Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 813 The Source of Siren Energy Energy Cube Array

Chapter 813 The Source of Siren Energy—Energy Cube Array

After the shimmering island nuclear guardian self-destructed, within a few minutes, the Type IV Executor fleet that came to respond joined everyone.

Before the arrival of these Executor fleets, there had been faint explosions in the dense forest.

Lin Lan and the Chongying ship girls all realized that these enforcers would choose to kill without mercy any monsters or island core guardians that blocked their way.

Unlike his ship girls, these Type IV Executors of various models look like human women, but they are all pure killing machines without emotions.

Once they find anyone classified as an enemy, they will kill them decisively without any nonsense. They are extremely efficient.

Because of this, after Lin Lan and his party set off again, they followed the siren fleet to the island core altar without encountering any monsters or island core guardians blocking their way.

Seeing the Purifier riding on the back of the hammerhead shark suit again, with a proud and showy smile on his face, Lin Lan sighed silently.

Even though he didn't want to admit it, the Siren was extremely reliable as an ally.

He still vaguely remembered that in the game, his meta ship girl, Princeton meta, seemed to have been mentioned in her lines.

Once in the original world, the ship girls fought side by side with the sirens, learning from each other's strengths and fighting against X.

At that time, the Siren was still called Antix.

Thinking of this, Lin Lan realized something.

It seemed that whether it was in the game plot or after traveling through time, the Builders, Purifiers and Purges he met always claimed to be Antiques.

And the title they promoted to the United States of Oran and Liaozhou was the same as the title they once promoted to him and his ship girls, they were Sirens.

The word siren, now that I think about it, is probably the pseudonym that Antix used when dealing with experimental materials.

So Lin Lan looked at the Purifier and asked:

Purification dear, I have always wondered why you, Antix, want to use the 'World Folding Technology' to bring our Minato area from the previous world to this world?

When the Purifier heard Lin Lan's sudden question, he didn't notice the change in his title at all. He just replied in surprise:

How do you know about the world folding technology? Oh~ I have guessed it. The builder must have told you.

After the Purifier finished speaking, she saw Lin Lan and the Chongying ship girls looking at her, so she giggled and said:

Don't look at me like that. Although this purifier can no longer connect to the host network, that operation was mainly carried out by the builder and Tova. I don't know much about it.

The world where you Minato used to be was invaded by a precursor to the Category V threat, but I guess you don't know what it was.

In short, you can understand that the place was targeted by X, and your sudden disappearance caused the interruption of the experimental plans of many hosts and experimental institutions.

The Purifier focused on Lin Lan, sighed with a smile, shook his head and continued:

You don't know how many experimental worlds the host dismantled to arrange the energy cube array in order to let various agencies find you.

Even the Arbitration Agency has been dispatched, interrupting all combat missions with Ember, and constantly searching for traces of you in every discoverable world.

You still remember Tova, the arbiter who brought Lavos to this world a few days ago. During that time, Tova was exhausted, and the machine was replaced several times due to overload...

Hearing this, Lin Lan suddenly frowned and interrupted the Purifier's talk:

Energy Cube Array? Is that your energy source, Antix?

Ouch! This is really a slip of the tongue!

The Purifier, who was caught by Lin Lan, immediately covered his mouth, and then showed a shameless smile again:

That kind of technology is still too dangerous for you now. The Rubik's Cube energy reactor made of the Mind Cube is safer. That's about the same~

Lin Lan nodded thoughtfully.

He remembered that the large-scale combat files in the game mentioned that the Mind Cube was a more stable Rubik's Cube product developed by Dr. Anjie based on the Energy Cube.

Compared with the energy Rubik's Cube, which is prone to accidents and whose energy is very unstable, the Rubik's Cube energy provided by the Mind Cube is safer to use.

At least, he decided not to let the White Eagle ship girls try to study the energy cube array until they obtained the same level of technology as the Sirens.

Just when the purifier thought that Lin Lan would not ask any more questions, Lin Lan asked his second question:

Does your host of Antix, Dreamweaver Zero, know that you have found me?


This time, not only did the smile on the Purifier's face suddenly freeze, but the Purifier, who was eating snacks on the Megamouth Shark Ship, suddenly dropped the potato chips in his hand and looked sideways at Lin Lan with a horrified look on his face.

At the same time, all the Type IV Executors guarding the path around them all stopped in unison.

This sudden move by the Siren Fleet immediately made all the ship girls around Lin Lan look on alert, ready to summon their ship equipment at any time.

How do you know the identity of the host? There is no way the builder would tell you this information... Wait! Did you finally remember everything?

The Purifier ignored the vigilant glances of the surrounding ship girls. Instead, he suppressed the smile on his face and looked at Lin Lan with great solemnity and asked.

Ah, I just asked you casually to scare you.

As for how I know Zero, of course it was the meta ship girls in my port area who told me. Didn't you just meet meta Helena?

Lin Lan raised the corners of his mouth, looked directly at the wide-eyed Purifier, spread his hands and smiled.

As a gamer, it was no secret to him that Dream Weaver Zero was the original Antix and later the Siren console.

He was just deliberately deceiving the Purifier.

At present, through the changes in the attitudes of the Purifiers and Clearers, Lin Lan has become convinced that the Siren's host, Zero, is probably not aware that he has been found.

Regardless of whether it was the experimental agency or the arbitration agency, Tempalus and Stelenkus, they all did not upload his return.

In conjunction with the time in Huanyang City, Stelenkus and Tempalance had plans to capture him alive...

It seems that there are many people acting without authorization within Antix.

All this, coupled with the current plan to attract X to come and open the Dibe Road leading to the Blue Star Passage in Liaozhou, Lin Lan couldn't help but sigh silently in his heart.

It's so frightening to death that I kissed you. How could I have forgotten this incident? It's all the observers who are nagging me every day, and it affects me too.

I don't know what the situation is on the host side, but I don't know how to mention the name of the host in the future.

As expected by Lin Lan, both the Purifier and the Cleaner breathed a sigh of relief after hearing that it was Helena Meta and the others who told him the name of Antix's host.

The original solemn atmosphere also disappeared with the Purifier's opening, and the surrounding Type IV executors also continued to move forward.

Haha, what you say is so mysterious, so what if Dream Weaver Zero is called by his name? It can't appear in front of us now, can it?

Akagi dismissed the Purifier's reminder and sneered.

But neither the Purifiers nor the Clearers cared much about Akagi's behavior.

Lin Lan also did not persuade Chicheng.

After all, the Purifier had said before that there was no way to connect to the Antix network inside Liaozhou, so Zero would naturally not find anyone talking about her.

Otherwise, how could these two Antix boys dare to reveal so much internal information to them?

But Lin Lan heard the Purifier mention the Observer, thought of his frequent dreams, and wanted to ask the Purifier again what the Observer had done to him.

However, before he could speak, the dense forest of wild fungi in front of everyone reached the end.

An empty ruin shrouded in golden light appeared before their eyes.

The majestic black shadow squirmed among the ruins, as if it wanted to rush out of the ruins, but was restrained by the golden transparent light curtain.

And the nauseating smell that filled the air around them, which everyone felt familiar, showed that this ruins were the destination of their trip.

The deepest place where light and shadow meet in Shimmer Island, where the original power of the island core is located, the Shimmer Island Core Altar.

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