the morning, and the two girls were still sleeping soundly. Lin Lan couldn't bear to wake them up.

Feeling the touch between his hands and the delicate skin curves of the two girls, and gently sniffing the girl's body fragrance, he fell into a deep and comfortable sleep again not long after.

Originally, he would not let go of the prey that came to his door, but he remembered the meticulous care Emden gave him last night.

It's not too late to wait until they wake up.

Commander, you can get up and have breakfast, nya.

Lin Lan was woken up by Akashi knocking on the door in a daze.

I know, I know, Akashi, go ahead and inform the others.

Lin Lan woke up from her sleep and sat up and shouted hello to Akashi outside the house.

Meow? Commander, you need to come early. If you sleep in, you will be disliked, meow~

The voice of Mr. Akashi's boss outside the door gradually faded away. Lin Lan secretly thought to himself that there was no need to rush about breakfast or anything else. He had other things to do this morning...

Wait, let’s get down to business, where’s Emden?

Only then did he realize that the two light patrol girls who had been accompanying him just now were no longer with him.

Ah this...

After Lin Lan looked around, she felt like crying without tears, and felt empty in her heart.

He had been prepared not to go to court early today.

As a result, in the current situation, it seems that he missed this excellent opportunity.

Just as he sighed and was about to get up and put on his clothes to have breakfast, he suddenly heard the sound of water being discharged from the bathroom.

Lin Lan was stunned for a moment, then looked along the bathroom, and saw folded black and white clothes neatly placed on the cabinet at the bathroom door.

Oh, it seems that I haven’t missed this opportunity.

He tiptoed to the bathroom. The huge bathroom door was not locked.

He gently raised his hand and pushed open the bathroom door. In an instant, Lin Lan was blocked by a large amount of white water vapor that hit his face.

Nearly two hours later, Lin Lan carried the two unconscious silver-haired girls back to his bed.

What's wrong with me, that I can be so strong? I didn't seem to be this exaggerated before.

Lin Lan opened the curtains, and the sun was already shining brightly outside, which proved that he had been fighting for such a long time.

He doesn't feel tired at all now. This is obviously against common sense and is too abnormal.

He remembered the time with the three Hipper sisters before, which almost made him die of exhaustion.

Only a few days have passed, how could he have made such great progress?

It's obviously not normal.

Just when Lin Lan was puzzled, the sunlight outside shone through the glass into the room.

And one of the rays of sunlight happened to shine on the back of his hand.

Lin Lan was in a daze in sage mode. From the corner of his eye, he noticed the mysterious silver pattern on the back of his right hand.

This silver pattern actually showed mysterious patterns under the sunlight.

Seeing this scene, Lin Lan couldn't help but look at the pattern carefully.

This is a frame similar to a six-pointed star. In the middle of the six-pointed star, there is a small silver long knife.

In addition, there were many densely written words on the edge and inside of the six-pointed star, but Lin Lan did not recognize these words.

I did it all night long in the cold wind, I hope you guys enjoy watching it.

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